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Archive for the category “Eco Home”

The Smartest Health Decision I ever made – Growing hacks

I’ve been receiving hundreds of e-mails and messages from all of you about my beautiful garden! THANK YOU! I take a lot of pride in growing my own food. I had a HUGE garden in Ohio! I had a modest garden of lavender, aloe, and herbs in San Diego but now, I am growing 90% of my own food.

In fact, I haven’t bought any greens, lettuce fruits or vegetables in almost three months. I’ve saved a ton of money since getting wicked serious about my green thumb!

I encourage you to watch my latest YouTube video about my end of season harvest above.

I wanted to share with you just a few of my FAVORITE GARDENING TIPS! Check them out and PLEASE feel free to send me photos of your garden too!

My top 5 Gardening Tips!

Tip # 1 Good soil!


Everyone knows what isn’t eaten in my home goes into the garden. Between the hours of 9 pm and 10 pm, you will find me in the garden with my PJs and warm boots covering my compost from the day’s scraps. If you’re starting with sod, you’ll either need to cut it up in chunks and repurpose it, till it in or lay down wet newspaper or cardboard to smother it. I find the best time to do this is in the fall months.

Most plants prefer a deep, well-drained, fertile soil rich in organic matter. Plant roots need good garden soil to produce good vegetables and fruit.

Once you start a garden, you’ll gain a new appreciation for healthy soil as it improves year after year. Healthy, vibrant soil equals healthy, vibrant plants with built-in disease and pest resistance and more nutrition. I do not use any pest control sprays or chemicals in my garden what so ever. I have yet to see an issue.

Tip #2 Choose the right transplants or seeds

My favorite seed sources can be found online at any organic non-GMO seed distributing website.

To learn which plants grow best directly seeded in the garden and which plants are better as transplants, visit the seed starting calendar. If you want to grow specific varieties, especially heirloom varieties, you’ll probably need to grow your own transplants from seed. Starting your own transplants is a great way to save money!

Transplants can be rough! I transplanted several rose bushes from my last home to this home and only one of them made it. I literally sulked for over a week!

Tip #3 Invest in long-lasting gardening tools

The right tools make working in your garden a pleasure instead of a chore. You don’t use a butter knife to chop up raw carrots, and you shouldn’t use dull or flimsy tools to work in your garden. Basic gardening equipment includes:

  • Garden hoe
  • Scuffle hoe
  • Dirt rake
  • Leaf rake
  • Garden Shovel or D handle Shovel
  • Hand tools

Tip #4 What do you LOVE to eat? Grow this!

If you won’t eat a certain fruit or vegetable, don’t grow it in your vegetable garden. Focus on the fruits, vegetables, or herbs that you and your family enjoy eating the most.

Make sure your top choices make sense for your area’s gardening zone. If possible, talk to successful gardeners in your area to find out which crops grow well and which don’t.

Tip #5 Location location location!

Most fruits and vegetables THRIVE in full sun, with a minimum of five hours of direct sunlight per day for fruiting. Greens, herbs, and root veggies will grow best in partial shade. Southern gardens may benefit from late afternoon shade. Northern gardens will thrive by getting all the sun they can get.

Think about how you will access the garden for picking, watering, and caring for your plants. I recently bought pavers so I can tend to my garden without actually stepping on my plants. Avoid high wind areas and frost pockets (whereas low areas where frost is likely to settle).

If you are dealing with wildlife trampling through your garden please be kind. They were here before we were. I am totally against traps and poison! Please just fence the garden area off. Although this doesn’t always work, I’ve had success 90% of the time.

I hope these tips helped you! They sure have helped me over the years.

Garden Goddess

Garden Goddess

Let me know by messaging me on my personal page via Facebook! I would love for us to become friends there! In fact, I am going live in about two hours! Join me!

Remember I only want the very best for you!

