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How to change your health and your life!


Andrea Cox Intuitive healer, detox specialist, holistic health coach

Andrea Cox Intuitive healer, detox specialist, holistic health coach

Hello friend,

Once per year I extend an offer to you that far surpasses ANY Black Friday sale you’ll come across today! It’s the gift that keeps on giving! A gift of a renewed life refreshed mind and refurbished body! It’s the only gift that allows you to heal from the inside out. It’s the gift of my health coaching and intuitive guidance services.

The results my clients achieve after working one on one with me in the areas of cellular detoxification, weight-loss, eating disorder recovery, intuitive guidance and overall spiritual health are life-changing! In fact, I often say to my clients “I don’t want to see you back again let’s get it right the first time”. And every time, we do get it right!

You see, my goal is not to have you come back as a repeat client. My goal is to send you back into the world as an entirely new person. Someone who feels confident within their body mind spirit and soul. A healed person who is doing their life’s work. A balanced human who is interacting healthily with their life partner, family, and friends.

When I work with clients it is not for the sole purpose of them losing weight however most of them end up losing about a pound to two pounds per day. While discovering their true calling in life and ending codependent relationships friendships and business partnerships that have had them in a struggle or even feeling trapped.

Have you been struggling with your weight, emotional over-eating, binging, people-pleasing, relationship toxicity, or mental blocks? Do you feel that you are in a codependent relationship where you are not getting the love, attention, and admiration that you deserve? If you find yourself answering “yes” to any of the above mentioned, it’s time to book a call to begin our month-long coaching.

Here are just a few benefits my clients achieve along with proven healing protocols they learn with them during our month-long process together!

* Loss of the ego-self
* More Self-confidence and elevated self-esteem
* Profound emotional healing
* Identify and clarify business or personal goals (you will discover and clarify your life’s purpose)!
* Forgive others and release old feelings of resentment towards past partners, family members, and colleagues
* Improve relationships with loved ones and co-workers
* Get motivated with a clear action plan
* Create and maintain healthy boundaries
* Opening your heart (learn to become vulnerable while still protecting your boundaries)
* Work through major life transitions
* Develop and implement organizational skills
* Be held accountable for a weight loss plan
* An ending to binge eating
* Cellular detoxification protocols (never get sick again)!
* Meal planning for post-chemo patients
* Herbal protocol and meal planning for post addiction recovery
* Anorexia, bulimia, and BED (binge eating disorder) meal
* Stop over-spending and get out of debt
* Develop leadership and public speaking skills


Look, I’m not like other so-called “coaches”. I don’t take on 4-6 people per month. I am an avid teacher of self-care! I lead a VERY balanced life. Seventy-five percent of my new clients come from clients with whom I’ve worked with in the past.

I’ve found over the years that by only taking on one client per month, I can transform your life while maintaining a healthy balance of my own. Besides, I prefer your month of guidance to be entirely devoted to your healing process.

If you are ready to get back into the driver’s seat of your life. If you are ready to TRULY change the look and health of your body along with your entire outlook on life, please contact me on my business cell at 937-760-0865. Please note this cell phone only accepts text messages. 

I only want the best for you and I look forward to paving your path towards healthy, abundant, and mindful new beginnings!

~ Andrea

10 Tips to improve your mental health while keeping you spiritually grounded.

Hey Luv,

Today is the dawn of a new era. I want to ask each of you, do you want to walk the road ahead in peace or in Chaos?

I choose peace and below I am going to share with you a few of the tools that help keep me spiritually grounded and healthy within the mind. Maybe they will work for you too!

Elixir tonics filled with Medicinal mushrooms

These morning tonics add a kick to my early morning tasks. I use a base of certain teas that work synergistically within the body as both a liver detoxifier and an overall body energizer without the caffeine. I have about 15 videos on AndreaCoxTV via YouTube of my elixir tonics so go check them out!

The Elixir Queen

Andrea Cox is known for her elixir tonic recipes found on her YouTube channel AndreaCoxTV

Crystals, palo-santo, Mexican copal, and sage

My home is full of crystals. Crystals hold energy and they have a real balancing affect on myself and my clients. I use a variety of sage, Copal and Palo-santo. Be mindful of how often you burn these items. Sage and especially Copal (the authentic real kind) Can also get rid of positive energy so try to only use these items once per month.

Palo Santo attracts positive energy and it can be used more often. The sage/copal/palo-santo bundles you see me holding can be found in my Etsy store here.


Andrea Cox’s unique sage, palo-santo, and Mexican copal bundles

CBD drops for myself and my dogs!

I can really tell a difference in both of my dog’s behavior when I give them a few drops of CBD. This in turn also balances my energy!

Organite balancers

A dear friend of mine sent me a few pyramids and a candle holder made from this lovely energized substance. I literally feel the balancing affect when I have them around me or place them on top of my solar plexus.

Oracle cards

Although I don’t recommend to my clients that they pull cards on themselves, they can be used if taken lightly. I see no harm in pulling an Angel Oracle card once a day to pull in a positive message to abide by. Cards should always be used as a guide and not a direction.

