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Archive for the category “detox”

8 Ways to open your third eye

I’ve been diving deep into the spiritual connection that is directly linked to our gut health, liver health, and especially our pineal gland. Going so far as to record and document the 8 ways to open the third eye. I’ve eaten a Raw food detox diet for decades now! In fact, I’m working on something to tie this all together for you. Before that comes out, let’s start with the basics. Let’s begin with a few ways to cleanse your pineal gland in order to open your third eye.

8 Ways to open your third eye

Decalcify your pineal gland The primary function of the pineal gland is to produce melatonin. This regulates our sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin production is stimulated by darkness and inhibited by light. Over time our pineal gland basically calcifies. A few of the ways to decalcify this important gland is to

  • Avoid Fluoride Pay close attention to the water in your life, avoid tap water completely! Tap water is a source of fluoride, which contributes to pineal gland calcification. Add water filters to your sink and shower faucets.
  • Supplement with humic and fulvic acid The list of supplements that support and detoxify the third eye is long and includes raw cacao, goji berries, garlic, lemons, watermelon, bananas, raw honey, coconut oil, hemp seeds, cilantro, seaweeds, honey, chlorella, spirulina, blue-green algae, raw apple cider vinegar, zeolite, ginseng, borax, Vitamin D3, bentonite clay and chlorophyll and especially humic and fulvic acids!

I’ve taken the guesswork out of combining all of these in my clay-based Raw Food Detox Formula.

  • Eat a Raw Food Detox diet

I tell my clients to start with a big juice in the morning and a HUGE salad at night! This seems to be the winning ticket! Here is a sample of what I tend to eat at night on a Raw Food Detox Diet!

  • Use Essentials Oils Many essential oils stimulate the pineal gland and facilitate states of spiritual awareness. A few of my favorites are lavender, sandalwood, frankincense, blue spruce, and pine. Essential oils may be inhaled directly, added to body oil, burned in a diffuser, and added to bathwater. Be mindful around your pets however, these oils can be toxic.
  • Gaze into the sun! I LOVE sun-gazing! The sun is a great source of power. Gaze gently at the sun during the first few minutes of sunrise and the last few minutes of sunset to boost the potency of your pineal gland.
  • Yoga Y’all know I LOVE my yoga practice! Unfortunately, most of the studios are requiring you to wear a mask. These days, I’ve been enjoying yoga at home. I actually find it much more peaceful at home. My doggies love it too!
  • Chanting and Meditation both activate the pineal gland through setting the intention. Start by sitting in a quiet space while chanting “I am love” over and over again. Try visualizing the decalcification of the pineal gland as you do so.
  • Wear Crystal jewelry Crystals are major influential allies in the mission to awaken the third eye. Use crystals and gemstones in the colors of purple, indigo, and violet along with gold and white. These are the colors to awaken, balance, align, and nurture the third eye.

Check out my Etsy shop with a variety of spiritual jewelry and crystals here

Raw Food Detox

Raw Food Detox ~ Jackfruit jicama roll ups













A surprise coming soon!

Jackfruit wrapped in thinly sliced jicama with cashew cheese & dill from my garden.

This is just one of my upcoming recipes in my Love your liver ten-day detox program coming out in the new year!

People just aren’t making the connection between the health of our liver and our third eye-opening. These things truly matter.


Messages from my Morning Meditation…

* The universe needs what you are creating!

* Just like my ancestral guides came through 20 years ago telling me to go vegan and that one day the world would be plant-based, your guides are going to start coming through speaking prophecies as well.

* Codependent behavior will not be allowed or accepted in 2021. In fact, you will start to feel repulsed at the very idea of someone controlling you with money, guilt, or shame.

* Gone are the days where you can research someone’s social media history and try to emulate their vibe. People have woke. They see through the actors and actresses of this world. Saturn will not allow this.

* Anyone who has had their life’s work whether written or displayed mocked, emulated or stolen from will rise above monetarily.

* The veil will be lifted that covers politicians and people in Hollywood who carry a false high status exposing pedophilia.