Cilantro kisses

I love you, Isn’t it time you love yourself

~ Andrea

Messages from spirit & Raw Vegan Recipe

Spirit Message for the week of October 26th ~ November 2nd

You were born an original… do not die a copy!

Do not become a sheep…As they have become sloppy

Dictating what you do, say and eat!

Claiming you will benefit from wheat & meat

You were born an original so this I tell you

Don’t become one of them… they’ll take you down like a fool

You are here for a purpose

Unique as your soul

Notice when you shine

How they attempt to troll

You were born an original

So never forget

Life is not meant to spend sleeping

Full of regret

You were born unique so if you cannot write well…

Stay off others lingo or you will wind up in jail

Andrea Cox

Andrea Cox

This weeks Oracle spirit message.

Often times when cleansing our body on a cellular level emotions come up. Like I always say “your issues live in your tissues”.  during these times of deep tissue cleansing we must have empathy for ourselves and compassion for those around us who are dealing with our ups and downs during the detoxification process. I just shared a new article talking about the difference between compassion and empathy. 

Read the article I wrote on compassion vs empathy here!



Everything shown above was grown organically in my garden! In fact, I’ve not went to the grocery in almost two months!

“The glory of gardening… Your hands in the dirt, face towards the sun your heart with nature and your feet in the soil.To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the mind and soul”.

For the dressing on the salad, I wanted to keep it raw and light! Here is what I made! Feel free to share the recipe.

Garden salad

Garden salad

Andrea’s Raw Vegan Green Goddess Dressing


  • 1/2 cup raw tahini
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 1 tablespoon monk fruit sweetener
  • 3 tablespoons ​cold-pressed olive oil (or another neutral oil, such as flax)
  • 1/4 teaspoon kelp sprinkles
  • 1 teaspoon fresh parsley (minced)

Steps to Make It

  1. Gather the ingredients.
  2. Combine all ingredients, except parsley, in a blender or food processor, adding more or less liquid as needed. Add parsley and pulse until finely minced and well combined.
  3. Goddess dressing will thicken quite a bit in the fridge, so add a bit more liquid as needed! without shame or guilt! Enjoy without shame or guilt!

I love you

Only want the best for you

Please love yourself!

If you want to enjoy dinner with me… join me live by subscribing here!





Stress Free Moving : Tips for a healthy move

Andrea Cox

Andrea Cox

PRE MOVING DAY ~ ZERO STRESS!!! This last cycle has definitely brought massive amounts of growth! They say moving is next to death on the level of stress. It’s always been my biggest fear and I’m conquering it like a little rockstar! But this move would have been impossible without the stars aligning to bring people into my life to make it happen. I’m feeling super grateful for one person in particular today. This person has been a friend and a confidant throughout this entire situation.

Without the gentle shove through this portal door I wouldn’t have made it through! I feel so grateful! Heres to new beginnings met with full on grace, love, an open heart chakra and new beginnings!

Andrea Cox Home

Home sweet home

I manifested my dream house and move tomorrow!
I’m scared
A bit unorganized
But I promise you this is the beginning of the absolute BEST cycle of not just my life but your life too!
Even though my life is full of loving clients, a supportive family, and wonderful human beings (and furry creatures), I had felt stuck and a bit stagnant for quite a while. I knew the old cycle in the home I had lived in for eight years was over but didn’t quite know how to make the new cycle happen.
The power of prayer and believing in myself brought AMAZING humans into my path to make my dream become a reality!
My beautiful gardener drove to the new home yesterday to set up my grow boxes! She planted my aloe and rose bushes along with a variety of fruits vegetables and herbs! I cannot wait to share the new garden with you! I’m ecstatic for this move!  

Here are my five tips to remain stress free during a move!

