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Over the next few months our shade filled government will put out a vaccine claiming to “prevent or cure” the Coronavirus!

If you choose to take the poison ☠️ you are a fool! What you NEED to be asking is how this disease was able to spread this far and who is in bed with the pharmaceutical companies!

Stay woke folks! They think you are ignorant and expecting you to take the bait!


1) Load up on the following supplements

Vitamin C





2) Stay Hydrated with the proper type of water

Nothing is better than pure spring water bottled in glass. NOTHING! Supplements do not absorb unless you are fully hydrated.

3) Invest in a face mask. Especially if you care for elderly parents or are elderly.

I truly feel that this disease is airborn and that our government will not come out with this fact until it’s too late.

I’m not one to induce panic but lets face it folks, our government is not out for our highest good!

Here is a little rant video about the Coronavirus that I filmed today.

Enjoy and thank you for subscribing to both my channels below. Be sure and hit the bell notification button followed by the “see all” button.

AndreaCoxTV {Health ~ Raw Vegan Recipes & Detox}

TheDetoxIntuitive {Monthly astrological Intuitive Readings ~ Spiritual Messages}

Until tomorrow

I love you

Please love yourself


Healthy Holidays

I hope all of you had a beautiful Christmas holiday! I love seeing everyone’s photos! I had a meditative 6 Hour drive to my sisters home in Phoenix on Christmas Eve. I packed the car with healthy food and took the furry husbands with me:)

It’s SO worth the drive with the dogs to listen to my sisters jokes while she makes homemade cinnamon rolls♥️ Watching furry Louis jump on top of my mom while hearing her scream “omg no” when she wakes…is classic!

I think the number one reason for making my trip is always my beautiful nephew Alex. We watched a beautiful sunset and took an hour long walk on Christmas morning. What a joy…what an absolute joy! He is truly brilliant!


As far as what I ate, you’re looking at it. I don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to the holidays. I never have and my family has always cleared off a shelf in the fridge for me. It’s not even a discussion and this is another reason I love my family. We accept each other for who we are at all different stages in our lives. It’s always been this way with us and it always will be. It’s the reason I feel so free to express myself with all of you. I know this is a lot to write for a bowl of raw vegan 🌱 pasta but what can I say…my heart is full! My “ten of cups” (tarot lingo) is my family and helping others get healthy.


Here’s to a FABULOUS 2019

Kathryn’s Story – Juice fast retreat

Yesterday my absolute FAVORITE client checked into the resort for her annual cleanse. Kathryn is a third time cancer survivor who sees her illness as “a health opportunity”! If that is not a positive attitude, I don’t know what is!

She said that her getting cancer has taught an entirely new way of living! She no longer wakes with an alarm at 5am and heads to StarBucks at 8am for a dairy clogging latte.

Kathryn now starts her day by walking her rescue dog Chip. Kathryn adopted Chip when she went through her divorce 7 years ago. “Chip gives me companionship” she says.

After walking Chip she sips on lemon water while checking her e-mails. She loves the way it aids her digestive system. Kathryn then jumps on the rebounder for 15 minutes. This not only gets her lymphatic system moving, it also improves her mood.

Kathryn hired me to create a meal plan for her after she first came to detox with me five years ago. She now comes every year to keep on top of her cleansing regimen and to improve her overall health.

Learn More about my group and one on one 


Raising your consciousness

A gift from spirit of your consciousness evolving is the capacity to recognize and honor the sacred awareness that lives through ourselves. This awareness is blocked by our identification with our “mask” or ego self.

Do you see yourself or others as being superior or inferior? Honest or dishonest? Good or evil? Are you keeping others stuck or are you yourself stuck due to another persons indecisiveness? Why would you allow someone to have that heavy of a hand in your life?

Do you feel others constantly control you through money, words or actions that are kept hidden? Could it be that you yourself are not the one in control of your own bad habits, impulsiveness or being who you truly are?