* Your health must come front and center in order for you to create the type of authentic lifestyle we were all put on this earth to create.

* If you’ve not gone plant-based yet, now is the time. We are evolving as a species and must stand up for the voiceless.

* We are being called to be more mindful to what our ears and eyes take in. Less social media, less news, less gossip.

God, spirit, and your ancestors who walked before you only want the best for you.

Cilantro kisses

~ Andrea

Get your 2021 reading below

Andrea Cox

Andrea Cox











Liver Cleanse – liver flush detox juice

January is a good time to help our bodies catch up with detoxification. A time to give our organs a chance to rest and recover. It’s a good time to think about removing environmental toxins too! Below I’m going to share with you my favorite Liver detox juice recipe! But first, let’s educate ourselves on liver function and why it’s so important to do a liver cleanse. 

We typically don’t think about our organs when we think about a detox. Typically we do a parasite cleanse or a sugar detox but rarely do we consider the most important organ in our body. The liver! From the time we wake in the morning until the time we go to sleep, to every food and supplement choice we make, our liver is in control! It’s up to our liver to process and filter out everything we take in. It’s easy to overlook the parts of our body that aren’t immediately obvious, but the liver serves some pretty important functions.

Why Liver Function is Important:

The liver is the hub of storing vitamins, minerals, and glycogen, removing toxins from your bloodstream, producing bile to digest fat, and breaking down your hormones. Did I mention your liver is in charge of balancing protein, fat, and sugar in the bloodstream? It is! 

All of the processes mentioned above directly correlate to the health of the largest organ of your body, your skin! So needless say, if you suffer from eczema or psoriasis, your liver needs a good detox! 

Signs Your Liver Needs Help and signs you need a liver cleanse :

Some telltale signs that your liver isn’t working as well as it should is if you experience irritable bowel symptoms. These symptoms can be as simple as bloating, gas, constipation, heartburn, or acid reflux. Other less connected signs that are a symptom of a toxic liver are anxiety or depression. Have psoriasis? It’s probably your liver! Trouble losing weight? Experiencing chronic fatigue, excessive sweating, and more? Liver, liver, liver! So basically, if your liver is upset, other systems in your body will magically pop up to let you know something’s wrong.

When we think of liver damage, we typically think of excessive alcohol consumption. This is a myth. Poor food choices along with eating too much fat can greatly damage the liver. Other common causes of liver damage are eating processed foods (in particular, hydrogenated oils and refined sugar), excess alcohol consumption, having an autoimmune disease, taking pharmaceutical medications, not absorbing the proper nutrients from your food (malabsorption), and more.

Did you know that certain foods and beverages are extremely toxic for your liver? Yep, they are! My upcoming program eliminates these for you! So you can figure out whether these particular foods are causing problems for you.

I have been working diligently on a liver detoxification program called Love Your Liver © for all of you! The following heavy hitters we eliminate in this 10 – day meal plan are:

packaged foods including sodas and flavored waters
refined sugar
supplements (except for probiotics and enzymes)
All animal products

This intense ten-day protocol is all wrapped up in ten days worth of recipes! More on this later!

What I really want to talk about is why you think you don’t need a liver detox! So many people clients included, E-mail me complaining about severe skin issues along with anger issues. Far too often they blame their hormones. The truth is, when the liver is clean, the hormones are great! This goes for both women and men! 

In fact, I can almost promise you, if you have ANY skin issues, food sensitivities, and or anger problems, you probably have a toxic liver! Got digestive issues? TOXIC LIVER! Still, blaming your parents or your child-hood for your emotional problems? LIVER LIVER LIVER!

For now, let’s get you on a good morning routine to really benefit your liver!

Below is my FAVORITE love your liver juice!

Andrea’s Love your liver juice recipe


1/2 beet
1 cucumber
2 carrots
4 celery stalks
1 large handful of spinach
1 handful of parsley
1/2 medium lemon
10 long sprigs of dandelion

Put all ingredients through a juicer
Pour into a mason jar and enjoy!
P.S. If you’re looking to get intuitive guidance or answers about why “Your Issues live in your tissues”, join me here at 3:33!

