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Archive for the category “gratitude”

The Psychology of Gratitude

July 3rd is my mothers birthday and it had me pondering how very grateful I am for her and also about the gratitude she taught my sisters and I without even trying as we were growing up. You see, we didn’t grow up as trust fund babies. We grew up in a small town in Dayton Ohio. After we lost my dad, my mom often worked two jobs in order to put food on our plates. More about this below.

According to the dictionary this is the definition of the word gratitude below.  Gratitude ~ noun pronunciation ~ grat·i·tude

the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.


Now back to my beautiful mom who has me all up in my feels!

Happy Birthday to my beautiful mother! To know you is to love you!

I am really grateful for my mom. She has ALWAYS been there for me and always believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself.

My mother is the wisest, funniest, sarcastic beautiful green eyed woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I am proud to call her my mother.

Never unkind
Everything to us!

Andrea Cox with mother Bonnie

Today I want to share with you something my mother has always said… “tomorrow is a new day, always be grateful”.

Every day we have a choice on what to focus on.

Yesterday my Mac book and I said goodbye. Remembering that everything is always working out for our highest good I made the conscious choice of not making a fuss or attempting to fix it.
I thought oh well time for a new one! 

‪Today I am choosing to focus gratitude on‬ the following

‪The sun‬
‪My funky side yard garden‬ that is in full bloom!
‪My roses‬
‪Cellular detox body mind & spirit ‬
‪My green juice‬
‪My RescueDogs ‬
‪Getting my mom and sisters B-day gifts out at the post office!

Gratitude is something I teach in several of my programs. I even have you fill out a daily gratitude journal the entire thirty days of my Detox Your Life Program!

Andrea Cox’s #garden #raw #veganrecipes #greenjuice

Whether you go with my Detox Your Life program or, choose to keep a simple log of gratitude daily, I know the choice to write down your daily bliss will comfort you during these strange times we are living in!

Here’s another simple daily entry of mine from the fourth of July weekend!!

July 4th, 2020 Gratitude Journal entry

My plans today are simple

A manicure & pedicure!

A full body Ayurvedic massage

Beautiful people inside and out

An incredible Vegan meal

A gorgeous view

Happy 4th my friends!

Today’s menu ~

🌱 Fresh pressed OJ
🌱 Guacamole
🌱 Baked butternut squash
🌱 Homemade pita’s
🌱 Watermelon
🌱 Coconuts of course
🌱 Avocado chocolate mousse
🌱 Salad {of course}!

Raw Vegan Brunch
Fourth of July 2020
Andrea Cox

The bottom line here is this, a grateful heart will take you farther than you could ever imagine! This is a lesson my mother has instilled into my two older sisters and I for years. We grew up with very little yet she made certain we shared dinner together and always had a few laughs too! We watched Dallas and Falcon Crest on Friday’s. She popped popcorn and took us to the drive in movies. We visited my Grandma every week. My mother was grateful just to be able to give us the memory of sharing a meal together every night. 

So today, every organic meal I serve my two husbands with fur makes my heart filled with joy! Every juice I make makes me smile from ear to ear! Every meal I share with a friend creates a memory that fills my soul with gratitude! 

And this my friends is what life is all about! 

I love you

Please love yourself ~ Andrea


‪Who heals the healer … ‬‪

Who takes care of Gaia, mother of creativity, the earth & all ideas and seeds that grow… God and the universe do! 

Because the abundance that she gives, the wealth that she hands to the masses does not have a price tag and can never be bought. 

She… Gaia Mother Earth is always there to embrace and love us.. to hold and have us amongst every turn within every cycle of life. 

Steal from her bounty of color and creative riches and you will always falter, loosing in the end. Give to her with love, kindness and respect and you will rise faster and higher than you ever knew was possible. Oh but dirty her soil and leave her garden unwatered and your own fruit will fall to the ground and rot.

She is the earth mother 

the creator of all creators

She is the confusion of the mind that is so beautifully articulated from her lips and in the art that surrounds her and becomes her. Treat her well knowing that everything around you came from her see that she planted.