  1. Stay hydrated! I had a plethora of juice and water on hand for myself and my movers. Hydration is key! Not only for you! Your movers are an important part of your relocation. Keep them well fed and hydrated and they will give you the white glove treatment.
  2. Keep your routine I exercised this morning and have a hike planned tomorrow upon my arrival. Body movement is imperative! So set your routine up so you will not falter. I left my hand-weights, elliptical and rebounder out. They are the last things going on the truck. 
  3. Get organized! A week prior to your move set up your new services for internet, gas, electric and water. Have your old services shut off where you are. 
  4. Take breaks often I hired a full service white glove moving and packing company. In other words, I was able to work while they packed. Still, I took breaks outside in the form of short walks. Nature is a must and I indulge often.
  5. Create a safe space to unwind I always take three boxes and keep them in a corner when moving. I label one “dogs”, one “food” and one toiletries. I keep these boxes filled with items I’ll need while in transition. Most large moves can take up to a week. 
Today and the next few days are BUSY somewhat stressful days but my heart is SO FULL of GRATITUDE! 
I’ll be taking a Sabbatical to put my new home away. I’ll be unavailable for the next two to three weeks. You may however connect with me via social media! I LOVE connecting with wise, health minded folks like you! Check out my social media links below!
I’m so excited to connect with all of you across the board on social media! I’m even more smitten for you to see the new Queendom! 
I love you and only want the best for you
Cilantro kisses ~ Andrea

Healy – Frequencies for your life

Lately I’ve been focusing a lot on going inward. As much as I’ve always been somewhat introverted, I feel as though we have all moved into a state of focusing more on the TRUTH instead of Falsehoods. This is something we can only achieve when in a state of peace, quietness and serenity.

Lets face it, like I have said in past E-mails recently, it’s survival of the fittest.

We have a conscious choice to make TODAY! Here and now! We either thrive and awaken as a collective or, we pull each other down into suffering. That brings me to a pet peeve I have. What’s with all of the masked selfies lately? You know, the sporting of masks like they are a fashion statement! They aren’t! They are a sign of EXTREME DARK TIMES!

Before I share with you my thoughts on the millions of people treating the masks as though they are a fashion statement. I want to share with you a little devise that has changed my life and the lives of my clients. It’s called The Healy! It’s actually an FDA cleared Class two medical device for pain! And your little detox Queen over here has been selling, promoting and using it for months!

Before my rant, I want to share this special gem I’ve discovered and invite you to E-mail me to set up a call so I can get one in your hands! This portable affordable device can aid you in everything! From pain management, self-esteem, weight loss, candida over growth and even has programs on it to aid in decision making! And who in the heck couldn’t use a bit of help in that department!


The most beautiful component of this device is I can treat my clients, friends and family who are far away. The Healy is already in 40 countries and rumor has it every household will have one by 2022. It’s the new age way to heal! This healing device that sinks up to your cell phone using an app launched in May of 2020 in the USA open market and I want you to be the first to discover it’s healing properties body mind spirit and soul!

Check out my clients testimonials here and click the link at the bottom of the page. Sign up and you’ll get a free phone consultation with me explaining all about the Healy! I can set you up to get yours shipped out today!

Ok, Now for the rant!



Wear sunglasses

Wear hats

Wear a smile

But please don’t make light of a dark situation by sporting or selling a lie in your beautiful photos.

This is not the life we are meant to live! Stop making a hallmark memory for the photo album of it.

You have a choice as you go out into the world depending on what you believe but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t make a mask photo your profile picture and think it’s hip. UNLESS you are a scientist or a doctor…

Stop promoting the suppression!

Andrea Cox - Plant Medicine

Andrea Cox – Plant Medicine

I love you

Please love yourself

Remember I only want the very best for you!

Cilantro kisses

~ Andrea

Photo: Wild Rose Plant Medicine Video Found Here


Cultivating Abundance a Money Ritual

Many people view me as living an abundant life! Not just within the realm of finances but within the way I create, live and eat. You see whatever I create in life, I make it abundant!