Liver Detox Juice Recipe

Although I never promote eating overt fats, at the end of my ten-day love your liver – liver cleanse, I often have my clients due the cleanse in the video with my buddy Craig Summers below. 


Look, I’m not a doctor and even I agree with this Hopkins medical article stating you should avoid over consuming alcohol and “risky behaviors”.

And of course, you are going to want to follow other dietary examples for good health such as intermittent fasting found in an article I wrote here.  

Start Detoxing From Drugs Or Alcohol Today!

Have you ever struggled with addiction? Do you have a friend, family member, or loved one who has? Addiction can be damaging not just to the person with the addiction but also to their friends and family members.

I am not licensed to deal with people who are going through severe drug withdraw. I do however work with major institutions that recommend me when people have finished their withdrawal process and wish to return to a healthier lifestyle.

With each of my one on one retreat clients, my stance stays the same. I teach them how to eat, juice and properly food combine. I get them onto strong herbal protocols to support their adrenal glands. I re-enforce their self-esteem and inner wisdom to aid them in making proper choices for their future.

One thing is for certain, Juicing is a total GAME CHANGER! Especially if you have ever struggled with addiction or recovery! My underground list of elite clientele who struggle in this area sees miraculous results when they come to my retreats! Here’s the link to my one on one living foods juice fasting retreats


If you can manage symptoms on your own, consider these eight steps to safely detoxify your body. 


Look, I know this seems rough but at the beginning of a detox, you will want to stop consuming drugs and alcohol completely. This is imperative to find your balance. In order to rid your body completely of any substance, you must stop participating in the habit itself. This will allow your body to begin shedding the toxins it has long accumulated. The sooner you quit, the faster you’ll get healthy.


Alcohol dehydrates your body and can cause unpleasant side effects like headaches, muscle pain, and fatigue. By drinking lots of quality spring water, you can eliminate these symptoms. High quality high vibrational water (see my video here) also has the added benefit of naturally detoxing you at a cellular level. It flushes out your system, bringing chemicals, toxins, fats, and other unwanted items with it as it exits your body. I have my clients drinking 1 gallon of quality charged water per day!


The best way to change what your body craves on a cellular level is to feed your body high vibrating living foods. Ideally a raw food diet. Every client that does a private detox or group retreat with me consumes raw living foods and cold-pressed juices.

living foods






The best way to get your body jump-started into the healing process is by juicing. Drinking all-natural juiced fruits and vegetables is basically a shortcut to getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. It’s like a blood transfusion of vitamins! You can drink about five times more vegetables and fruits than you can eat because your body is only filling up on the juice (where the vitamins are) instead of also consuming the meat of the plant. This is beneficial because you get large amounts of vitamins and can consume more in a day, which is key to proper nutrition.

juice cleanse

juice cleanse


Eliminating toxins through waste, exercise, and sweating are the best ways to start ridding your body of its unhealthy build-up. By accelerating your heart and causing your body to sweat, you’re eliminating the unhealthy toxins through your pores. Running, biking, hot yoga, or any other exercise will not only help you detox but will also produce endorphins in your brain that can keep you in good spirits through this difficult process. An alternative method to remove toxins is to get yourself in a sauna. Not only is this a great way to de-stress, but the heavy amount of sweat that is produced releases chemicals out of your body.

I have two types of saunas I use with my clients. The infrared sauna and also a Finland style sauna that uses hot coals. Believe it or not, both serve a very valuable purpose in cellular detoxification. Epsom salt baths are another great way to accomplish the same thing. Hot water opens your pores and the salt carries the toxins away. I use a resonate light machine with my clients to help with the mental component and the physical components of their cellular detoxification from drugs and alcohol.


Lessen the stress: In the hectic world we live in, it can be hard to avoid stress. Make sure to unwind and treat yourself well each day. Stress hormones, such as cortisol, are detrimental to your health and path towards detoxification and healing. Stay away from coffee and cigarettes: Not only are they harmful toxins themselves, but they can also reinforce unhealthy habits that trigger addiction.