Explore how mindfulness and kindness free us to inhabit the vastness of our intuitive awareness. This allows us to expand to greater consciousness in order to love all beings. Even those who have hurt us.

Below is a quote by Rumi: Are you searching for your true self? Then come out of your own prison.

Learn about a new type of retreat. A spiritual retreat that offers a gentle detoxification of the body while incorporating mindful intuitive eating, fasting, yoga and meditation


Life changing!

Over the past few days I’ve sent you emails dealing with the emotional side of detoxification. I explained how “our issues live in our tissues”. I spoke about how difficult it is to detox on a cellular level when you have unresolved emotions.

This is the reason I have been working on revamping my retreats! Gone are the days of simply detoxing! Here are the times of a new way of cleansing our bodies! Click here for the dates and info on how to detox your body on a cellular level by joining me for a week of juicing, meditation, breath-work and Yoga!

As awareness increases we naturally enhance our relationship with our true Self. Not the self we show when we want others approval. Our real selves. You will leave your retreat with an increased sensitivity to your true energy field. This retreat will have you losing weight, gently detoxifying on a cellular level, making decisions with ease while bringing awareness and cellular health into your daily life! Upon returning home, you’ll notice you will be able to handle whatever arises in your life from your sacred self rather than your conditioned egoic mind. The egoic mind creates a scarcity complex that only leads to hiding behind masks and closed doors.

On a physical level, the whites of your eyes will be clearer, your pants will fit looser and you’ll notice you have much more energy!

The purpose of spiritual practice and teachings is to help us find freedom from the limiting habits, patterns, behaviors and beliefs we have absorbed from our childhood, culture and family conditioning. It also helps us heal old wounds that other wounded people have placed upon us from their conditioning and beliefs. May we all live from our true self – our sacred spiritual self!

The various practices offered will not always follow conventional, currently popular practices of detoxification, yoga and/or meditation. I will also be asking you to do coffee enemas every morning. You’ll be provided all the teachings, equipment, classes, supplements, cold pressed juices, love, support and hand holding you need.

Be prepared to explore unconventional innovative and novel means of moving energy through and out of your body and mind. This will only increase your capacity for greater levels of awareness that exist beyond your conditioned and limited self.

If you have questions or, would like private assistance through this process, feel free to send me an E-mail here


Detox, Yoga, Fasting Spiritual Retreats!

mexicoretreatyogastretchCome join us to release the weight and toxins FOR GOOD! All while diving DEEP into gentle yoga, meditation and deep tissue cleansing!

Your days will consist of Yoga, meditation, relaxation, juicing, dips in the ocean, therapeutic spa treatments, colon cleansing and classes with Andrea In the evening. We also incorporate spirituality practices such as crystal therapy, breath work and chakra balancing.

A Typical Day

  • Your day begins with fresh lemon water and morning meditation.
  • Enjoy gentle yoga on the lawn or in front of the ocean. This practice gets your lymphatic system flowing!
  • Gentle dry brushing & a cool shower {or take a dip into the ocean} will be next to help your body naturally awaken and prepare for the day!
  • Enjoy a massage followed by a self administered coffee enema! The coffee enema stimulates the liver to release old bile.
  • Throughout the day enjoy freshly made alkalizing green juice that will feed your body on a cellular level.
  • Join us for five days of gently detoxing your body mind & soul! We will be juice fasting for three days & completing our fast by eating raw living plant based foods.

Most guests lose ten pounds of toxic waste from their bodies! By the time you leave, you’ll be able to eat without that annoying bloat! The whites of your eyes will be brighter & your skin will GLOW! Enjoy Daily yoga, guided meditation, detox classes taught by me & ocean view rooms!

This will be a detox for your body and a spiritual awakening for your soul!During your detox retreat we do not limit your cleansing experience to just the body! We focus on many spiritual aspects as well!