Hey Luv’s, lately I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching. I just feel that so much of what we are seeing on the news isn’t real. What people fail to see is we are in an election year. I can’t help but wonder how many of these events we are seeing on the media are staged. 

And YES… I know that racism is a very real thing! I would not want to be a black man getting pulled over in today’s society. But the truth is a lot of these events we see in the media are being staged with antagonistic players that strategically placed as part of a much larger agenda! 

And I am NOT going to give up on you! That you too will soon see through the BS!

Today, on Wednesday’s Wisdom I talked a little bit about what I’m seeing. Your thoughts are welcome. Click here for Wednesday’s Wisdom 

You’ll see in the video link above that I do share a few tips on how to continue to elevate your vibration during these trying times. 

  • Carry a small smooth selenite in your right pocket
  • Pick up a love tuner whistle that is tuned to 528 megahertz  
  • Stay hydrated
  • Keep your food limited to high vibrational raw living foods such as water filled fruits, vegetables, cold pressed juices and big girl salads! 
  • Get outside in nature daily! Nature heals! 
  • Ground yourself (bare feet) on the earth every morning. Try to do this in the sand or on un sprayed grass. 
  • Sleep next to a salt lamp
  • Speak your mind! Stuffed away hidden feelings turn into an acid filled body. This can lead to cancer and other degenerative diseases.
  • Stay woke by turning away from the news and mass media. Trade the news in for mother nature. Mother nature rejuvenates, the news will only create toxic thoughts that will manifest itself into illness. 

Copyright © Andrea Cox

My super eight!

Hello Beautiful!

Last week I had the absolute delight of sitting across from another March 19th birthday Piscean like myself. I passed on dinner and instead enjoyed the conversation. I took home this delightful dessert that I enjoyed the following evening on my back patio. 

I can’t tell you the sheer joy I find in the little things lately. Feeling the sun on my face, walking my dogs in the morning and enjoying Raw Vegan peppermint pie.

Today I woke up feeling grateful. I created the gratitude list below. Enjoy and try filling one out for yourself today.

1) I am grateful for the conversation with my mother this morning. 

2) I am grateful for my two furry husbands. 

3) I am grateful for my beautiful home full of salt lamps, plants and crystals. 

4) I am grateful for the food in the fridge. 

5) I am grateful that I can feed my dogs organically.

6) I am grateful for my gym and yoga studio memberships. 

7) I am grateful for my clients

8) I am grateful for the love of God that I carry within my heart every day as I walk this earth and these times of growth and drastic change. 

Tell me what you are grateful for today!

I love you

Please love yourself and enjoy the little things.

I’m going LIVE at 4:44 Pacific tonight on Facebook to answer your detox and spirituality questions!

Join me here

In Full Gratitude

To all of my lovely clients

Thank you

I prayed to my ancestors to guide you to me

You all showed up

Healing me of co dependency

As I healed your broken hearts and self abused bodies 

I asked to be provided for Universally, Spiritually and within my health so that I could remain an open portal for you

I prayed that I would never go without

 As I went on the hermits journey alone

You each trickled in like stars from the sky

Healing me from feeling as though I would fall under… 

You provided for me as I provided a light out of darkness for each of you

I lit meditation candles on Sunday

Protection candles on Monday

Creativity candles on Tuesday

Candles for peace on Wednesday

Prosperity candles on Thursday

Candles for guidance on Friday

And candles honoring my ancestors on Saturday …. 

Knowing that they would send you to me.

I chanted

I prayed

I did my yoga

I fasted

I wrote

I colored

I cried And I paid every bill with full on gratitude 

As you take the lessons I have given you in health mind body and soul, I pray that you know that every time you have and continue to patronize my business more and more abundance will flow back to you at rapid speed. This is my promise to you. 

Self sufficiency feels like a freedom I had forgotten. To do what I love utilizing my ancestral roots as my footing feels natural. 

Today we celebrate almost two years since beginning TheDetoxIntuitive YouTube channel and TheDetoxIntuitive website while still running. AndreaCoxTV & 

Thank you!!!

It wasn’t easy

There were a few obstacles along the way. But you stuck by me.

In humble gratitude I standWith tears in my eyes. I am forever grateful for you!