Oracle Cards

Oracle Cards

Food that I grow and harvest myself and meals made with love!

At this point, I am growing 90% of all of my fruits and vegetables. This has been a dream of mine ever since I left my garden in Ohio 10 years ago. When you put love into your food it shows in your skin and in your body. Actually, it shows in your overall well-being and outlook on life!


Fresh tomatoes from my garden.

Juicing Daily!

I legit have not missed a day of juicing in 21 years! YEP! I know! Crazy? Maybe to some but not for me! Juicing gives me a TON of energy! The best part about juicing is, you will literally GLOW from the inside out! Try it for a week and see how you feel!

Andrea Cox ~ Green juice

Andrea Cox, green juice

Yoga prayer and chanting

The first hour of my day is not spent jabbering on the phone. Nor is it spent in a gym. Or responding to E-mails. My day begins with Snatam Kaur’s angelic voice playing in the background and candles lit. The first hour of the day is the most precious in my opinion. It truly sets the tone. I generally do a few sun salutations in nature and follow it by chanting something I have spoken for years.


Nature is the only way to remind us that we are a tiny dot of matter on this HUGE earth! Those little problems we make into HUGE issues really lose their place of importance when we venture outside! I try to spend at least two hours per day in nature. Sometimes I eat lunch or dinner outdoors to remind myself of the beauty that nature provides.

Rescue Animals

My dogs are EVERYTHING to me! They are my best friends and they know all of my secrets. Spending time with animals is sacred because they are with us a much shorter time than humans. Animals teach us unconditional love, over and over again. Having animals around (even the birds in the morning) is time I cherish.

My sweet rescue dog Rodger

My sweet rescue dog Rodger

Be present, be mindful … be the change you wish to see in others.

I love you

I only want the best for you

Here’s to embracing SO MUCH LOVE!I

Please love yourself and stay humble

Until tomorrow


7 Health benefits of silence and meditation.

The benefits of days of silence 

Years ago I would take every Sunday to be in nature while remaining completely unplugged digitally. Often I would utilize this day for fasting and running my errands. During times that would normally require speaking such as checking out at grocery stores and farmers markets, I would simply nod my head in gratitude. If someone did ask me a question I carried along a note with me saying “Hello, I am taking a day of silence thank you for being respectful of my journey”.
I grew to love those days! Before you knew it. I had carried out four years of Sundays being my day of silence.
Recently, I took up this healing practice again. Instead of choosing Sundays, I choose whatever day feels right to me. What I find most profound during these days of peace and harmony is the way other people react when I turn my cellular device back on the following day.
Some people ask if I’m OK and others leave so many messages that I stop counting at ten. A few who don’t know me well write me off as being inconsiderate for not getting back to them in a timely manner. Of course I’m OK with this because I realize it is their process to digest the pain of their abandonment, not mine.
I am not suggesting or telling you that days of silence will work for you as they have for me. I am simply giving you another opportunity to learn and grow from the modalities that have assisted, taught and grounded me during my spiritual growth process.
One of the reasons I’ve only created three detox programs is because the first detox I ever created (The Digital Detox) works SO WELL! In fact, I’ve sold thousands NEVER having had a single return. 
The digital detox is an audio of me taking you through a cleanse that I suggest you partake in for 30 days.
My suggestion to new clients is simple. Begin with a day of silence (spiritual cleansing) while cleansing yourself physically on a cellular level by taking advantage of my Digital Detox program.


7 The Health benefits of silence and meditation.

1. Increased awareness of your surroundings 

During my days of silence I am often reminded that the days become longer. The long days allow plenty of time for self-reflection. You start to become more aware of the positive and negative sides to your personality and life. I usually end up spending the entire day in my garden with my dogs. With this improved awareness I feel much more in tune with my emotions.

2. Life is happening for you, not to you.

Remaining equanimous no matter what you experience. Equanimity is accepting every outcome be it good or bad. It is the realization that life is happening for us not to us! So when you have a nice enjoyable experience you don’t cling or become attached to. Likewise, with bad experiences, you do not run from them. Accept everything as it is. Remain unattached to the outcome.

3. Nothing lasts forever

Everything you know including yourself will eventually grow old and die. All of the people in your life and all of your possessions. During times of silence you are constantly reminded of this. Realizing that your life is in a constant flux allows you to accept things as they are as opposed to clinging to the people and things in your life. It also makes difficult periods easier as you know that they will end as well.

4. A Cellular Detox from life

I observe noble silence as a spiritual practice. I don’t allow myself any electronic devices. This is such a strange and at times difficult practice as we spent our whole lives in a constant state of stimulation. Eliminating these distractions keeps all your concentration on nature, animals, the sounds of birds and your meditation practice. This lack of extra stimuli allows for a deeper focus on meditation and a much better detox.


5. Happiness

The range of emotions I go through during the my days of silence and unplugging was like a condensed version of an entire year in the outside world. There are many challenges.  As the day moves along I begin to realize how many awesome things I have in my life. Living like a monk you see all of the things you take for granted each day. Not being able to talk reminds you of all the great friends and family you have. The long periods of silence allow you to appreciate all of the great people and things you have in your life.