Take these blueberries for example. They aren’t just sprayed blueberries you would find at the store. These are fresh blueberries from a local farmer and my stunning red roses I grew with love surrounding them!  Everything I create in life is beautiful. It’s beautiful because it’s made and created with a deep ancestral love.

Andrea Cox, Farm fresh blueberries

My grandmother had a hill of flowers next to her home. She grew the majority of her food and made everything from scratch. My mother and oldest sister always took time in the mornings getting ready and making themselves beautiful. My middle sister has the strongest work ethic I know and both my older sisters and I are driven when it comes to business.

For me, I never understood how people could not see their food as art? How people could not have flowers growing with succulents at their front door. I am in a constant state of bewilderment at how people can view dead decomposing animals as fit for human consumption.

Not recognizing that we eat with our eyes and that having beautiful growth all around us is not abundant is a cardinal sin in my view. The more abundant our surroundings the more abundant our wallet becomes! 

Once something is dead and decomposing I don’t want it rotting in my body. Nor do I wish to have my consciousness filled with the suffering or death that an innocent animal endured. In the same token, this is not how an abundant mind thinks either. If you think for a moment filling your body with death will create life in your wallet, you’re wrong! 

I’m encouraging each and every one of you today to take the same love that you have for your dog or your cat and to direct that to your dinner table. Because at the end of the day there’s not any difference between a pig a cow and your pet that sleeps at the end of your bed. And from an abundance view point, the less death you consume the healthier your body will be and the more abundance will flow! 

Now I want to share with you my Thursday money ritual! I’ve done this ritual for years!

Every Thursday I do a ceremony in my beautiful home filled with 400 pound salt lamps, crystals and herbs that I grew and steeped for months upon months.

It’s an abundance ceremony! 

I chant, sing and dance while cleansing the energy with a Mexican Sage, Palo Santo Copal Blend smudge bouquet and invite new fresh energy and abundance into flow.

I call upon God and my loving ancestors who walked before me. I clean my floors with rain water and have a vegan feast in the evening.

It seems to work for me. The last time I checked there’s no husband hidden in the closet that takes care of the bills. I have an abundance of fresh organic food. Clean alkaline water and all my needs are met every month beyond what I could ever desire!

My pups and I get our hair done and we are able to set aside for our magical future!

If you wish me to add your name to a nice little list to RECEIVE abundance just hit the like button and say “I receive” in the comments below!

Abundance Ritual


I love you, only want the best for you

Please be mindful, Go Vegan and always remember… Money Flows!


The Dirty Dozen! Chemicals to avoid in your Skincare, Haircare and Cosmetics!

If you and I have connected here for any length of time you know I’ve been vegan for 20 years. What you also may or may not know is that I pride myself on using skin care products that are not only cruelty free and toxin free but that are also not going to place further burdens onto our beautiful suffering planet.

If you have been interested in getting more in alignment with non-toxic cruelty free hair care, skin care and cosmetics. Or, if you are just desiring to become more Conscious about what you place on your body (both inside and out) I highly suggest you check out this new page I just created on my website!

Everything I share on the page is…




toxin free

NEVER tested on animals

‪I even share the internal supplements formulated along with a custom skin oil that was created just for me!

‪If you have always wanted

‪* beautiful long HEALTHY hair ‬

‪.* strong nails ‬(that are yours)

‪* incredible skin ‬(y’all ALWAYS ask me this)

Check out this link now!



The skin is the largest organ of the body. It performs several vital functions for the body including protecting other vital organs, bones, muscles, tendons and nerve endings. One would think that we would have a need to be extremely mindful of what we are putting on our skin.

Here’s Why:

Our skin acts as a sponge! In fact 60 to 65% of what we put on our skin gets absorbed into the bloodstream within 15 minutes! I KNOW RIGHT?!

Because the FDA does NOT regulate skincare, (YEP! They don’t) almost any ingredient can be incorporated into formulas! Many are incredibly dangerous to your health and the health of your family.