Happy and grateful for all of you for joining me on this journey.

We truly are all one

I only want the best for you

Please love yourself


Gratitude and health


Last night I had a call with a new client. About 30 minutes in his dogs began to bark and I heard the anxiety in his voice increase. He said his son was home and he may need to reschedule the call. I don’t know where it came from but I asked out of the blue “does your son have an addiction problem”? “Yes, to meth amphetamine” he said.

We were able to get through the entire hour long call without disruption. It was shocking to learn how limited people are in the United States in being able to get (afford) treatment for their children and loved ones. The cost of treatment. The fact that insurance companies are not covering certain aspects of treatment and how blatantly ignorant the government wants everyone to be when it comes to getting the right type of treatment. Treatment that focuses on body mind family support etc.

When I see someone going through so much suffering-watching their child suffer from addiction it hurts my heart deeply. Then, There are those who have decent lives who CHOOSE to focus on not settling quarrels with loved ones and who falsely thrive off minuscule family disputes during the holidays.

Please open your eyes to the beauty you have around you. Please awaken to how lucky you truly are. Please stop feeding the drama of that one in law who strives to make everyone else miserable.

Life is SO very short! People have real problems in the world. At this very moment I am sitting outside appreciating the sun beating against my face. That is life…this is appreciation. This is love!48380762_10213832601509906_3390972247509303296_o

God, the Universe and our spirit guides have a plan!

lover-girlI had stopped doing yoga
Somehow taking care of myself wasn’t important anymore
I think the worst part about it is I spent more time alone that last year we were together than ever before

I felt easily Disposable
And within that disposability I found myself again.
Here had lied my take on it
But then I realized that was not his take at all

There was a lot done for me
A lot that I could’ve done for myself
There were endless errands ran on my behalf
But he loved doing little things for me
Many times I didn’t have to ask
Juice would be delivered on my doorstep
The trash cans were taken down on Thursdays
Water bottles were filled once a week with alkaline water
He liked doing the dishes
Even if he grew tired of the company

And yes I did a lot for him
Constant head rubs through his hair as he drove us towards our adventures

Little adventures for him ~ HUGE adventures for me
I once did cranial sacral on him to calm his anxiety
I made him the healthiest meal’s balancing his omega sixes threes and nine’s
Tonic elixirs and other surprises  in the morning
I had learned not to upset him
That Tongue was brutal

But every relationship no matter how strong has a karmic cycle to go through
Our’s felt like a war
a war with casualties on every corner
there were land mines everywhere
you had to watch your step
too many people in the ballgame
All from the past
Many reaching for a handout
And many who knew he had a fragile mind out to cause confusion
I woke one day and had lost hope
I couldn’t see a future anymore
Not like this
Not without healthy boundaries

I began to feel unprotected
I started to get E-mails
Phone calls
And even horrible comments on my social media from his past
This went on the whole time
The entire length of our union
And all along
I was called “crazy”

But I began to see my part in it as well
I began taking from him like the others
In order to heal myself and heal my heart I had to recognize my part in a very good
very beautiful thing
that went very wrong

I loved way too much
And yes, I lost my health and myself in the process
He loved way to Little
And gave way too much out of his own fear of being alone.

And I couldn’t go back when he returned
I hadn’t yet learned my lesson
Nor had he
I hadn’t recognized that my…
beautiful food displays
my daily yoga practice
my nature hikes with the dogs
and my smile had escaped me

I had forgotten how to get to the farmers market that I had spent every Sunday at for the past six years…I had lost my way

I ran into him the other day
He was at my favorite grocery store
The store he always said “he hated”
I found it bewildering
Why now
Our spirit guides wanted us to see something
That we were different
Yet still the same
A little older now
A bit wiser
But still up to the same

I grabbed my strength and walked up to him
I stroked my hand across his back and gave him a wave as I walked away
My heart felt a butterfly
But as I left the store the butterfly flew away
I knew that now…
Now I was healed
my heart was back in tact
my souls calling stood before me
I had found my peace
Not from looking outside myself
But from going within
I now know whatever is for me ….I need not walk after
chase after
Or ever feel the need to look after
Whatever is for me lays in destiny’s hands
And he
it ….will seek me in its most authentic form of creation.

