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How to change your health and your life!


Andrea Cox Intuitive healer, detox specialist, holistic health coach

Andrea Cox Intuitive healer, detox specialist, holistic health coach

Hello friend,

Once per year I extend an offer to you that far surpasses ANY Black Friday sale you’ll come across today! It’s the gift that keeps on giving! A gift of a renewed life refreshed mind and refurbished body! It’s the only gift that allows you to heal from the inside out. It’s the gift of my health coaching and intuitive guidance services.

The results my clients achieve after working one on one with me in the areas of cellular detoxification, weight-loss, eating disorder recovery, intuitive guidance and overall spiritual health are life-changing! In fact, I often say to my clients “I don’t want to see you back again let’s get it right the first time”. And every time, we do get it right!

You see, my goal is not to have you come back as a repeat client. My goal is to send you back into the world as an entirely new person. Someone who feels confident within their body mind spirit and soul. A healed person who is doing their life’s work. A balanced human who is interacting healthily with their life partner, family, and friends.

When I work with clients it is not for the sole purpose of them losing weight however most of them end up losing about a pound to two pounds per day. While discovering their true calling in life and ending codependent relationships friendships and business partnerships that have had them in a struggle or even feeling trapped.

Have you been struggling with your weight, emotional over-eating, binging, people-pleasing, relationship toxicity, or mental blocks? Do you feel that you are in a codependent relationship where you are not getting the love, attention, and admiration that you deserve? If you find yourself answering “yes” to any of the above mentioned, it’s time to book a call to begin our month-long coaching.

Here are just a few benefits my clients achieve along with proven healing protocols they learn with them during our month-long process together!

* Loss of the ego-self
* More Self-confidence and elevated self-esteem
* Profound emotional healing
* Identify and clarify business or personal goals (you will discover and clarify your life’s purpose)!
* Forgive others and release old feelings of resentment towards past partners, family members, and colleagues
* Improve relationships with loved ones and co-workers
* Get motivated with a clear action plan
* Create and maintain healthy boundaries
* Opening your heart (learn to become vulnerable while still protecting your boundaries)
* Work through major life transitions
* Develop and implement organizational skills
* Be held accountable for a weight loss plan
* An ending to binge eating
* Cellular detoxification protocols (never get sick again)!
* Meal planning for post-chemo patients
* Herbal protocol and meal planning for post addiction recovery
* Anorexia, bulimia, and BED (binge eating disorder) meal
* Stop over-spending and get out of debt
* Develop leadership and public speaking skills


Look, I’m not like other so-called “coaches”. I don’t take on 4-6 people per month. I am an avid teacher of self-care! I lead a VERY balanced life. Seventy-five percent of my new clients come from clients with whom I’ve worked with in the past.

I’ve found over the years that by only taking on one client per month, I can transform your life while maintaining a healthy balance of my own. Besides, I prefer your month of guidance to be entirely devoted to your healing process.

If you are ready to get back into the driver’s seat of your life. If you are ready to TRULY change the look and health of your body along with your entire outlook on life, please contact me on my business cell at 937-760-0865. Please note this cell phone only accepts text messages. 

I only want the best for you and I look forward to paving your path towards healthy, abundant, and mindful new beginnings!

~ Andrea

7 Tips to Finding peace in nature

Today was tough! 
My dogs oncology visit was tough!
The drive there was tough!
The fact that they no longer allow you to go inside the veterinarian hospital with your dog due to Covid was TOUGH!
I had a client from Florida stay on the phone with me for the almost hour call with the vet who examined my furry husband.
Someone else showed up in full on support for me even though he lives overseas.
But nothing felt better than coming home and just being outside in the garden with the animals. 


I feel so grateful to live in a healing space. 
I am grateful for the trees!  
I am grateful for the birds!  
I am grateful for my family! 
I am grateful for my garden and I am grateful for my tiny furry humans. 
Animals are unconditional love incarnated! 
Treat them accordingly! 



Seeking Solace Creatively within nature

These day’s I seek solace in my garden. I see my animals and the wild animals that surround me as my best friends and helpers. Gardening, writing, creating tinctures, elixir tonics and jewelry made from crystals also brings me peace. Brushing my dog’s hair gives me serenity. Feeding my furry humans organically makes me feel happy within my heart space. 