Many ingredients found in traditional skincare products (facial washes, lotions, sunscreens, deodorants etc) have been linked to health issues such as allergies, allergic reactions, psoriasis, eczema, cancer, hormonal disruption, and reproductive problems.

QUESTION: So the age old question is this… Can you trust your haircare, deodorants, laundry detergents, skin care and makeup? Or, could they be making you sick? The simple answer is absolutely yes!

Always Remember Johnson & Johnson! Just look at the Johnson and Johnson lawsuit there is a prime example of how a baby powder caused millions of women to get ovarian cancer.

Of course, until people step forward… nothing happens to these companies when typical products such as a baby powder causes millions of women to die until people like you and I stand up, speak out and stick up for our rights. The biggest way we can do this is by not supporting the chemical laden toxin filled companies that often test on animals!

Prior to reading my top 12 TOXIN list below please bear in mind that what you should be doing before avoiding chemicals and toxins is making certain that all the brands you and your family are using are not tested on animals and that they contain no animal byproducts!

Andrea Cox toxin free lifestyle

My Top 12 Ingredients To Avoid In Your Skincare, haircare and cosmetics are as follows…

1. ALUMINUM ~ A toxic metal that can have estrogen like effects in our systems, disrupting the healthy functioning of the endocrine system.

Usually found in almost every personal care product, especially antiperspirant deodorants. NOTE: Men often test high for aluminum!

2. MINERAL OIL ~ A petroleum by-product that coats the skin like plastic, clogging pores often causing breakouts. This is incredibly harmful because it interferes with your skin’s ability to eliminate toxins, therefore increasing likelihood of several skin disorders. Mineral oil is often found in creams, lotions, ointments, and cosmetics.

3. DMDM HYDANTOIN ~ Preservatives that often release formaldehyde which may cause skin allergies, headaches, and a major loss of sleep. This chemical is usually found in skincare products, cosmetics, shampoos and conditioners, and especially in laundry detergents.

4. Diethanolamine ~ Monoethanolamine and triethanolamine ~ Clear, colorless, horrific liquids with ammonia odors. Usually found in products that foam such as soaps. They are found specifically in eye makeup, hair products, and sunscreens. NOTE: Please note I use a straight zinc oxide for sunscreen and I rarely use one!

5. PEG (Polyethylene glycol) ~ An Ingredient that can alter and reduce the skin’s natural moisture factor. It’s often used as a thickener in products to dissolve oil and grease.

6. PARABENS ~ Not always labeled, used as preservatives, and may contribute to hormone imbalance and even breast cancer. Usually found almost everywhere including skincare products such as moisturizers, deodorants and cosmetics.

7. PHTHALATES (THIS ONE IS NEVER LISTED)! ~ It’s almost always called “fragrance”! This chemical is used to increase flexibility and strength of plastics, and not often listed among the ingredients on products.

8. SILOXANES Look for ingredients ending in “siloxane / methicone.” Used in a variety of cosmetics and lotions to soften, smooth and moisten. But at who’s expense?! Suspected endocrine disrupter and reproductive toxicant (cyclotetrasiloxane). Note: From a vegan standpoint this particular ingredient is harmful to fish and certain wildlife!

9. PROPYLENE GLYCOL & BUTYLENE GLYCOL ~ Gaseous hydrocarbons which in a liquid state act as “surfactant”. They penetrate the skin so quickly and can weaken the protein and cellular structure. Usually used to make extracts from herbs.

10. SODIUM LAURYL SULFATE & SODIUM LAURETH SULFATE ~ This was actually the first chemical I stopped using 20 years ago. Back then, it was almost impossible to find any shampoo or conditioner that was sulfite free. Now, I demand it in any salon I enter.

11. TRICLOSAN ~ Known as a synthetic antibacterial agent. Studies show this can greatly disrupt thyroid function and lead to cancer. Usually found in soaps, mouthwash, shaving products, deodorants and toothpastes.