Every client I work with gets on a good herbal protocol after taking the free health assessment on my website. I also highly recommend to my clients that they get a lymphatic massage. This is another great stress-reducer and can aid in the release of toxins from your body via the lymphatic system.


Most of us are sleep-deprived. Ideally, you should get eight to nine hours of sleep a night to reduce stress and keep your body in peak health. You want to get on a good sleep-wake pattern prior to beginning your detoxification process.


Get your family and friends involved: Anyone can take these detox steps to build a healthier life. Having a support system is vitally important. When you can offer support and help one another to keep everyone on track. Start Detoxing From Drugs Or Alcohol Today! The decision to begin to detox is a big step and not one to be taken lightly. By following the above recommendations, you can start on the path to a healthy, drug- and alcohol-free life.

If you or someone you know is suffering from substance abuse and need detox support, please contact us today to learn how we can help after you’ve gone through an initial protocol. Sometimes learning to feed yourself, learning to juice, and discovering the best herbal protocol for you can win the race over drugs and alcohol! 

I hope these tips helped you! I only want the best for you

For more information on my one on one cellular detoxification retreats and coaching, contact me on my business cell at 937-760-0865

Copyright © Andrea Leigh Cox 2020

How to change your health and your life!


Andrea Cox Intuitive healer, detox specialist, holistic health coach

Andrea Cox Intuitive healer, detox specialist, holistic health coach

Hello friend,

Once per year I extend an offer to you that far surpasses ANY Black Friday sale you’ll come across today! It’s the gift that keeps on giving! A gift of a renewed life refreshed mind and refurbished body! It’s the only gift that allows you to heal from the inside out. It’s the gift of my health coaching and intuitive guidance services.

The results my clients achieve after working one on one with me in the areas of cellular detoxification, weight-loss, eating disorder recovery, intuitive guidance and overall spiritual health are life-changing! In fact, I often say to my clients “I don’t want to see you back again let’s get it right the first time”. And every time, we do get it right!

You see, my goal is not to have you come back as a repeat client. My goal is to send you back into the world as an entirely new person. Someone who feels confident within their body mind spirit and soul. A healed person who is doing their life’s work. A balanced human who is interacting healthily with their life partner, family, and friends.

When I work with clients it is not for the sole purpose of them losing weight however most of them end up losing about a pound to two pounds per day. While discovering their true calling in life and ending codependent relationships friendships and business partnerships that have had them in a struggle or even feeling trapped.

Have you been struggling with your weight, emotional over-eating, binging, people-pleasing, relationship toxicity, or mental blocks? Do you feel that you are in a codependent relationship where you are not getting the love, attention, and admiration that you deserve? If you find yourself answering “yes” to any of the above mentioned, it’s time to book a call to begin our month-long coaching.

Here are just a few benefits my clients achieve along with proven healing protocols they learn with them during our month-long process together!

* Loss of the ego-self
* More Self-confidence and elevated self-esteem
* Profound emotional healing
* Identify and clarify business or personal goals (you will discover and clarify your life’s purpose)!
* Forgive others and release old feelings of resentment towards past partners, family members, and colleagues
* Improve relationships with loved ones and co-workers
* Get motivated with a clear action plan
* Create and maintain healthy boundaries
* Opening your heart (learn to become vulnerable while still protecting your boundaries)
* Work through major life transitions
* Develop and implement organizational skills
* Be held accountable for a weight loss plan
* An ending to binge eating
* Cellular detoxification protocols (never get sick again)!
* Meal planning for post-chemo patients
* Herbal protocol and meal planning for post addiction recovery
* Anorexia, bulimia, and BED (binge eating disorder) meal
* Stop over-spending and get out of debt
* Develop leadership and public speaking skills


Look, I’m not like other so-called “coaches”. I don’t take on 4-6 people per month. I am an avid teacher of self-care! I lead a VERY balanced life. Seventy-five percent of my new clients come from clients with whom I’ve worked with in the past.

I’ve found over the years that by only taking on one client per month, I can transform your life while maintaining a healthy balance of my own. Besides, I prefer your month of guidance to be entirely devoted to your healing process.