As for these radishes from my garden… I saved some for you!
Organic Gardening

Organic Gardening

Here are my top 7 Tips to find peace within yourself (or, in your garden)! 

1) Writing outdoors ~ If you and I have connected before or, if you know of my history you probably already know I am a writer at heart. My writing has been published in Fashion 5.0,  Your Tango, The Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, The Good Men Project, The Chiropractic Journal, The San Diego Voyager, The Del Mar Times and Women’s Day just to name a few. 

As I sit here and write this I am in a sacred space in my new home that truly brings the outdoors in! A breakfast nook full of windows. I find I write better while in nature. With all cellular devices off, I become one with nature. Truly feeling the breathable expansion of my creative abilities.  

2) Walking to run errands instead of driving ~ I recently relocated to an area that has both a gym and an organic grocery store within a mile of my home. Before I knew it, I was leaving my fancy foreign wheels behind in an attempt to walk my errands instead of driving. At my old place I was constantly inundated by the smog. In my new location this is no longer an issue. 

If you live in an area that is conducive to walking to the local post office, grocery or gym, I highly suggest it! There is something special about getting things done while feeling the sun on your face. 

3) Sun Gazing ~ Did you know NASA has confirmed sun gazing’s healing properties? So why aren’t you partaking in this daily ritual?

Native American tribes held a yearly sun dance to the approach of the summer solstice. The native people worship the sun! As a part of the ritual, the sun gazers would first fast for 24 hours. They then would dance and stare directly at the glowing orb in the daytime sky! Now if they did this, why can’t you?

The act of sun gazing opens your third-eye chakra. It is intended to be an act of communion and rebirth with the earth’s rhythms. Now, as a newly re-popularized “trend”, Sun gazing is enjoying a resurgence.

My method of sun gazing. I sit Indian style or lay down in the grass. I begin by staring directly into the sun for 30-60 seconds each morning. This brings me greater vigor, energy, alertness, and of course greater focus.

You may be wondering “but don’t your eyes get damaged from that”? Many of us recall our mother’s telling us, “Don’t stare into the sun, you will lose your vision!” After a bit of research, I haven’t been able to find any evidence that supports that claim. In fact, many sun gazers note more acute vision and even ocular regeneration as some benefits.

4) Connecting with animals

I grew up with animals and will never stop having them as a huge intricate part of my life. Animals are a prime and maybe the only symbol left on earth of unconditional love.

Animals enter our lives for a short time for a reason. They teach us unconditional love. We fall so deeply in love with them and then they are gone. Most dogs, cats and animals in general have a maximum lifespan of 10-20 years (max). 
We can discipline them, ignore them or even leave for week long trips and they always eagerly wait to greet us.
I connect with my pets and wild animals both on a daily basis. Prior to relocating I asked the two doves that always greeted me every morning to follow me to my new home. I truly believe they did. A week after my arrival two doves landed on the brick pavers behind my home. I knew them and they knew me.

Researchers all over the world have ran scientific studies on the mental health benefits of having animals.

For example, researchers are looking into how animals might influence child development. They’re studying animal interactions with kids who have autismattention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other conditions.

The verdict is in! Having pets is a win win! 

5) Organic Gardening ~ It truly is magnificent  how peaceful and inwardly fulfilling gardening can be.  What begins as a simple planting of a seed can  turn into a lifelong love of nature. From a simple natural way of relieving stress by relaxing and gently stretching tense muscles while getting back in touch with that quiet place is within our hearts; to acquiring greater inner peace and spiritual connectedness by being at full peace.

We really do reconnect to source by being in a natural setting for a little while.  Either way, we need to be kind to ourselves while gardening and give ourselves permission to take breaks, to breathe in the fresh air; to feel the inner peace expanding within our hearts; and to pour forth our loving gratitude to GAIA! Mother-Father GOD; the angelic beings; the flowers; and all life desire this from us. We should also give thanks to life for such a sweet, peaceful blessing such as gardening.