12. FRAGRANCE UGH! ~ This one angers me because it is a cover up word used for many different ingredients that the cosmetic industry doesn’t want you to know when they are hiding other ingredients! Anything that is synthetic or artificial should always raise a red flag. These are made up of hundreds to thousands of different ingredients not listed on the label! Again 

NOTE: BE MINDFUL! Many of these companies are out for the money therefore you are never sure what you are TRULY being exposed to. NOTE: One thing I wanna point out about fragrances many people use air fresheners in their home and their cars and do not realize how toxic these are. I remember taking an Uber last year and having a headache for three days after I was exposed to an air freshener in a car.

Please please please take the above into serious consideration the next time you are shopping for haircare, skincare or even household products! But I also want you to be mindful that the cruelty free bunny is on the label of everything you purchase. This little bunny means that no beagle dogs, no mice and no monkeys have their eyes and bodies poked and prodded for your beauty products.

Remember, you get one body in this lifetime treat it like the temple it is and do not fill it with toxins chemicals and fragrances that disrupt your hormonal system and your livelihood.

Now is the time for you to get truly healthy and happy in your own skin!

Remember I only want the very best for you!

Cilantro kisses

Love you, Isn’t it time you love yourself

~ Andrea

Tips to grow your own food

Hey beautiful soul family,

I’ve been wanting to move out of California for quite some time. To get off this drama filled Pluto line and onto a more calm line that cultivates a more peaceful existence for myself and those I love. But the universe keeps throwing people along my path to help make my life more beautiful each day. Paulina from the Czech republic is one of those people.

Yesterday we built a plethora of sustainable grow boxes. Paulina has a mass of skill set for building these beautiful boxes.I’m also blessed to have my friend from Oregon delivering a greenhouse later this month!

The Lesson in all of this… Be happy where you are even if it’s not the exact spot you want to be. Sometimes what isn’t your ideal spot to be is a lot of other people’s dream come true.

When we learn to embrace the in-between life becomes easier. Loving where you are every moment of each day by living in the here and now is how we embrace those in between moments where we may not have everything in our lives that we feel we deserve. But we become grateful for where we are right here and now.

Today I am grateful for …

My Family

My rescue dogs

I am grateful for the love and support of all of you

I am grateful for my beautiful friend Paulina

I am grateful for my beautiful clients this month who are going through a rigorous Detox and health coaching program that is going to catapult them to do their highest good in this lifetime.

I am grateful for both my spiritual business and my Holistic health business and how they have become stable enough to carry me , support me and also to guide me along my path.

I thought I would share with all of you a few of my Grandmother La Golda’s un spoken gardening tips in today’s news letter. 

  • Plant wild flowers because where the bees go your garden flows! My grandmother had a hillside of wild flowers that were epically beautiful! Bee’s pollinated that hillside and would always travel over to her strawberry patch and vegetable garden to spread their dew there as well. Besides… have you ever smelled a patch of wild flowers?
  • Compost My grandmother (and I) both compost everything! I watched my grandma toss in eggshells, food scraps and anything that was made of waste. Remember your scraps are the gold for your garden!
  • Follow The Sun Always Misjudging sunlight is a common pitfall when you’re learning to garden. Pay attention to where the sun sets and what time it goes down. Sunlight plays through your yard before choosing a spot for your garden. Most edible plants, including many vegetables, herbs, and fruits, need at least 6 hours of sun in order to thrive.
  • Water Water Water Don’t forget to set your garden up close to your water source. I use rain water that I collect in barrels for my herb garden. Even if you only use a hose, this is vital.
  • Plant EVERYTHING with love and good intentions. My grandmother did this and her meals always had so much intention in them. I hope these tips help you and that you are on your way to planting with love! 