Chakra alignment ~ This brings your entire body into a higher vibration by opening the pathways for better receptivity & a faster healing process! You can expect better digestion, less foggy thinking and old aches and pains to disappear.

Natal Chart ~ Every guest who attends Alkalize with Andrea detox, yoga juice fasting raw food spiritual retreats gets their natal chart along with an explanation of each element. This helps you to better understand personality traits of yourself that you may have struggled with in the past. Often times we go through flux (ups & downs) of our moods due to planetary alignments.

Crystal therapy ~ Each guest will receive a crystal to balance them. These crystals are based off of their natal charts & planetary placements mentioned above.

The food & juices ~ All meals provided to break your fast are organic vegan recipes from Andrea’s books Raw-Licous Recipes and Juicing for Beauty!

Andrea’s classes ~ We will have fun and informative discussions, where you will learn all about juicing and holistic living, including how and what to juice for the best results. You will also develop an understanding of living “a cleansing lifestyle” and how to feel truly beautiful in your own body!


Price is all inclusive {massages & spa treatments are available for an additional fee} All food & juices are 100% organic! No need to bring toiletries. In fact, we prefer you don’t! We provide organic soap, sulfite free shampoo’s, conditioner & fluoride free toothpaste! Just bring comfortable clothing, a good book, yoga clothes and your bathing suit!

Questions? E-mail me at

To Book, simply page down to the end of our information page here!


Reminder to join me for detox Q & A LIVE Today! Have your detox, health, juicing, vegan lifestyle and natural beauty questions ready! Join me here at 3:30 LIVE!

Prepared to be blown away! Full Body, mind & soul detox!

I’m SO excited to be hosting a retreat in April at a beautiful resort in Mexico!

For years I have searched for the perfect location to hold my Alkalize with Andrea yoga, juice fasting raw food detox retreats! This never became so important as it did this past year! During the major planetary shifts that occurred in 2017, I was thrust into a spiritual journey! This journey has truly changed every facet of my life! So much so that I knew I had to bring my new spiritual awareness to all of you! The only part missing was a beautiful destination! 

I’m happy & proud to say that my angels, God & The Universe conspired to make this happen! A friend of mine told me about a retreat center their friend built last year! They were looking for a retreat facilitators. And the rest my detox savvy friends is history!

During your detox retreat we do not limit your cleansing experience to just the body! We focus on many spiritual aspects as well!

Chakra alignment ~ This brings your entire body into a higher vibration by opening the pathways for better receptivity & a faster healing process! You can expect better digestion, less foggy thinking and old aches and pains to disappear.

Natal Chart ~ Every guest who attends Alkalize with Andrea detox, yoga juice fasting raw food spiritual retreats gets their natal chart along with an explanation of each element. This helps you to better understand personality traits of yourself that you may have struggled with in the past. Often times we go through flux (ups & downs) of our moods due to planetary alignments.

Crystal therapy ~ Each guest will receive a crystal to balance them. These crystals are based off of their natal charts & planetary placements mentioned above.


Price is all inclusive {massages & spa treatments are available for an additional fee} All food & juices are 100% organic! No need to bring toiletries. In fact, we prefer you don’t! We provide organic soap, sulfite free shampoo’s, conditioner & fluoride free toothpaste! Just bring comfortable clothing, a good book, yoga clothes and your bathing suit!


Questions? E-mail me at

Enjoy the most stunning sunsets in the World!

Enjoy the most stunning sunsets in the World!


The rooms are incredible! Many rooms have ocean views! You’ll be right on the water!


Daily yoga classes are taught by a certified instructor in a beautiful environment with an ocean view! This assists the body in gently letting go of stuck waste, old patterns & addictions! If you are new to yoga, don’t be afraid! Yoga is like a moving meditation!

You will love it!


All recipes are my very own from my book Raw-Licous! The food & juices are made with 100% organic ingredients! These recipes of mine will be prepared by a professional chef on site!

I can’t wait to meet you at our April 29th retreat! 