6) Nature Hikes ~ Ah… the warm sun shining upon your face, the sound of the wind rushing through the trees, and the soft earthy feel of the trail under your feet. Not only are these experiences enjoyable to have, but they’re good for your monkey mind too!

Whenever I am working with a client the first thing I say when they are overwhelmed is “take a hike”!

Hiking is proven to have many health benefits, ranging from the physical exercise you get when out on the trail, to emotional or mental relief that comes from being in nature.

I hike with my furry companions once per week. We always stop to rest in the flower fields. Just being on the trail with them provides both them and me with peace of mind.

Andrea Cox

Andrea Cox

7) Crystal Projects! ~ Recently I started an Etsy store! It was a way to earn extra income for one of my dogs care while serving as a creative outlet for me. The art of making jewelry out of objects from earth has always been a passion of mine. Although some of the items are vintage pieces found online, many are hand-made by me. 

You may support my shop and my sweet fur babies care here. 

Blessings of peace love and abundance! Remember, I only want the best for you!

I love you, please love yourself and drink your juice! 

Cilantro Kisses, Andrea

The Secret Sauce!

It took me a couple of decades but I think I’ve finally found the secret sauce to a good life, you ready?
After learning what it’s like to lose your parent tragically at nine years old. After almost dying from anorexia and bulimia in my twenties. After dropping EVERYTHING and moving across the country with a little white Lhasa named Louis and a HUGE overpriced handbag. After having my photos sold, resold, cat-fished and lied upon. After having 2 million and negative $2 dollars in my bank account.
After being engaged three times and leaving each situation with literally nothing. After going through two miscarriages alone. After being physically and creatively robbed about 2000 plus times. After standing up to a real life stalker and then later in life a cyber stalker…Here is my massive epiphany and it has nothing to do with coming to the realization that I’ll never have thin thighs and always have an extremely awkward waist to hip ratio. It does however have a lot to do with this!
After being judged for being
Too tall
Too thin
Too fat
Too conceited
Too insecure
Too pretty
Too ugly
Too intelligent
Too ignorant
Too happy
Too sad
Too clingy
Too aloof
Too creative
Too complacent
Too much of a hermit
Too decisive
Too indecisive
Too lazy
Too work focused
Too in shape
Too out of shape
Too spoiled
Too poor
Too rich
Too cocky
Too modest
Too closed off
Too open
Too self assertive
Too opinionated
Too haughty
Too proud
Too difficult (a personal favorite)
Too strong (second fav)
Too independent
Too quiet
Too loud
My huge epiphany is you will always be too much for someone and too little for someone else. The secret sauce recipe is to LEARN to tell them all to go fuck themselves and live your life according to how you see is best for you. This also means to learn to use the word fuck when writing without being afraid of what people will think:)!
I love you
Please love yourself and check out my latest video about “How to Deal with Difficult Situations”.

Free from judgement, free from cyber stalkers, free from creativity thieves… free to be me and free to love!


Healthy Holidays

I hope all of you had a beautiful Christmas holiday! I love seeing everyone’s photos! I had a meditative 6 Hour drive to my sisters home in Phoenix on Christmas Eve. I packed the car with healthy food and took the furry husbands with me:)

It’s SO worth the drive with the dogs to listen to my sisters jokes while she makes homemade cinnamon rolls♥️ Watching furry Louis jump on top of my mom while hearing her scream “omg no” when she wakes…is classic!

I think the number one reason for making my trip is always my beautiful nephew Alex. We watched a beautiful sunset and took an hour long walk on Christmas morning. What a joy…what an absolute joy! He is truly brilliant!


As far as what I ate, you’re looking at it. I don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to the holidays. I never have and my family has always cleared off a shelf in the fridge for me. It’s not even a discussion and this is another reason I love my family. We accept each other for who we are at all different stages in our lives. It’s always been this way with us and it always will be. It’s the reason I feel so free to express myself with all of you. I know this is a lot to write for a bowl of raw vegan 🌱 pasta but what can I say…my heart is full! My “ten of cups” (tarot lingo) is my family and helping others get healthy.


Here’s to a FABULOUS 2019

My Birthday Wish!

I treated myself to a healthy gift for my birthday today!