6. Learning to Fail

Practicing days of silence has taught me to accept failure. Running two businesses and two youtube channels on my own is a lot! Add two rescue dogs (one who is ill) and a boatload of clients and well… it’s tough!

With meditation you are constantly failing. The goal is to concentrate the mind by focusing on the breath. This helps quiet the mind but you are never going to go completely without thoughts, unless you reach enlightenment and this state is still impermanent. 

7. You will obtain inner peace

Each day we are trained how to remain equanimous when different situations arise. We have a choice! I find my days of silence allow me to choose not to react over reaction. This practice has helped me to observe stressful situations without reacting to them in an emotional way.

Silent meditation retreat

Silent meditation retreat

I love you
Please love yourself and drink your juice

7 Tips to Finding peace in nature

Today was tough! 
My dogs oncology visit was tough!
The drive there was tough!
The fact that they no longer allow you to go inside the veterinarian hospital with your dog due to Covid was TOUGH!
I had a client from Florida stay on the phone with me for the almost hour call with the vet who examined my furry husband.
Someone else showed up in full on support for me even though he lives overseas.
But nothing felt better than coming home and just being outside in the garden with the animals. 


I feel so grateful to live in a healing space. 
I am grateful for the trees!  
I am grateful for the birds!  
I am grateful for my family! 
I am grateful for my garden and I am grateful for my tiny furry humans. 
Animals are unconditional love incarnated! 
Treat them accordingly! 



Seeking Solace Creatively within nature

These day’s I seek solace in my garden. I see my animals and the wild animals that surround me as my best friends and helpers. Gardening, writing, creating tinctures, elixir tonics and jewelry made from crystals also brings me peace. Brushing my dog’s hair gives me serenity. Feeding my furry humans organically makes me feel happy within my heart space. 

As for these radishes from my garden… I saved some for you!
Organic Gardening

Organic Gardening

Here are my top 7 Tips to find peace within yourself (or, in your garden)! 

1) Writing outdoors ~ If you and I have connected before or, if you know of my history you probably already know I am a writer at heart. My writing has been published in Fashion 5.0,  Your Tango, The Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, The Good Men Project, The Chiropractic Journal, The San Diego Voyager, The Del Mar Times and Women’s Day just to name a few. 

As I sit here and write this I am in a sacred space in my new home that truly brings the outdoors in! A breakfast nook full of windows. I find I write better while in nature. With all cellular devices off, I become one with nature. Truly feeling the breathable expansion of my creative abilities.  

2) Walking to run errands instead of driving ~ I recently relocated to an area that has both a gym and an organic grocery store within a mile of my home. Before I knew it, I was leaving my fancy foreign wheels behind in an attempt to walk my errands instead of driving. At my old place I was constantly inundated by the smog. In my new location this is no longer an issue. 

If you live in an area that is conducive to walking to the local post office, grocery or gym, I highly suggest it! There is something special about getting things done while feeling the sun on your face. 

3) Sun Gazing ~ Did you know NASA has confirmed sun gazing’s healing properties? So why aren’t you partaking in this daily ritual?

Native American tribes held a yearly sun dance to the approach of the summer solstice. The native people worship the sun! As a part of the ritual, the sun gazers would first fast for 24 hours. They then would dance and stare directly at the glowing orb in the daytime sky! Now if they did this, why can’t you?

The act of sun gazing opens your third-eye chakra. It is intended to be an act of communion and rebirth with the earth’s rhythms. Now, as a newly re-popularized “trend”, Sun gazing is enjoying a resurgence.

My method of sun gazing. I sit Indian style or lay down in the grass. I begin by staring directly into the sun for 30-60 seconds each morning. This brings me greater vigor, energy, alertness, and of course greater focus.

You may be wondering “but don’t your eyes get damaged from that”? Many of us recall our mother’s telling us, “Don’t stare into the sun, you will lose your vision!” After a bit of research, I haven’t been able to find any evidence that supports that claim. In fact, many sun gazers note more acute vision and even ocular regeneration as some benefits.

4) Connecting with animals

I grew up with animals and will never stop having them as a huge intricate part of my life. Animals are a prime and maybe the only symbol left on earth of unconditional love.

Animals enter our lives for a short time for a reason. They teach us unconditional love. We fall so deeply in love with them and then they are gone. Most dogs, cats and animals in general have a maximum lifespan of 10-20 years (max). 
We can discipline them, ignore them or even leave for week long trips and they always eagerly wait to greet us.
I connect with my pets and wild animals both on a daily basis. Prior to relocating I asked the two doves that always greeted me every morning to follow me to my new home. I truly believe they did. A week after my arrival two doves landed on the brick pavers behind my home. I knew them and they knew me.

Researchers all over the world have ran scientific studies on the mental health benefits of having animals.

For example, researchers are looking into how animals might influence child development. They’re studying animal interactions with kids who have autismattention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other conditions.