If you are ready to get back into the driver’s seat of your life. If you are ready to TRULY change the look and health of your body along with your entire outlook on life, please contact me on my business cell at 937-760-0865. Please note this cell phone only accepts text messages. 

I only want the best for you and I look forward to paving your path towards healthy, abundant, and mindful new beginnings!

~ Andrea

The Biggest health mistake I ever made

World Vegan Day

Andrea Cox

21 years ago I made the choice to go vegan. I lived in the small town of Dayton Ohio. Everyone told me I was crazy but my mom.
FACT: My fiancé of 11 years that I had built a home with said it “was a phase”. I left him the next day.
I felt alone and constantly called on my mother for emotional support which she graciously gave to me by continuously repeating the words “I think you’re on the right path”.
Going vegan helped me survive an eating disorder that almost took my life. By being able to eat whatever the heck I wanted in whatever amount I wanted I felt FREE for the first time! I was creating BEAUTIFUL works of art in the form of raw vegan food that I placed into my first Un-cook raw vegan book Raw~Licous Recipes! I was eating copious amounts of raw vegan ice cream’s, raw vegan cakes, raw Vegan cookies and pies along with my healthy foods like green juice and my HUGE avocado salads in whatever portions I wanted without shame or guilt. I began drinking fresh juice every morning and started growing my own food.
Today is World Vegan Day And 21 years later, I am PROUD to say going 100% vegan has worked for me. I love animals therefore I don’t put them on my plate. Give juicing a try! Give vegan a try! I promise you (just like me), you will not regret it! You will not die of a protein deficiency! You will begin to LIVE for the very first time!
In fact, The BIGGEST health mistake I ever made was NOT going vegan sooner!
So today (in order to celebrate World Vegan Day)! In order to celebrate my dog’s healing, my beautiful new home and the beautiful new lease on life until tomorrow at midnight… I am offering my monthly health coaching (Go vegan with ease) AKA “Easy breezy vegan” for HALF the price I normally charge! Why? Because today is the day that I chose to go vegan 21 years ago!

Here is what you’ll get! 

* Get the meal planning
* The daily coaching
* The weekly coaching calls
* The one on one Face-time chats
* My personal cell
* A private astrological chart reading
* Food combining 101
* My Juicing for beauty book
* A bottle of my Smiling Gut probiotics
* The 3 months of follow ups and SO MUCH MORE …
All you need to do is E-mail me and CC my assistant at the following two
E-mails with the title “I’M READY TO REACH MY GOALS”!
Annabelle’s E-mail ~
So if you happen to E-mail us and don’t receive a reply it just means that the spot is filled for this month. But hey, you never know, sometimes I take on 2-3 clients. With this INCREDIBLE ENERGY I’ve been feeling, I just may!
Remember I only want the very best for you!
Cilantro kisses
I Love you, Please love yourself and go vegan

Getting You Back To GREAT Mental Health and Physical Health!

Hey Luv, Andrea here

In these strange times we are living in we need to remind ourselves that in order to keep a state of high integrity high energy along with a positive mindset…


Without these key components you will be deficient in vitamins, minerals and trace minerals.


* The soil sucks! Because our food is no longer grown in quality soil. Unless you are growing your food yourself it is not enough to be buying organic.

* Your internal house (bodily system) isn’t pure. With all the pharmaceutical drugs, recreational drugs, abuse of alcohol and yes (abuse of weed)! Along with the pesticides, herbicides and vaccines floating around we must supplement with quality herbs! Because chances are you’ve been exposed to one if not all of these at some point in your life.

* You are overwhelmed with stress! Chronic stress is also playing a HUGE role in the decline of our vitality and mental health.

* You don’t have a balanced gut flora. Chances are with all of the above your gut flora simply isn’t what it once was. Many of my clients were not taking probiotics prior to starting their health coaching program with me.

* You aren’t supplementing with high quality herbs and you don’t have a clue as to where to start! You aren’t on a reputable herbal regimen like the one I prote, teach you about and represent. (See the free health assessment below)!