Copyright Andrea Leigh Cox Inc 

all rights reserved

How to do a new moon ritual

Tonights new moon is going to be absolutely fabulous! On both New Moon and Full moons I always do a ritual. Both are different as the New moon invites the new, the full moon gets rid of the old (thank goodness).

Cleanse your space ~ Sage Palo Santo or whatever you fancy! Just light and walk around your home saying the following “I only allow loving supportive happy positive people into my home and my life”.

Invite the four elements of Air, water, Earth and Fire into your space ~ I always grab a dish of water, light an incense to represent air, I use a candle for fire and bring in the outdoors in the form of a flower to represent earth.

Write your Intentions for the next 30 days Draw a large circle on a piece of paper with your pink marker . . . make sure it’s large enough for you to write in. Sign and date the bottom of the paper.

Meditate on how you will feel when your intentions come into fruition ~ This is my favorite part of the ritual. I sit and visualize my dreams coming into fruition. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE during this process! I mean ANYTHING! The point here is to take as much time as you need in order to visualize.

I hope this helps you! It truly has helped me get through some pretty difficult times. It also clears my mind to know what I truly desire!


The only way to Give

About a week ago someone offered me a really nice gift. It was actually a replacement of a large ticket item due to a mishap a year ago where two people were equally to blame.
I was floored with gratitude but I also felt scared. I wanted to make certain this person knew not to have expectations that I would be repaying him in any way. The moment I made that clear, the replacement item was no longer an option. He wasn’t giving from his heart. He was giving from a place of expectation. Expecting to get a return on his investment. That investment being me.
Unfortunately, I was not in compliance with this “deal”.
With our history and the confusion of events that occurred over the past year that option had been omitted by me a few months back. 

So why am I feeling happy today? Because even though the item I had dreamed about is gone and sold. Even though there wont be an opportunity to ever buy an item with that combination of beauty, I didn’t compromise myself. By not compromising myself I saw the true intention behind the gift that was being offered to me. The true intention was someone doing nice things for me to “suddenly” come closer without having to explain a situation that had gone on over the past year and without expressing any true feelings or intentions.

I learned three lessons from this
1) Give without expectations ~ I’ve actually always given from my heart so this wasn’t really a lesson to me but an important reminder.

2) Hold true to your integrity ~ If someone is offering you a tangible gift know that unless that person is spiritually enlightened (has done their work), unless they are truly doing something from their heart, they will have expectations. By being upfront with this person I was standing within my integrity. 

3) Love is a balance between giving and receiving. Love is an action Love is an action. Love is clear communication. Love is kindness and giving to others in the way they receive. If a person is not willing to take action with their time, if they are keeping secrets or acting sneaky, thats not love. That is deceit. And no matter how large the gift, no matter how much you need the gift, some gifts aren’t worth compromising your integrity for. If a person isn’t able to give without expecting something from you in return, you don’t need this person in your life.

Some people say there’s no such thing as a selfless act—that any time we do something to help another person, we get something in return, even if it’s just a warm feeling within our heart.
I disagree. I think many people who don’t know the true meaning of giving, become bitter and angry often holding resentment and anger towards the receiver. This can even turn into a deep rooted hatred and blame towards the receiver. This same paradigm goes for those who give of… 
their time
their affection
their attention
their loyalty
their love 
their care
and their true intention of where a situation or relationship is truly leading to. People who give from the heart (not the wallet) are always crystal clear with their communication! Why? Because they are expecting nothing in return! They don’t look at people as commodities. They see people for their heart. 

It doesn’t really bother me to know it feels good to help someone else. That, to me, is a completely acceptable type of selfishness. What gives me cause for concern are the underlying expectations we often have when we give “selflessly” or is it “selfishly” with expectations?

I’ve found that those who give with expectations cause themselves and others more stress than joy. They mar the act of giving, which makes the receiver feel guilty. they lead to disappointment if the person I helped doesn’t return the act of kindness; and they tie my intentions to an internal score card, which places a wedge in my relationships. A HUGE WEDGE OF BLAME AND SHAME!