The verdict is in! Having pets is a win win! 

5) Organic Gardening ~ It truly is magnificent  how peaceful and inwardly fulfilling gardening can be.  What begins as a simple planting of a seed can  turn into a lifelong love of nature. From a simple natural way of relieving stress by relaxing and gently stretching tense muscles while getting back in touch with that quiet place is within our hearts; to acquiring greater inner peace and spiritual connectedness by being at full peace.

We really do reconnect to source by being in a natural setting for a little while.  Either way, we need to be kind to ourselves while gardening and give ourselves permission to take breaks, to breathe in the fresh air; to feel the inner peace expanding within our hearts; and to pour forth our loving gratitude to GAIA! Mother-Father GOD; the angelic beings; the flowers; and all life desire this from us. We should also give thanks to life for such a sweet, peaceful blessing such as gardening.

6) Nature Hikes ~ Ah… the warm sun shining upon your face, the sound of the wind rushing through the trees, and the soft earthy feel of the trail under your feet. Not only are these experiences enjoyable to have, but they’re good for your monkey mind too!

Whenever I am working with a client the first thing I say when they are overwhelmed is “take a hike”!

Hiking is proven to have many health benefits, ranging from the physical exercise you get when out on the trail, to emotional or mental relief that comes from being in nature.

I hike with my furry companions once per week. We always stop to rest in the flower fields. Just being on the trail with them provides both them and me with peace of mind.

Andrea Cox

Andrea Cox

7) Crystal Projects! ~ Recently I started an Etsy store! It was a way to earn extra income for one of my dogs care while serving as a creative outlet for me. The art of making jewelry out of objects from earth has always been a passion of mine. Although some of the items are vintage pieces found online, many are hand-made by me. 

You may support my shop and my sweet fur babies care here. 

Blessings of peace love and abundance! Remember, I only want the best for you!

I love you, please love yourself and drink your juice! 

Cilantro Kisses, Andrea

Intuitive Wellness and Life coaching, my Spiritual Sadhana

Andrea Cox, Intuitive healer and Holistic wellness coach

Andrea Cox, Intuitive healer and Holistic wellness coach

BOOKED UNTIL NOVEMBER 1ST! This is the message I had to send out via text to two former clients yesterday. It’s difficult to turn clients away however sometimes as I look over what all I’ve been through, it’s also gratifying. 

Sadhana literally means “methodical discipline to attain desired knowledge or goal”, Sadhana is also done for attaining detachment from worldly things.

I am not writing this blog to boast. I’m writing this blog because just two years ago I was sitting in a pile of tears after being repeatedly stalked and attacked online. This attack led me to the merriment of my true souls path. 

My ability to uniquely combine two different fields and harness the benefits of both was finally brought to the forefront when forced to start my second business which eventually merged into one. From the foolishness of others my intuitive gifts finally were forced to the forefront to collide with my wellness knowledge. 

Now that I am always booked and sometimes over booked I can say that I have learned a thing or two on how to fully engage my clients. 

All the marketing tricks in the world are great, but at the end of the day nothing is more life changing for your clients than to be completely present with them.  This is something that is severely lacking in most people’s lives.

Being completely present has become even more challenging in our always connected ADD world, where everyone is buried in their mobile devices and constantly distracted.

Each of us have met those people that when we are talking to them we feel like we are speaking to a brick wall. If you aren’t a person that was born with this ability of being fully present it is a skill you can learn.

Some of the most important aspects of being present are what you are not doing instead of what you are doing.

The following tips may sound very simplistic but give them a try.

The following tips are what I use when interacting with my clients. From high profile to your average Joe like you and I, these are my personally recommended tips. Seventy-five percent of my clients are repeat clients. From my private intuitive readings to my wellness and lifestyle coaching The majority of my clientele are referrals or repeat clients.

Ask questions! I have three E-mails automatically sent to each client that qualifies for my coaching program. Our first call never occurs prior to the long questionnaire they fill out.

The device you are communicating on should be the only device open.  If you are in person, put away your phone and turn off the ringer; if you are on the phone with someone just be on the phone, turn off your computer and don’t go checking Instagram while you are talking with someone.

Ground Yourself Prior to that FaceTime or phone call, GROUND YOURSELF! I do this by rebounding or simply taking a walk with my furry husbands. 

Remind yourself that you are doing your life’s work (if that is what you are doing)! For me, my life’s calling is my work! Using my intuitive abilities blended with my vast cellular detoxification, biohacking health knowledge and relationship experience has proven to be a gift to those whom I work with. Prior to each call I always ask “how can I be of service to this person, or this couple”? How can I assist them in solving this health, life or relationship issue they are being challenged with”?

One thing I DON’T do is think about what is in it for me. It’s never about the next book, product sale, etc. It’s always about being of spiritual service. I think out-loud “how can I be of service to this person”? This is the difference between marketing a product or service and truly living out your spiritual sadhana of serving others with grace, honor, integrity and unconditional love. 

Each of us are all basically the same in wanting to feel an authentic connection with another human being.  I have found that for lots of people that have tons of “problems” in their life, the biggest problem is that no one has taken the time to truly listen to them and to truly care.