* FAKE NEWS! You are being exposed to the TOXIC media! The good, the bad, the ugly, the truth and the not so true daily!

* You’re busy! Many of you who reach out for my help are working two jobs. Several of you have children, are single parents or (and this is rough) are taking care of your elderly parents. The bottom line here is you feel that there simply isn’t enough time in the day to exercise and prepare hearty home cooked meals. Let alone juice!

* You aren’t juicing! Ok, this is HUGE! Juicing is like a blood transfusion of vitamins and minerals into the bloodstream. Without juicing, you are likely deficient.

Chances are, unless you’ve lived under a rock ~ like me:) You’ve been exposed to one or all of the bodily, digestive or mental decline factors above!

Look folks, I care about you! I care about what you put in your mouth and what you put in your kids mouth’s. I also have stayed up many nights crying when y’all have reached out to me saying that you’re just super depressed.

I want you to have fantastic mental health, sexual health along with a great digestive system! 

There is a way around this through the food you eat and the supplements you take! You CAN improve your physical and mental health and well-being WITH THREE SIMPLE STEPS!

1) Join me live for Tasty Tuesday’s at 6pm pacific tonight!

2) Take your FREE health assessment here

3) Pick up a bottle of my AMAZING Smiling Gut pre and probiotics here!

Remember that after you fill out the coaching form above the good questions come! The questions that REALLY help both myself and my assistant get to the bottom of your herbal needs!

I love you

I only want the best for you

Please love yourselves

And drink your juice

All my love ~ Andrea

Just a few of Andrea’s beautiful creations!

Copyright © Andrea Cox

A FREE Portal To Health!

Today is the first day of a new month! A new month with brand new possibilities. I love the first of the month! It’s when I start fresh with a new group of clients ready and open to learning all of my healthy secrets. Below is a video on a ritual I do the day prior to starting with new clients. I really don’t think we spend enough time doing two things…

1) Grounding ourselves in mother nature

2) Staying away from our electronic devices

I hope the video above helped remind you how to “stay in flow”. We all fall out of flow from time to time (myself included). Just remember not to allow outside circumstances to interrupt your flow. You are the creator of your world, this is one thing we all have the power to control. We can choose non reaction over reactive behavior. It’s an on going practice but remember… practice makes perfect. The more you are tested, the greater you become and the more you will strive to overcome obstacles placed upon your path.

I guess you could say that nature provides us with a FREE portal to all our health needs!

It’s a great feeling to know we have the free resource of nature right outside of our door. At any given time during any given moment we can utilize this resource to our advantage Remember everything we do is a spiritual experience leading to us serving our highest good towards our highest destiny.

The other day one of my earth angels who is also a kindred soulmate reminded me that I am a Starseed… a unicorn Someone who is here to lead and be an example for others to follow. He reminded me that I sprinkle Stardust just by being who I am and that yes some people will try to take from my light but that others will want to emulate me and that’s a BEAUTIFUL THING! It actually is creating more growth for the universe to expand, grow and to wake up! How beautiful is that?!

How exciting is it to know that just by being who I am I inspire others to raise their vibration to grow their own food and to reach for the stars! I am so very grateful for these moments of growth and expansion! We really are all in this together.

Below… one of my favorite elixir tonic recipes! I encourage each and every one of you to check out the videos of my tonic’s on my YouTube channel AndreaCoxTV and to please try this for yourself. It’s a crown opener.

Chaga elixir

Base 2 cups of green tea

1 Cup of oat milk

A sprig of mint or mint essential oils

Half a teaspoon of chaga powder

A pinch of coconut palm sugar or Monk fruit

Directions Whisk this together as to not disturb the constitution of the magical healing powers that these herbs provide. I love starting my day with medicinal mushrooms blended into a tonic.

I love you

Only want the best for you

Please love yourself

And drink your juice

~ Andrea

Anxiety Over Getting Sick?

Want to build a strong immune system, have glowing skin, look years younger and get a full night’s sleep in less than 30 days…

Are you sick and tired of reading those very same E-mail headlines? I sure am. One thing I know for sure is this… No one gets sick on mama’s turf! AKA my turf! 

