Andrea cox

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My Biggest Health Secrets Revealed

Every day I’m contacted with the same question. I mean I get the EXACT SAME DARN QUESTION that is just worded differently EVERY DAY!

It’s a bit personal but I’m going to share it with all of you. Whether on social media, through my website, or from strangers I meet in everyday life, the same question pops up.

THE QUESTION: How do you look younger every year?

Despite the small percentage of naysayers (aka the small group of haters that hide behind fake accounts and big computer screens) that claim it must be botox or surgery, the majority of people can see that my appearance stems from a very holistic place.

The truth is I can’t get botox or fillers. I’ve suffered from psoriasis on and off for years. Unfortunately, those types of chemicals would create a flare-up that would have me covered in psoriasis for months! It’s just not worth it! In all honesty, If I could I would and y’all know I would be filming those procedures for you!

The truth is I actually practice what I preach! I juice every day, spend a lot of time in nature with my dogs and have been vegan (mostly raw) for 21 years. When I share my age with people the first thing I get is “OMG, YOU ARE LYING”! Um, no, I’m actually not!

Today I’m going to share a few of my anti-aging secrets to help you begin to take your health to the next level. Tomorrow I’ve got an even sweeter surprise! I’m going to invite you in on an even BIGGER secret! Sound good? AWESOME!

For today let’s just call this Andrea’s Alkalizing Anti Aging Tips! Sound good?

My Top anti-ging Tips!

1) Just say no to the diet foe

Your first step in taking your health to the next level while upping your anti-aging game is to let go of any attachments you might have to diets. Your hormones, physiology, lifestyle, profession, and environment are all continually changing and evolving. What may have worked for you in the past is exactly that, your past! If your goal is to make progress with your health and unlock your body’s full anti-aging potential, it’s time to learn the easy way!

Stop with all these fad “diets” Start by eating whole nutrient-dense foods. Be more aware of portion control. You don’t need to jump right into this restricted “diet” to get the results you want. You just need to start SOMEWHERE. 95% of diets fail and most will regain their weight back… why? Because you’re choosing a way of eating that isn’t maintainable or long term. This is why I have my clients follow my light to a heavy concept! This is what I teach them during our coaching calls! My clients NEVER cut portions! They don’t do the low carb keto lie! 

One thing I do have my clients do is to dump the white flour, white sugar, and the majority if not all of the animal products they consume! Bottom line, You are what you eat!

2) Dump the toxic make-up!

Ok ladies this is a MUST! Although I don’t want to list what I use and what I stay away from let’s just say this… I have an entire section on my website dedicated to the ONLY cosmetic line I will use! Heck, I even have my own skincare oil that was created just for me by an esthetician! You can find all of those paraben-free, cruelty-free products here!

3) Stop over-exercising to make up for the binge you had the night before!

Yes, you can pursue fitness and heal your relationship with food.⁣⁣ But if you’re obsessing over calories burned, your weight, all the things you dislike about your body and you’re fueling your workouts with self-hatred, something that is good will become toxic quickly.⁣⁣

As a fitness model, I had to discipline myself to shift the dialogue in my head around working out.⁣⁣ I stopped letting my Fitbit run the show. ⁣I stopped allowing the guilt to creep in over how much I ate the day before. I stopped hating my body! In fact, I love my body more today than when I was on the cover of magazines! I started repeating affirmations every day and you know what… that shit really works!

As far as exercise goes, gentle movements such as nature hikes, rebounding, and yoga are where it’s at for anti-aging exercise.

4) Stop believing (or even giving a shit) about what other people think! It causes wrinkles!

If I would have believed what other people said about me rather than what I know to be true about myself, I would have never had the opportunity to impact SO MANY women and men’s lives!

What an honor it’s been and continues to be to know I have worked with and impacted thousands of lives (including quite a few celebrities)! Heck, I think I may have impacted millions of lives if we include social media. Freeing myself from a deadly eating disorder and body struggles have allowed space for so much more freedom in other areas of my life, specifically the weight of other people’s opinions.⁣ Had I believed or given any energy into the negative that the 2% said about me, I wouldn’t be here sharing with all of you today!