Part of learning to be unconditionally loving and to truly give to my clients was to learn how to step outside of myself. This means, my life is never brought up on the call. It is ok if I use my life as an example however making the hour completely about them is a must! 

I hope this helps you along your journey

I love you

Only want the best for you

Please love yourself and drink your juice:)

Cilantro kisses ~ Andrea


The only way to survive the next phase …

Hey friends,

We are living in a time of great suffering and severing! This also brings upon us great healing. Healing is not possible without acknowledging what has been severed. And this my friend can be uncomfortable.

The awakening and healing process is not smooth and certainly not simple. It is not a glamorous process. It is a process full of tests and trials along with the tribulations that examining our authentic self brings. Proper sustainable healing requires us to dive deep into the depths of the matter and find a way back to wholeness. It requires that we resist running away and avoiding. Often it requires alchemizing. Alchemizing requires us to feel the pressure as we walk over the hot coals of our past so we can embrace the future.

I call this process getting back to Unconditional love. This process requires us to walk through the pain.

Now more than ever it is important for us to remain present to everything that it is unearthing without avoiding, ignoring, pretending, projecting or running away.

As a collective, we have been living as though we are separate from this earth and those who inhabit here. We have built a world of hiding behind computer screens, cell phones and now masks. All of this to avoid our truth and the truth that has been slapping us in the face for years. What is happening to our planet? Why are our children and pets having vaccines forced upon them? How are our politicians able to get away with lying? How are grown men and women able to touch children? How is it that the slaughtering of animals and the consumption of crap food appear to be “the norm”?

One thing is for certain, we have forgotten that we are one with nature. We have learned to see the world only from our separate points of view. This has caused a war within many of us. And as a result we have separated ourselves from each other. We are running around with this aching deep within us! A yearning to return to something that we cannot quite name. Bouncing and projecting off one other, as we desperately attempt to find our way to a place of peace, health and wellbeing that is sustainable.

So many of you are hurting. I don’t believe there is anyone on the planet who is not. And perhaps this holding the mirror to what we tried to ignore for so long is part of what it means to be human. We cannot avoid this by avoiding each other, for an ‘other’ will eventually come along and hurtle us into the same line-up of sheep.

Yes, some of us are more empathic than others but we are all sensitive to what is occurring in the world and in our personal relationships today. We must stop using our sensitivity as a reason to separate ourselves from the world and from ‘others’. It is possible to be empathic and sovereign at the same time.

We must find a way back to one other. I do not believe this is possible without some type of heartache and pain. I know that the situation we are in as a collective is overwhelming and that it feels impossible to find our part in the world at this time. I know that we are all on some level feeling this heartache and looking around us for the “how and why”! I know that when feeling this level of heartache it can feel like it is easier to avoid and focus on ones self and the idealizations of this world and our “leaders”. And no one knows more about the strong desire to be in the stillness and oneness of spirit such as myself. But that is not sustainable.

And that is not the current reality. We are souls having a human experience, and this is that experience! We are not meant to fight these battles alone. 

I believe that we are in a crisis that can only be mended by unconditional love at this time. Universal unconditional love! At this very moment in time, the past ten years of a cycle is closing. And because relationships are the number one way that we grow it is coming up through them.

As we move through this portal of 2020, let’s do our best to return to each other. When you find yourself in conflict with an ‘other’, can you find a way to stay sovereign but also keep your heart open in a stance of unconditional love to the ‘other’? Can you find a way to express yourself that is authentic? Owning (truly owning) your part to harm another living human, animal or oneself? Are you able to lean into the real story? Not the one you repeatedly tell yourself and others to make yourself appear righteous. Can you speak the true authentic story of where your focus has really been?

My focus has been on myself, my animals, my family and my business for the last decade and well… that upset a lot of people. 

How to heal through this next portal

The majority of my clients are carrying what I call “emotional luggage” or dramatic baggage. At least 20 pounds of it! Whether it shows up in their weight or the every day drama they create in their lives, it’s there! They keep playing what I refer to as “car accident”. Repeating drama from childhood within their current relationships, friendships and business partnerships. 

Here’s a great example… one of my clients loathes being touched by her husband. In fact, she doesn’t even like when they hold hands. As we went through “the work” she realized her mother didn’t touch her at all. No hugs … nothing! Touch was foreign to her! By adopting my principles and applying the lessons and techniques of unconditional love, she now flows into affection and physical touch with her husband with ease. We developed a way for them to come together that is respectful, open and safe for both of them.

In order to further their process of emotions, we detoxed their bodies for thirty days at a cellular level. They exchanged morning business calls for yoga. They ditched their television shows for binary rhythms. They left behind their morning cup of coffee for a cold pressed orange juice with spirulina. These techniques only furthered their spiritual growth and their desire to spend more healthy time with each other. 

So I have a question for you, Can you find a way to return to love instead of separating yourself from the ‘other’ and God… source who lives within you?