Hi luv, Andrea here…

There are so many gentle souls just like you who are fearful of getting sick with what’s going on in the world today! I mean you can’t turn on the TV without seeing COVID19 AKA The Coronavirus headlines. 

And rightfully so!

Everyday I talk to men and women who are now fully aware of the consequences of NOT eating a plant-based diet. They are hearing and seeing how this can lead them to having a compromised immune system.

On top of this, the more fear they pile on, the more their stress response systems kick in and the more taxed their immune systems become.

It makes them vulnerable to catching colds, flu’s and other terrible viruses!

Combine this with the economy crash we are facing and BOOM! You have a recipe for disaster! And it sure the heck isn’t one of my beautiful vegan recipes!

Look luv, this is NOT GOOD

I’m a fact kind of girl! A show me the evidence type of woman! I’m also the gal that WILL NOT go down without a good ol fight (hair scrunchie and all)!

So any amount of relief I can provide my clients system is not only helpful but life and health changing!

The Fastest way to do this is through detoxification protocols via my monthly coaching. There’s a reason they call me “The Detox Queen”! Because the proof is in the raw vegan pudding! 

Did you know my referral rate for my health coaching clients is 72%? YEP! This means 72% of my health coaching clients are referred from other people who have achieved their health, detoxification and weight loss goals by going through my monthly coaching program. 

When my clients use my detox protocols, their body releases decades of built-up “baggage” inside.

They sometimes lose 10lbs PLUS in 5 days while eating abundantly! Who couldn’t use a little weight loss in lockdown?!

Who doesn’t want to look in the mirror in the morning and see clearer skin? Who wouldn’t want their jeans a little bit looser because they have a 2-inch gap where they were once tight!

And who the heck doesn’t feel the need to SERIOUSLY BOOST THEIR IMMUNE SYSTEM right now?!

Above are just some of the physical benefits.

Inside? Now this is where the REAL MAGIC happens!

My clients always begin to feel calm, clear, and more in control of how they feel by the end of the first week of my coaching.

Relationships mend.

Intimacy begins to rekindle.

And overall…

Their lives start to become what they WANT it to be.

It’s like taking their foot off the brake of a car that’s been revved up for far too long.

They just feel better.

So I’m right now…

I’m taking on 4 coaching clients over the next 30 days. I’ll be designing a custom exact detoxification protocol for your unique situation.

So you too can have glowing skin, sleep a full night’s sleep every night and feel confident knowing you’re on your way to a strong immune system… while dropping pounds and inches!

Oh and you won’t be getting sick either! Not on my turf!

So shoot me an E-mail at and remember… This will go FAST! It’s a here today gone tomorrow thing, ya know! If you don’t hear back from me within 12 hours, E-mail me a second time.

I love you

Please love yourselves

With love, ~ Andrea


Subscribe to my two YouTube channels below

AndreaCoxTV {Health ~ Raw Vegan Recipes & Detox}

TheDetoxIntuitive {Spirituality, Sound Healing & Astrology}

Must Haves For The New Year!

Hello beautiful!

I have a must have video for you to watch along with a must burn incense for you to bring in this new year! Check them out below! 

If you grew up in a home where clear communication was not accepted, you may have grown up to be quite the non communicator yourself. Even if you did grow up in a home like I did where clear honest communication and self expression was encouraged, you’ve probably gotten used to just swallowing your feelings in a relationship with a non communicator at some point. Let’s face it, we all swallow our feelings at some point. But stuffing down our feelings, emotions and vulnerabilities eventually lead us to stuffing our face to numb the pain. 

Like I always say, “Your issues live in your tissues”!

Eventually, we all wake up to the realization that feelings (especially repressed anger and sadness) don’t just pass. They build up, and drive us emotionally further from our families, co-workers, friends and especially our partner.

Today, at 5pm pacific, I’m going to go on Facebook live and share a bit of insight with you on this very subject. Heres the link to join me. When you arrive, just let me know where you’re tuning in from in the comments below the video and hit the share button if you feel inclined to do so.