In fact, let me take a moment and encourage all of you to take a moment to say THANK YOU to all of the naysayers! They are the reason you are leveling up today!

5) Get some sleep!

This is one of the most overlooked anti-aging tips in my opinion! It’s also the reason I bailed on three engagements! LOL! If it (or he) doesn’t bring you peace (and sleep), RUN! It is a scientific FACT that adequate rest and deep REM (rapid eye movement) sleep on a regular schedule is essential to feeling great and staying youthful. Sleep allows your body (and your skin) to regenerate, repair, and heal.

6) Get you some Red light therapy baby!

Red light beds (I have one in my home, they have salons everywhere) are said to help reduce cosmetic skin issues, like stretch marks and wrinkles. I began using a red-light bed to heal my psoriasis in a doctor’s office. I noticed immediately the effect it had on my skin! Although red-light therapy used in a medical office setting may be used to treat more serious conditions, like psoriasis, slow-healing wounds, and even the side effects of chemotherapy, it is an excellent anti-ager and really helps your body to develop a good sleep-wake cycle.

7) Hydrate like the fishy you are!

Look, you don’t have to be a Pisces to drink water like a fish! Hydration is key in anti-aging! I eat a plethora of raw water-filled fruits and vegetables to stay hydrated! I also harvest my own spring water and add a few secret ingredients that I’ll be sharing in an upcoming video! So if you aren’t already subscribed, you may do so here!

Be present, be mindful … be the change you wish to see in others.

I love you

I only want the best for you

Please love yourself and stay humble

Until tomorrow drink your juice

Cilantro kisses ~ Andrea


Andrea Cox with her morning detox juice

The Dirty Dozen! Chemicals to avoid in your Skincare, Haircare and Cosmetics!

If you and I have connected here for any length of time you know I’ve been vegan for 20 years. What you also may or may not know is that I pride myself on using skin care products that are not only cruelty free and toxin free but that are also not going to place further burdens onto our beautiful suffering planet.

If you have been interested in getting more in alignment with non-toxic cruelty free hair care, skin care and cosmetics. Or, if you are just desiring to become more Conscious about what you place on your body (both inside and out) I highly suggest you check out this new page I just created on my website!

Everything I share on the page is…




toxin free

NEVER tested on animals

‪I even share the internal supplements formulated along with a custom skin oil that was created just for me!

‪If you have always wanted

‪* beautiful long HEALTHY hair ‬

‪.* strong nails ‬(that are yours)

‪* incredible skin ‬(y’all ALWAYS ask me this)

Check out this link now!



The skin is the largest organ of the body. It performs several vital functions for the body including protecting other vital organs, bones, muscles, tendons and nerve endings. One would think that we would have a need to be extremely mindful of what we are putting on our skin.

Here’s Why:

Our skin acts as a sponge! In fact 60 to 65% of what we put on our skin gets absorbed into the bloodstream within 15 minutes! I KNOW RIGHT?!

Because the FDA does NOT regulate skincare, (YEP! They don’t) almost any ingredient can be incorporated into formulas! Many are incredibly dangerous to your health and the health of your family.

Many ingredients found in traditional skincare products (facial washes, lotions, sunscreens, deodorants etc) have been linked to health issues such as allergies, allergic reactions, psoriasis, eczema, cancer, hormonal disruption, and reproductive problems.

QUESTION: So the age old question is this… Can you trust your haircare, deodorants, laundry detergents, skin care and makeup? Or, could they be making you sick? The simple answer is absolutely yes!

Always Remember Johnson & Johnson! Just look at the Johnson and Johnson lawsuit there is a prime example of how a baby powder caused millions of women to get ovarian cancer.

Of course, until people step forward… nothing happens to these companies when typical products such as a baby powder causes millions of women to die until people like you and I stand up, speak out and stick up for our rights. The biggest way we can do this is by not supporting the chemical laden toxin filled companies that often test on animals!

Prior to reading my top 12 TOXIN list below please bear in mind that what you should be doing before avoiding chemicals and toxins is making certain that all the brands you and your family are using are not tested on animals and that they contain no animal byproducts!