The next phase of the portal as a collective and in our personal relationships…

This portal is tough! It is a severing of the past ten years. For me the first portal of 2020 is where I located my sovereign strength that laid deep within my soul. I began vocally speaking out against a group of people, who had a jealous obsession against me. I had to come out and express that I nor my clients, social media friends and business’s would be targeted online any longer. I needed to express how uncomfortable this had me feeling. I knew it would be the most difficult task I had ever faced but look where it got me! I’m living in a new home, growing my own food and my business and personal life have never been more fulfilling. This is how you close out a cycle. This how you get back to unconditional love. Not with anger and resentment. With truth, integrity and by staring the truth in the face, addressing the problem head on and rising above.

Remember, unconditional love of self, the earth and mankind is not some unprocessed emotion wrapped up in love. Love is not a ball of cotton candy. Proper love exists on the same spectrum as heartache, grief and pain. Proper love is rooted in water and grounded in earth. Proper love is human and soul combined. Proper love can feel euphoric and it can also hurt. Proper love recognizes the other with compassion. Proper love acknowledges the projection. Proper love is the way back to God and to ones self.

Because the truth is, the only way to survive this next phase is through unconditional love.

Interested in the work I mentioned above?!

I’ll be taking one client on in the month of October ~ Fill out the coaching form here!

Remember I only want the very best for you!

Cilantro kisses

Love you, Isn’t it time you love yourself

~ Andrea

Andrea Cox

Andrea Cox

Holistic Tips for Mental Health

Andrea Cox Mental Health

It’s been brought to my attention that many of you have been suffering with your mental health. With everything that’s being shared in the media and the happenings in the world today, this is common ground.

First off… I think it’s important to say that everyone suffers with mental health decline from time to time. This occurred with me in my late 20s. I remember being at a gynecologist and him asking me if I was depressed and attempting to hand me an antidepressant. I had been having a bad day it wasn’t like I was suffering majorly but the fact that he was willing to hand out antidepressants like candy was horrific.

The natural antidote for depression and mental health decline in my humble opinion is as follows…

Fresh air and sunshine

The time I spend in nature every day is the most valuable time of my life. Nature is healing. Nature reminds us to get back to self and to source Gaia ~ God. Nature is the only way to soothe all five senses at once. I spend at least two hours in nature daily without my cellular device.

Exercise and Deep breathing

Get adequate Exercise! Even a 20 minute walk upon waking can set your day in the right direction. Never underestimate the power of exercise. The endorphin release alone is worth it. Breath work has been proven to change the way your mind programs itself. I personally prefer yoga or breath with movement.

Eat with full awareness

Eliminating processed foods & alcohol is a must for mental health. Toxicity in the mind cannot exist in an alkaline environment. Drugs alcohol and processed foods along with meat dairy and poultry create an acidic medium in the body. This medium is detrimental to our health and well-being. There is more serotonin that runs in the gut than there is in the brain. Try adding a probiotic every morning like this one. Adopt a plant-based diet eliminating animal products, gluten, sugar and food additives. 

Hydrating w/quality water

We all know we need to stop drinking out of plastic but did you know the type of water you drink matters? I like to drink pure spring water. I never drink flavored water unless I am putting my adaptogenic herbs in the water. Our bodies are made of 80% water. Not giving our bodies the proper water it deserves is denying ourselves of the mental and physical health we deserve. Please hydrate often and hydrate with the proper type of water.

Speaking to a qualified professional/talk therapy

Why do I prefer this over calling a friend or family member? Calling a trusted friend or family member can be tricky. You need to make sure the person you are calling has a vast sense of unconditional love and understanding. You do not want to reach out to a person who will not accept what you are sharing with them and listen with an open heart. Try having at least two people in your mind to reach out to in times of need.

Turning off the TV

If you haven’t heard by now the majority of what you see on the news well it’s fake. The media has a way of making a mountain out of a mole hill. Television shows mass media programming and the news provoke fear in us. We replay the images and words long after the TV has been turned off in our mind. Try unplugging for a day or a week. You will notice a positive difference almost immediately. Spend time in nature. Honestly I do not know what I would do without my outdoor time.

Try Journaling

Sometimes it’s not about sending that letter it’s about writing down our thoughts and feelings so we ourselves can process them. Try keeping a journal in your car in your purse or along your bedside table. Write about your feelings and thoughts often. Try to practice gratitude in life when I have been at my happiest moments such as now it’s because I am enjoying the little things. The sun hitting my face. My roses, my dogs FaceTime with my mother. When we begin to appreciate the little things doors to happiness open. 

My Green Goddess Juice!

From my healthy happy homestead and garden to yours! Don’t forget to drink your juice! I LOVE this juice on mornings that I need a bit of emotional nutrients. 

This juice is from my book Juicing For Beauty!

Although I’ve altered it a bit!