2020 is going to be the BEST YEAR EVER! Especially as we see more and more people get healthier through their body, minds and souls! Lets get the non-communicating .. communicating again:)


I have 15 packages of AUTHENTIC COPAL INCENSE! There are ten sticks of incense in each package. I’m charging $47 per package (because it’s the real deal/not the fake skinny Copal)!

This price includes shipping in the US! This will be EXCELLENT to burn the first week of the new year to cleanse yourself, your home, car and or office!

In other countries they burn Copal at death ceremonies. This is perfect for after the eclipse to help you let go of any person place or habit that no longer serves you. The smell is absolutely lovely and the incense burns for a lengthy amount of time. I only recommend you use copal in your home once per month because of the strength of the cleansing properties.

There are two ways to pay

Send $47 on Venmo @Andrea-Cox-16


You may paypal me $47 using the link below

Until tomorrow, remember…

I only want the best for you

I love you

Please love yourself


Awaken Through The Lessons ~ Coaching & Spiritual Detoxification Retreats!

For years I didn’t know how I would ever be able to clear out the emotional clutter of the co-dependent relationships of the past. I had no clue how to end LONG KARMIC CYCLES of on and off relationships or in and out behavior. I was fighting with the people that were the most dear to my heart. Those who I loved the most. I wasnt visiting my family or cultivating close friendships into my life. I was over working while being under paid. I felt like I wasnt truly living my lifes purpose.

My name in the raw vegan detoxification movement was up there with the big boys! But my soul was crying out for more. I knew there had to be MUCH MORE to what I was destined to leave as my legacy. More than just juices and a group of happy glowing people that I had taught my secrets to.


I’ve taken two decades of eating a living foods diet, juicing every day and my cellular detoxification secrets and combined them with a way of communicating with others from a perspective that includes our astrological chart and past life connections. This way of communicating evokes healing past pain to create a better future. Whether you join me for a month of one on one coaching or, for a retreat in a group setting. This program is sure to work in your life towards healing your health, mind and your relationships.

As our past life trauma is awakened the realization that we are working through our soul groups to create change is learned. Here is where REAL IMPROVEMENT OCCURS! Here is the kicker… the one fact that EVERYONE tends to miss! Our issues live in our tissues! If you don’t start detoxifying your body on a cellular level, these past life traumas will never truly come alive! They will simply stay dormat and you will continue to suffer.

With your health

your work

your family

and especially within the rhealm of your relationships!

So how does this work? How do you sign up today to be a part of this transformational life changing experience? You simply make a choice! You ask yourself the following question. 

Do I learn better over an extended period of time? Or, am I more receptive to learning when in a group setting away from home?


Here is the List of ceremonies and classes at the retreat

Divine feminine & Divine masculine Connection

Plants as medicine

Raw Living Foods Education

Food combining

Elixir Tonic making to heal adrenal failure

Juicing with Andrea

Vision board Creation

Daily yoga and meditation

Birth chart and reading from Andrea

Colonics and coffee enemas

Transformational breath work

Lymphatic drainage massage

Learn to lead and partake in moon rituals

All fresh organic juices, raw living foods and supplements provided All fragrance free, chemical free and fluoride free toiletries will be provided. A journal for jotting down Andrea’s recipes and your thoughts will be provided. IN A LUXURIOUS ALL-INCLUSIVE RESORT IN SUNNY SAN DIEGO!


List of classes through our coaching program

The coaching program embodies each of the above cerimonies and rituals that I will be teaching for you. This is excellent for those of you who simply cannot take off from work, or who want a one on one experience with me leading the way.

We speak over skype, Facetime or the phone three times per week for about one hour each call. You also have my personal cell number to reach out to me at ANY TIME within business hours. For services such as the lymphatic drainage, yoga and breath work, I’ll be referring you to the proper instructors in your area from my own personal data base.

To Book Your Retreat Simply Click Here

To Sign Up For Coaching You May E-mail me @

Remember, I only want the best for you ~ Congrats on taking the first step towards loving yourself ~ Andrea


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