I love you,

only want the best for you

please love yourselves and drink your green juice:)


PS I’m going live in the early evening pacific tonight… simply click here and hit the follow button!

Foraged Wild Edible Salad Greens with Heart Healthy Omega 3 Dressing

Hey Luv,

In the springtime wild greens are fresh and tender for the picking, making them the best addition to your salads. These greens have been unaltered by man and are typically more nutritionally dense by containing more minerals and vitamins than hybrid vegetables.

I’ve been eating wild greens since I was a little girl in Ohio. My favorite thing to do would be to nosh on dandelion greens in the spring and summertime. Last summer, when my summer garden was nothing but a dried up bed of dreams. There was only aloe plants and a tomato bush. Not a single vegetable I had planted in the garden was growing well, which angered my midwestern ancestors above. Had I created better compost, this never would have happened. Oh well, live and learn!

Yesterday while looking over at the weed patch that I hadn’t pulled up yet, I decided to just eat them. Mostly out of desperation of not wanting to have another depressing grocery store trip. The coronavirus has the produce shelves looking like one of my ghosted boyfriends from last summer. So I plucked them, pulled them and tossed them into a bowl with my tasty fermented peppers and some nutritional yeast! After all, I did at water that patch all year while praying for a watermelon!

Fresh rosemary from my garden, Wild flowers picked on my hike Wild edibles from my baron patch of garden (chickweed, lambsquarter, dandelion greens and plantain leaves) Fermented peppers and sun dried tomatoes I grew, fermented and dried myself!

Growing a vegetable garden sure teaches a person a lot about nutrition and the importance of eating an alkaline diet. Even though our stomach needs an acid medium to digest food, it sure is worth the trouble to get fresh air and sunshine. It amazes me how the health of my soil relates to the health of the my body. After all, I come from pure good soil and loving Ohio roots! I’m just trying to make my Grandma La Golda proud!


Salad greens preparation
Collect and wash your choice of wild edible greens. I love to use the following, plantain, chickweed, lambsquarter, dandelion.

Omega 3 Wild Dressing

3 cups, or less Wild Harvested Greens
2 cups Red Leaf Lettuce, optional
1/2 cup Hemp Hearts
1/4 cup Spring water (only use water in glass)
1/4 tsp Grey Sea Salt
1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
1/8 tsp orange or lemon Zest
3 Tbsp Fresh Dill

Make the dressing by blending all ingredients except for the greens in a blender. Pour dressing over salad greens and top with dandelion blossoms and hemp seeds and avocado. I added nutritional yeast too. Dressing will keep for two days in a sealed container in the fridge.

Stay woke folks

Thank you for continuing to support me by subscribing to both my channels below. Be sure and hit the bell notification button followed by the “see all” button.

AndreaCoxTV {Health ~ Raw Vegan Recipes & Detox}

TheDetoxIntuitive {Monthly astrological Intuitive Readings ~ Spiritual Messages}

I really do love you

Only want the very best for you

Please love yourselves

Stay Safe!

Stay home!

Take your vitamin C and your zinc

Get fresh air and sunshine!

Find unique ways to move your body daily

Be there for the elderly and your pets

Be there for people

Give of yourself and of your gifts

Be kind

Be loving

I Love you

Please love yourself

Until Tomorrow, be the change you wish to see in others ~ Andrea

Must Haves For The New Year!

Hello beautiful!

I have a must have video for you to watch along with a must burn incense for you to bring in this new year! Check them out below! 

If you grew up in a home where clear communication was not accepted, you may have grown up to be quite the non communicator yourself. Even if you did grow up in a home like I did where clear honest communication and self expression was encouraged, you’ve probably gotten used to just swallowing your feelings in a relationship with a non communicator at some point. Let’s face it, we all swallow our feelings at some point. But stuffing down our feelings, emotions and vulnerabilities eventually lead us to stuffing our face to numb the pain. 

Like I always say, “Your issues live in your tissues”!