Today is my birthday! I woke up at the crack of dawn and headed to a meditation center next to my home for yoga. The sky was stunning as I walked out!

I decided to treat myself to a beautiful gift of health after leaving yoga! I went and harvested fresh spring water! You too can harvest your own by going to to find the closest location to tap into this life force water!

I’ll be FaceTiming with my family later and enjoying the beautiful weather with my doggies! Since I can’t see my Facebook wall due to y’all sharing birthday blessings on it:)

I personally think mothers are the ones that need to be honored on birthdays! They are the ones who go through the pain of birthing and raising us! I always thank my mom for birthing, raising and putting up with all my crap!

I may go visit my favorite crystal store in Encinitas today! I’ve been eyeing a HUGE amethyst for over a year now! It’s time to treat myself! Tomorrow we will be launching a brand new website! YAY! I’ve worked on this with a BRILLIANT millennial for a few months now! This is my TRUE calling in this life time and I am praying y’all support me in this new spiritual vision! The new website will have a plethora of health, detoxification and spiritual offerings!

I can honestly say that even though the past year has been extremely confusing and difficult. I am more excited about life today than EVER before!

Thank you for all the birthday love!!!

I only want the best for you ~ Andrea

My Birthday Wish ~ Many of you have requested a PO Box to send gifts. I would prefer you donate to your local high kill animal shelter. If you do this and send me a donation receipt as proof, I will send you one of my programs for FREE! YAY!

Birthday blessings with fresh spring water!

Birthday blessings with fresh spring water!

A Sanctuary within…


Create a sanctuary Within your home inside of your body 

Imagine a container surrounding your home

The walls of the container are high

The container is painted in beautiful pastels

Rich green ivy grows on the walls

Within the ivy are purple flowers

There is a door to the container

This door leads inside

Inside is your beautiful sanctuary

Your sanctuary has plants everywhere

There is always music playing

Animals that once had no home run about

High vibrational foods sit in baskets

It’s so clean you could eat off the floor

The linens on the bed are crisp & white

Candles are always lit

Fresh flowers sit in crystal vases

People who enter always leave smiling

Because you make them laugh

Over the years you learned who to allow inside And who to turn away

The front door to the container is invisible

There is only a peep hole for you to peer out

As people approach you get a vibration

You know they are coming prior to their arrival

You are wise & ready for the knock

You are prepared for all who show up Yet in tune with who to turn away

Everyone who shows up brings a gift

Some being flowers

Some bring a mind that wants to grow

Some bring open hearts that desire love

Some crave physical touch

And some bring knowledge

Knowledge that comes from pain

You’ve learned the lessons

The lessons that come from the pain

You now know how to recognize inauthenticity

Those who bring confusion to the mind

Those who bring chaos with words

Those who show up wearing a mask

Those are the ones who cannot enter your sanctuary

You have learned from your mistakes

You stopped asking why

You began saying no

No to inauthenticity

No to dishonesty

No to those who depend on you for their fulfillment

For their happiness

For strength

You now know those things come from within

You decided to stop playing muse for others

You returned to being your own

You forgave yourself

Forgave for believing in those who lacked integrity

Forgave yourself for loving who you loved

You prayed for their transformation

You prayed for your own

You were no longer blinded by others looks

By false sincerity

By the words “I love You”

Now, you know differently

Only the highest vibrational beings enter

Only joy & happiness are experienced in your sanctuary ~ Inside your house of love

Copy-write Andrea Leigh Cox

My Birthday Wish!

Hi there:)

My birthday is coming up on March 19th! YAY! I love having birthdays! I truly feel we have the opportunity each year to grow younger! Within our mind, our body and our spirit!

This year I have a wish! It’s a two fold wish! I’m certain you can help me with both parts!

Part 1 It would make me the HAPPIEST birthday girl in the world if you would be so generous to donate to the ASPCA! They do incredible rescue work for the animals! I have supported them for quite some time now and know that even small donations help!

Here is the link to contribute

Part 2 The photo below has the logos of some of the WORST companies out there that test on innocent animals! My wish is that you stop using any products from these companies! Not only will this help lesson the torture of the voiceless (the animals), it will also benefit you! These companies all use toxic chemicals that lead to pre mature aging, estrogen dominance and cancer!