Andrea Cox toxin free lifestyle

My Top 12 Ingredients To Avoid In Your Skincare, haircare and cosmetics are as follows…

1. ALUMINUM ~ A toxic metal that can have estrogen like effects in our systems, disrupting the healthy functioning of the endocrine system.

Usually found in almost every personal care product, especially antiperspirant deodorants. NOTE: Men often test high for aluminum!

2. MINERAL OIL ~ A petroleum by-product that coats the skin like plastic, clogging pores often causing breakouts. This is incredibly harmful because it interferes with your skin’s ability to eliminate toxins, therefore increasing likelihood of several skin disorders. Mineral oil is often found in creams, lotions, ointments, and cosmetics.

3. DMDM HYDANTOIN ~ Preservatives that often release formaldehyde which may cause skin allergies, headaches, and a major loss of sleep. This chemical is usually found in skincare products, cosmetics, shampoos and conditioners, and especially in laundry detergents.

4. Diethanolamine ~ Monoethanolamine and triethanolamine ~ Clear, colorless, horrific liquids with ammonia odors. Usually found in products that foam such as soaps. They are found specifically in eye makeup, hair products, and sunscreens. NOTE: Please note I use a straight zinc oxide for sunscreen and I rarely use one!

5. PEG (Polyethylene glycol) ~ An Ingredient that can alter and reduce the skin’s natural moisture factor. It’s often used as a thickener in products to dissolve oil and grease.

6. PARABENS ~ Not always labeled, used as preservatives, and may contribute to hormone imbalance and even breast cancer. Usually found almost everywhere including skincare products such as moisturizers, deodorants and cosmetics.

7. PHTHALATES (THIS ONE IS NEVER LISTED)! ~ It’s almost always called “fragrance”! This chemical is used to increase flexibility and strength of plastics, and not often listed among the ingredients on products.

8. SILOXANES Look for ingredients ending in “siloxane / methicone.” Used in a variety of cosmetics and lotions to soften, smooth and moisten. But at who’s expense?! Suspected endocrine disrupter and reproductive toxicant (cyclotetrasiloxane). Note: From a vegan standpoint this particular ingredient is harmful to fish and certain wildlife!

9. PROPYLENE GLYCOL & BUTYLENE GLYCOL ~ Gaseous hydrocarbons which in a liquid state act as “surfactant”. They penetrate the skin so quickly and can weaken the protein and cellular structure. Usually used to make extracts from herbs.

10. SODIUM LAURYL SULFATE & SODIUM LAURETH SULFATE ~ This was actually the first chemical I stopped using 20 years ago. Back then, it was almost impossible to find any shampoo or conditioner that was sulfite free. Now, I demand it in any salon I enter.

11. TRICLOSAN ~ Known as a synthetic antibacterial agent. Studies show this can greatly disrupt thyroid function and lead to cancer. Usually found in soaps, mouthwash, shaving products, deodorants and toothpastes.

12. FRAGRANCE UGH! ~ This one angers me because it is a cover up word used for many different ingredients that the cosmetic industry doesn’t want you to know when they are hiding other ingredients! Anything that is synthetic or artificial should always raise a red flag. These are made up of hundreds to thousands of different ingredients not listed on the label! Again 

NOTE: BE MINDFUL! Many of these companies are out for the money therefore you are never sure what you are TRULY being exposed to. NOTE: One thing I wanna point out about fragrances many people use air fresheners in their home and their cars and do not realize how toxic these are. I remember taking an Uber last year and having a headache for three days after I was exposed to an air freshener in a car.

Please please please take the above into serious consideration the next time you are shopping for haircare, skincare or even household products! But I also want you to be mindful that the cruelty free bunny is on the label of everything you purchase. This little bunny means that no beagle dogs, no mice and no monkeys have their eyes and bodies poked and prodded for your beauty products.

Remember, you get one body in this lifetime treat it like the temple it is and do not fill it with toxins chemicals and fragrances that disrupt your hormonal system and your livelihood.

Now is the time for you to get truly healthy and happy in your own skin!

Remember I only want the very best for you!

Cilantro kisses

Love you, Isn’t it time you love yourself

~ Andrea

Secret SOS Self-Care Routine

‪Daily Message ~ Peace is the recognition that everything that happens to you is actually happening for your highest good!