Eventually, we all wake up to the realization that feelings (especially repressed anger and sadness) don’t just pass. They build up, and drive us emotionally further from our families, co-workers, friends and especially our partner.

Today, at 5pm pacific, I’m going to go on Facebook live and share a bit of insight with you on this very subject. Heres the link to join me. When you arrive, just let me know where you’re tuning in from in the comments below the video and hit the share button if you feel inclined to do so.

2020 is going to be the BEST YEAR EVER! Especially as we see more and more people get healthier through their body, minds and souls! Lets get the non-communicating .. communicating again:)


I have 15 packages of AUTHENTIC COPAL INCENSE! There are ten sticks of incense in each package. I’m charging $47 per package (because it’s the real deal/not the fake skinny Copal)!

This price includes shipping in the US! This will be EXCELLENT to burn the first week of the new year to cleanse yourself, your home, car and or office!

In other countries they burn Copal at death ceremonies. This is perfect for after the eclipse to help you let go of any person place or habit that no longer serves you. The smell is absolutely lovely and the incense burns for a lengthy amount of time. I only recommend you use copal in your home once per month because of the strength of the cleansing properties.

There are two ways to pay

Send $47 on Venmo @Andrea-Cox-16


You may paypal me $47 using the link below

Until tomorrow, remember…

I only want the best for you

I love you

Please love yourself


How I Organize My Kitchen for Easy Vegan Cooking – Pantry Essentials

Organic OCD  ~ Do you suffer from this too?

Organization is KEY to your health! Last month I was Spending a lot of time with a client who paid me over $3000 to organize her raw food kitchen. Do you have a paper and pen handy? You’ll want to take notes! These are the exact tips many of my health clients pay me for when I help them transition onto their spiritual path towards wellness. 

* Don’t refrigerate everything! ~ Many fruits and vegetables are better left out of the fridge! Many foods such as berries, apples, potatoes, tomatoes and citrus are best displayed in beautiful bowls in the kitchen. I have antique bowls and beautiful crystal displaying these all over my kitchen you can find these items at garage and estate sales very inexpensively.

* Use Canning Jars ~ In Ohio we use canning jars for everything! In You don’t only can with them, you drink from them, carry things in them and you gift people with items using canning jars. This is one habit that this Ohio girl has never forgotten.

* Use Unique Recycled bags for labeling ~ Instead of labeling items it is much easier to simply buy in bulk and use a recycled brown paper bag with a non-toxic marker. Place your hand made label into each jar when storing dry goods such as coconut chips, chia seeds etc. Kids love this!

* Store Nuts in the fridge ~ Nuts should never be bought in bulk as they go rancid quickly. Nuts should also only be stored in the fridge.

* Shop Smart ~  Rarely do I make a grocery list. I have a set amount of items That I stock up on once per month when I do my large grocery haul that involves three different stores. My fruits and vegetables I get weekly at the local farmers market and have my favorite vendors who save all my items for me. My trip to the farmers market is as simple as me showing up, pulling up and sending a text message to my farmers. This saves me hours as I know they not only know my favorites, they also save me their absolute best pickings that week! When you develop a good relationship with your local farmers they will cater to you as you cater to them. It’s a win win!

* Items have different uses ~ I sprout my own sprouts and use a metal drying dish rack to invert them. This saves me about $35 a week and takes a little to no effort. There are many different ways to recycle kitchen appliances and items. Just open your imagination! 

* Grow your own! ~ Food is mood there’s more serotonin that runs in the gut in there is in the brain. I began growing my own tomatoes herbs and lettuce is back in Ohio and recently started an aloe garden that surrounds the back of my property. Gardening is not something you can fake. You either have a green thumb or you don’t. I’m blessed to have my grandma and mother’s green thumb. I highly suggest you get gardening to try just make sure you use organic soil because that is what will feed your gut the good bacteria you need.

I love you, please let yourselves

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