1 bunch celery

1 bunch spinach {I used New Zealand spinach from my garden}

1 lemon skin and seeds in place

1 1/2 inch piece of ginger

2 granny smith apples {seeds included}

Andrea Cox Green Goddess juice

Andrea Cox Green Goddess juice

7 Stress Reducing Health Tips

I can’t make any promises…

Over the next few months I am packing up my entire life from a home I have lived in for almost a decade and moving a great distance. I’ll try my very best to shoot my Tasty Tuesday’s Wednesday’s wisdom and occasional Detox Q&A and Spiritual Sadhana Sunday’s videos. But if somehow I should disappear for a month or two just know I am creating a beautiful new oasis and literally trying to build Rome in a day!

No one is here but me to put this dream in place.The only difference is that this time my creation will be all my own with no outside interference trying to toss blockages in my way. Those days are finally over.

Over the past month I’ve been qualifying to buy a home! Sounds exciting right? Not really! Purchasing a home is a huge deal! Moving from a home I’ve lived in eight years is not easy! I have people pressuring me from several angles. And I’m doing the very best I can to deal with my client load and all the beautiful messages y’all send to me.

So if I don’t get back to you over the next few months know that I am not ignoring you. I am literally rebuilding my life! Brick by brick, piece by piece and tile by tile.

I would never ignore any of you because you are the ones who were there for me in my darkest hours. And you will be there with me during my brightest moments. I appreciate each and every one of you. I’ll see you in my videos even if they are a bit random over the next few months!

I also want to share with you what’s been helping me immensely over the past few months get through these trying times. 

So here are my Top 7 Stress Reducing Health Tips

1) Get on an excellent herbal regimen!

Look folks this is a must! If you’ve been with me any length of time you know that I promote an AMAZING adaptogenic herb company! Interested? Take your FREE health assessment here!

2) Load up on burdock root and Thyme tea!

When you are stressed, cortisol is released and mast cells release histamine. Thyme tea is a great way to calm those mast cells down! Without pharmaceuticals!

3) Start taking both a pre and a probiotic! 

Look, I don’t want to boast but my pre/probiotic I created ten years ago is made from soil based organisms! What’s this? It means it feeds the good bacteria in your gut while starving the yeast and candida! In fact, most of my clients order three bottles at once! Get your bottle here!

4) Minerals, Minerals Minerals!

Over fifteen years ago I created to products that work synergistically together. These mineral based humic and fulvic acid clay based minerals work to balance you out on a cellular level. Most of my clients that take them together report that they have better sleep, thicker longer hair and skin rashes seem to disappear.

5) Spend time in nature!

For at least two hours per day I am outside and unplugged. I’ve practiced this for years! Every morning my first hour of the day is spent in nature. It’s the same with my evening walks. There is truly no better way to balance the body. Mind spirit and soul!

6) Move your body!

Ah how I miss my hot yoga since the lockdown occurred. This doesn’t stop me however from getting a powerful sweat on in my own back yard. Whether it’s rebounding, using my elliptical or hopping into my sauna, a closed gym doesn’t keep this girl from sweating daily!

7) Meditation

Meditation is something I introduced a year ago. Waking up prior to the sun has always been something I’ve done. This extra hour of time is me time! A time to nourish my spirit! This has changed my entire outlook on life! Some day’s I simply sit in silence. Other days I chant. And there are days I play my favorite calming music. 

Andrea Cox - 7 Tips to reduce stress

Cilantro kisses

I Love you, Isn’t it time you love yourself?

~ Andrea

Healy – Frequencies for your life

Lately I’ve been focusing a lot on going inward. As much as I’ve always been somewhat introverted, I feel as though we have all moved into a state of focusing more on the TRUTH instead of Falsehoods. This is something we can only achieve when in a state of peace, quietness and serenity.

Lets face it, like I have said in past E-mails recently, it’s survival of the fittest.

We have a conscious choice to make TODAY! Here and now! We either thrive and awaken as a collective or, we pull each other down into suffering. That brings me to a pet peeve I have. What’s with all of the masked selfies lately? You know, the sporting of masks like they are a fashion statement! They aren’t! They are a sign of EXTREME DARK TIMES!

Before I share with you my thoughts on the millions of people treating the masks as though they are a fashion statement. I want to share with you a little devise that has changed my life and the lives of my clients. It’s called The Healy! It’s actually an FDA cleared Class two medical device for pain! And your little detox Queen over here has been selling, promoting and using it for months!

Before my rant, I want to share this special gem I’ve discovered and invite you to E-mail me to set up a call so I can get one in your hands! This portable affordable device can aid you in everything! From pain management, self-esteem, weight loss, candida over growth and even has programs on it to aid in decision making! And who in the heck couldn’t use a bit of help in that department!


The most beautiful component of this device is I can treat my clients, friends and family who are far away. The Healy is already in 40 countries and rumor has it every household will have one by 2022. It’s the new age way to heal! This healing device that sinks up to your cell phone using an app launched in May of 2020 in the USA open market and I want you to be the first to discover it’s healing properties body mind spirit and soul!

Check out my clients testimonials here and click the link at the bottom of the page. Sign up and you’ll get a free phone consultation with me explaining all about the Healy! I can set you up to get yours shipped out today!

Ok, Now for the rant!