Together I know we can make a difference by saying NO to companies that partake in animal cruelty! Doing this along with supporting Non profits such as the ASPCA and going Vegan make all the difference in the world!

Thank you for giving me the BEST birthday ever!


How to Manifest Anything!

A few months ago I felt lost.

ALL of my energy was focused on attempting to try to “fix” problems. Many of these problems were not created by me. These were issues that were easily fixable with clarity and gentle clear communication. I felt confused, sad and alone. I felt betrayed and my heart was in pain. The most destructive part of all of this was that I had no answers. I even had a person telling me that the thoughts I was having “were crazy” and that “I was nuts” to think such things. There were so many things I wasn’t yet clear on. There were so many issues that I felt dragged into. So many harsh words thrown my way.

I felt off balanced and bewildered. There were many nights that I cried myself to sleep. I found myself feeling trapped by the unclarity of a situation that I chose to stay stuck in for FAR too long!

Then one day, I received clarity in a very indirect way. It was like the sun began to shine! I realized that sometimes people keep others in the dark to avoid the repercussions of their own shady behaviors. Others project with name calling or other childish behaviors that serve no one. All of this is done to cover up behavior that they themselves are ashamed of. I realized something in that very moment that changed my life forever!

Being around toxic situations or around dishonest people who lacked integrity was stifling the ability I had ALWAYS had! My ability to manifest!

I decided to make changes immediately! Changes that brought me back into balance! The biggest change being the people I began to surround myself with. I woke up and said out loud every day “I only want people around me who speak to me with love and kindness”. “I only want to be around playful fun loving people”. Once I made this choice, my entire life changed! I no longer thought about people who were not anything but kind to me and others.

Another choice I made was to take more time in nature with my animals. We hiked, we went to the park, they became my best friends. Animals have a way of bringing in calm. I truly believe they are angels sent from heaven to bring clarity and peace into our lives.

I hope you enjoyed the tips I shared above. I share a few different tips in this video below….Enjoy

A Spiritual Re-Birth!

The only reason any of you stand with me is because you know my heart is pure. Thank you for truly “seeing” me. In a world where so many cut emotions out. In a world where so many are numb to FEELING. In a world where SO many walk hurting inside only to further damage those who have done “the work”. You see my open hearted expression as pieces of you that want to be unleashed. You watch me fall again and again and learn from my mistakes. You see my heart open to love and wait nervously with care as it breaks.

Thank you for your support in every way! I appreciate each of you! As I mentioned around Christmas, I’ve went through an enormous transformation spirituality that has led me to alter my path. As I reveal these new ideas to you {very soon} that are part of me, I am praying you accept them with an open mind.

Without the unconditional love from my small inner circle of friends, my loving supportive family, my two furry husbands, and people just like YOU, I would feel lost in dark times.

Thank you for lifting me out of the ashes once again. I promise not to let you down

Here we go again!


Your health wealth love & happiness message of the day!


What are your Divine Talents?

This mornings health wealth love & happiness message! Today we tap into our divine talents! Whether you are a male or a female you can tap into your divine talents here on Earth! These talents have been with you through past lives but aren’t usually recognizable until you’ve gone through a series of painful events. Usually with your Twin 🔥Flame soul mate. Allow the pain to guide you into stepping into the power of using your God given gifts!

Our freedom color I have chosen is Brown! In order to truly step into the power of using your divine talents, you must first be grounded. Brown foods such as nuts and seeds ground us. Enjoy these foods in moderation as they are a bit harder to digest.

Our healthy food of the day is almonds! Almonds are the only Alkalizing nut!

Our happiness message I’ve created for you is ~ If you are “Free” yet still struggling within your ruminating thoughts & darkness within the mind, there isn’t any escape ~ Free your mind!

Our healing recipe of the day is Almond butter dressing🌱

1/2 Cup sprouted almond butter
The juice of two lemons
1/3 cup purified water
a pinch of sea salt

Blend and pour over organic greens!

I love each and every one of you! Go love yourselves!


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