Mentally, physically & spiritually centered!

Here we are, half way through February and what have you accomplished thus far? 

If that question irritated you, keep reading! I know how it is! I’ve been where you are! Lethargic and tired with little motivation. Unsure about how to begin. I can remember not fitting into clothes that I wanted to wear. I can remember not wanting to wear a bikini. I can remember not wanting to exercise due to not having the energy.

Then, one day, I woke up! I educated myself on how to eat EVERYTHING I wanted without cutting portion sizes down. I learned that carbohydrates were my friend and that I could actually release weight by eating a high carb plant-based diet! I learned the secrets and soon awoke to my mission! The mission to gently detox others through mind, body and spirit. A mission to teach people how to release toxins and weight FOR GOOD! All while achieving spiritual balance!

Every guest that attends an Alkalize with Andrea retreat leaves saying the same thing…”This was a life changing experience”! & “I will never see food the same again”!

My goal is not to have you return! My goal is to leave you feeling empowered and inspired to consciously create the life you’ve always desired. You will experience a deep physical, spiritual and emotional transformation!


Benefits of attending an Alkalize with Andrea Detox, yoga, juice fasting, raw food educational retreat include:

  • Weight Loss
  • Enhanced mental clarity
  • Relief from pain
  • Improved energy
  • More restful sleep
  • Elimination of excess toxins
  • Decreased Physical Signs of Aging
  • Brighter eyes & clearer skin
  • A feeling of calm & peace

Daily activities at Alkalize with Andrea Detox, juice fasting, yoga raw food educational retreats:

  • Daily yoga & meditation
  • Guided nature hikes
  • Daily herbal supplements, probiotics and juices
  • Fresh, local organic produce
  • Private physical and energetic evaluation
  • Healthy lifestyle guidelines and life coaching
  • Daily conversations on creating a life that is fulfilling and joyful
  • A natal birth chart
  • Optional private healing sessions (for an additional fee)
  • Colon cleansing/coffee enema equipment
  • Daily conscious eating & food combining classes

Shared Room: $2100 & Private Room: $2,600 (depending on the room type you choose).

We have spots available for our February and March retreats! Click here to reserve your spot & transform your health and life forever!

I did my own little detox right along with Kathy!

A day in the life at a detox retreat!

Wake ~ Another beautiful day!

Morning guided meditation

Dry brushing

Steam room

Enjoy a fresh liver detox juice

colonic or enema

Yoga with Trevor!

Have another juice!

Class with Andrea!

Go for a massage!

Enjoy your detox tea with evening supplements!

Get an excellent nights sleep!


Family time, Detox GALORE and tonights LIVE show!



On Friday I packed up my doggies and some healthy snacks and hit the road! Arizona is a bit of a drive but WELL WORTH IT! A good portion of my Ohio roots are there!

We had a FABULOUS time and I actually don’t mind the heat at all! You just have to be more cautious with doggies (and lipstick oh and chocolate too)! Everything seems to melt!

Check out what I wrote about my STUNNING nephew on my Facebook page here! Be sure to read the rest of this E-mail below!


Read about my darling nephew’s accomplishments here! I’m so proud of him!

Another retreat is happening NOW! retreat-photos

I rolled into San Diego from Arizona at 3 AM in order to greet my guests at 8 AM! They rolled in from all over the world to partake in another Alkalize with Andrea detox retreat!

We shared a beautiful yesterday morning followed by the final meal prior to their cleanse beginning! They are a product of an overflow from my last retreat being overbooked!!! I thank God every day for blessing me with the ability to do what I love and to LOVE what I do!

Work is play for me because it is my passion and what inspires my drive!

Book your retreat now!

On tonight’s Facebook live show ~ My sister’s salad!

What do you do when your sister makes you a DIVINE SALAD? You create it for your loving Facebook family!

On tonights Facebook live I’ll be making you a meal in a bowl!

Join me LIVE at 6pm pacific!


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