Wear sunglasses

Wear hats

Wear a smile

But please don’t make light of a dark situation by sporting or selling a lie in your beautiful photos.

This is not the life we are meant to live! Stop making a hallmark memory for the photo album of it.

You have a choice as you go out into the world depending on what you believe but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t make a mask photo your profile picture and think it’s hip. UNLESS you are a scientist or a doctor…

Stop promoting the suppression!

Andrea Cox - Plant Medicine

Andrea Cox – Plant Medicine

I love you

Please love yourself

Remember I only want the very best for you!

Cilantro kisses

~ Andrea

Photo: Wild Rose Plant Medicine Video Found Here


Mental Health Coping During Covid-19


Andrea Cox Detox Specialist

I pray my friends get through the battles they don’t tell me about.

Today I woke with a bloody nose. It’s the 13th day in a row I’ve woke with a bloody pillowcase.

I live alone

I’ve given up an ongoing battle with a landlord who wants to up the rent in the midst of a pandemic in a home I’ve paid $3200 in for eight years. I literally paid until September in the midst of a rental freeze just to avoid the calls from her attorney son!

But I appear to be fine therefore everyone assumes I’m great because hey… I look good!

I’m seeing an elderly neighbor being ignored and try to be there for him as much as possible. Even just with words of kindness.

I have a neighbor across the street who constantly tosses ridicule at me for obvious jealousy reasons.

My mailbox has been broken into three times over the past year.

I am working with a team to reverse a DNS hijackkneg where my site is literally being hidden due to a hacking we’ve almost resolved.

I am seeing more and more animals in shelters being euthanized due to shelters closing and it’s heart wrenching!

I have friends who reach out to me constantly to unload their emotional baggage onto me but only one friend I feel as though I can truly speak openly to.

My gym and every outlet that previously was keeping my routine in check and my body healthy has been closed.

I have about 10 billionaire client friends who I feel a strong need to disengage from due to them not contributing to animal shelters or the greater collective at large. Yet taking advantage of the selling of items that induce the pandemic paranoia.

I’m trying to get two new business ventures off the ground (while my site is still being hid on Google when you search my name)!

But hey… I look like I’m ok so … you know;)

I am a truth teller, a whistleblower and I don’t hold back about many subjects that people don’t want you to know the truth about. And this creates a lot of hatred towards me from your average every day person all the way up into the government. 

Honestly if it weren’t for that one girlfriend at a distance and my supportive loving clients, my team who are all at a distance, my two pups, FaceTime with my beautiful mom and a mini trampoline I would have lost it.

And then there is the news (uggh)! Suicide rates are up and everything the news shows appears to be of a negative nature! I made a list of ten things I feel are important to get outside of ourselves during this exceptionally difficult time the world is in today. 

  1. Ask people if they’re ok. Bottom line, people need to know you care.
  2. Ask people if they have food! People are struggling. PLEASE don’t let surface appearances confuse you.
  3. Reach out to those whom are alone! I FaceTime my mother every morning. How are your friends and family doing? Theres a saying I live by, “you never know what someone else is going through”. Reach out!
  4. Purge items from your space. Stop pretending you don’t have the time to do this. The time is now.
  5. Spend time with elderly neighbors. I have a next door neighbor who is a former navy man. He lives alone. At least once per day I reach out to him with a simple question. “How are you”?
  6. Rescue a pet from a high kill shelter! Shelters are closing! Now more than ever the animals need our help! Animals are excellent long term companions that give us unconditional love. They also encourage us to wake up every day. 
  7. Get enough exercise! This is the one area that I began slacking on until finally I woke up and said ENOUGH! I put a plan in place and stuck to it! Today I am down 11 pounds and feeling healthier than ever before! 
  8. Get adequate sunshine! Vitamin D matters! Especially in the area of prevention within the realm of depression. Sunshine helps. Twenty minutes per day of direct sunlight can and will help you prevent depression. 
  9. Set up a daily routine. Ok, I know that everyday will be different but it is vital that you set a routine in place today to keep the boredom and depression at bay!
  10. Please stop complaining about the masks. YEP! You heard it here first! We’ve been conditioned to wear helmets when riding a bike. We know to wear a seatbelt when riding in a car. Unfortunately at the moment we are living in a masked society. But the truth is (in my opinion) why weren’t food service workers and elderly care workers wearing these already? It’s like finally we are taking cleanliness seriously. 

Don’t assume someone is alright due to appearance.

Don’t hate on people because they appear to be ok! Or even worse, don’t toss hatred someones way due to jealousy! Because the sunshine and rainbows you see may be just one INCREDIBLY STRONG person who is trying to make it through the day just like you!

And remember… if you are doing well for yourself there will ALWAYS be people who see you doing well who may not want the best for you. When you trend people troll. And when you trend 11 consecutive years people will troll and attempt to torment you in an attempt to knock you off of a throne that you have built brick by brick with your own blood sweat and tears.

I am a ROCK in my stance! No matter what happens I will never allow my heart to be hardened!
I strongly suggestion to do the same. 

Be kind

I love you please love yourself


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