Recently I’ve been asking myself, “What is my expectation?” before I do something for another person. Since I give as a caregiver and lover by

caring for peoples health through making them healthy food
always trying to lift others up though my words especially when they are down and through physical touch or affection, I basically love with no conditions or expectations!
But, everyone who gives in this way has their limits when not receiving the time, truth and progress they need. Without seeing any action, we all eventually give up. In this situation, I was grateful for the person attempting to fix a major problem they had a hand in creating however, too late for them to try to come towards me without first giving me an apology, clarity, and action.
Because giving from the heart is naturally rewarding! Giving with the expectations of getting some type of benefit for yourself is manipulating.

Those who know how to give, release the need to control what they get for giving!

Unfortunately unless someone has “done their work”, human nature kicks in and dictates the “what’s in it for me attitude”. Sad but true! This blocks the Universe from giving us our true hearts desire! This also ALWAYS guilts the receiver!

Funny, I had never heard the scenario of “guilt and shame” until this person said it to me VERY early on in our friendship. I now know that he was who taught me what guilt shame and blame is. Again, I’m grateful for these lessons.

Releasing expectations doesn’t mean you give other people permission to treat you thoughtlessly. It just means you check in with your motivations and give because you want to, and then ask for things directly when you want them. If you aren’t doing this, you are using manipulation tactics. And many of us will see that from a mile away!

Bottom line, People who care about you will be there for you. They don’t expect you to be a mind reader and they ask for what they need. Whether that need is physical, emotional or monetary.
I love you, please love yourself ~ Andrea
copy-write Andrea Leigh Cox 2018

My Birthday Wish!

I treated myself to a healthy gift for my birthday today!

Today is my birthday! I woke up at the crack of dawn and headed to a meditation center next to my home for yoga. The sky was stunning as I walked out!

I decided to treat myself to a beautiful gift of health after leaving yoga! I went and harvested fresh spring water! You too can harvest your own by going to to find the closest location to tap into this life force water!

I’ll be FaceTiming with my family later and enjoying the beautiful weather with my doggies! Since I can’t see my Facebook wall due to y’all sharing birthday blessings on it:)

I personally think mothers are the ones that need to be honored on birthdays! They are the ones who go through the pain of birthing and raising us! I always thank my mom for birthing, raising and putting up with all my crap!

I may go visit my favorite crystal store in Encinitas today! I’ve been eyeing a HUGE amethyst for over a year now! It’s time to treat myself! Tomorrow we will be launching a brand new website! YAY! I’ve worked on this with a BRILLIANT millennial for a few months now! This is my TRUE calling in this life time and I am praying y’all support me in this new spiritual vision! The new website will have a plethora of health, detoxification and spiritual offerings!

I can honestly say that even though the past year has been extremely confusing and difficult. I am more excited about life today than EVER before!

Thank you for all the birthday love!!!

I only want the best for you ~ Andrea

My Birthday Wish ~ Many of you have requested a PO Box to send gifts. I would prefer you donate to your local high kill animal shelter. If you do this and send me a donation receipt as proof, I will send you one of my programs for FREE! YAY!

Birthday blessings with fresh spring water!

Birthday blessings with fresh spring water!

My Birthday Wish!

Hi there:)

My birthday is coming up on March 19th! YAY! I love having birthdays! I truly feel we have the opportunity each year to grow younger! Within our mind, our body and our spirit!

This year I have a wish! It’s a two fold wish! I’m certain you can help me with both parts!

Part 1 It would make me the HAPPIEST birthday girl in the world if you would be so generous to donate to the ASPCA! They do incredible rescue work for the animals! I have supported them for quite some time now and know that even small donations help!

Here is the link to contribute

Part 2 The photo below has the logos of some of the WORST companies out there that test on innocent animals! My wish is that you stop using any products from these companies! Not only will this help lesson the torture of the voiceless (the animals), it will also benefit you! These companies all use toxic chemicals that lead to pre mature aging, estrogen dominance and cancer!

Together I know we can make a difference by saying NO to companies that partake in animal cruelty! Doing this along with supporting Non profits such as the ASPCA and going Vegan make all the difference in the world!

Thank you for giving me the BEST birthday ever!


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