Once in a while I can fall into a routine of no routine. Although I LOVE spontinanty I recognise that not having a crystal clear routine does not work in my favor. Over the past few weeks I’ve been “extra” careful to nurture myself.

My top five tips on getting back to a routine

My every five day organic food haul!

* I load up on fresh fruit and vegetables. I never miss a good farmers market. If I’m super busy however… I’ll just hit the local organic grocery store.

* I take a detox epsom salt sage walnut bath every night. This is great for relaxing my sore muscles after a workout. It’s also a stellar way to ward off any negative juju from anyone who may be “jelly” of my transparency or light.

* I hit my yoga mat daily! Yoga is my moving meditation. Nothing relaxes me quicker than my practice.

* I get tucked in no later than 10pm! Even if I don’t fall asleep, I am always tucked in bed (or sometimes on me couch) by ten pm.

* 4:44 Prayer, Chanting and Meditation Although I only occasionally speak publicly about my spiritual practice, it is responsible for many things I value in life.

My peace of mind

My gratitude for everything I have

My connection with source and my ancestors

Remember, I only want the best for you.

Until tomorrow ~ Andrea

Enjoy my Secret Tips to raise your vibration at the start of each week in the video below!

Have Youthful Skin Without Plastic Surgery

Thank you for all the birthday wishes! I had a BEAUTIFUL day of self care!

I wanted to speak about being authentic about what we do to keep our youthful appearances. Tomorrow, I’m having micro needling RF done. This is actually my second session. The first time I had it done I videotaped it on my YouTube channel. Micro needling is not a form of plastic surgery it’s actually where thousands of little holes are poked in your face, then your blood is spun and has nutrients added and put back onto your face in cream form. This keeps my skin youthful but is certainly not my secret. My food however is!

Growing up I had cystic acne once I went vegan , the acne disappeared. I have been vegan 17 years now. When I went vegan in Ohio 17 years ago there were no juice bars. There were no raw food restaurants and when I said “raw food” people actually thought I meant sushi . Going vegan and getting rid of all chemicals is what changed the texture of my skin.

What I don’t like seeing is women who lie and try to sell products to create a youthful skin texture etc. who actually have plastic surgery done on their face. It’s like false advertising. People can see through that clear as day. The best advice I can give you on anti-aging is the following…

** Fast on a regular basis

** Go vegan NOT vegetarian but vegan

** Use organic products on your skin! No chemicals , parabens or sulfites on the hair

** Sweat!  I use my sauna daily! The skin is the largest organ of the body! It is a portal to detoxification.

** Against popular believe I actually feel we do need sunlight for vitamin D purposes and when used correctly it can be an anti-age or instead of an ager!

** DO NOT USE CHEMICAL SUNSCREENS Using zinc based sunscreen free of chemicals is the best route!

*** Ditch the perfumes and use essential oil’s! Perfumes are TOXIC!

*** Practice anti-stress coping mechanisms such as meditation and yoga

I hope all of these tips help you. You can incorporate all of this into your daily protocol. I have A TON of videos on AndreaCoxTV my health and detox YouTube channel that you may find useful on this subject:)



Natural Psoriasis Treatment

Hey Loves:)

You may remember my struggle I’ve encountered twice with psoriasis. For an entire year I was covered with head to toe sores. Not only was I carrying much stress, I was also eating healthy foods that I had no idea I was allergic to. Did you know blueberries and goji berries are actually nightshades? They are!

Here are a few of the steps I took to get my skin healthy again

1) I eliminated stress filled people and scenarios out of my life. I now know to turn away from any person, environment or situation isn’t sitting well with me. I know because my skin will itch.

2) I cleaned up my diet. Simply put…eating a primarily raw vegan gluten free diet simply isn’t enough.

3) I began soaking my body in a homemade epsom salt mix. I’ll be making this exact mix on Facebook live at 4:15 tonight! Join me here

I love you ~ Please love yourself:)


Sharing my secrets with you!

Imagine you at your very best!

You walk into a room and every head turns! Not because you have some low cut dress on or the latest tight fitting yoga pants. Not because you have a great new hair cut. Because you FEEL BEAUTIFUL!

I’ve shared with all of you simple food combining techniques and other tips to get weight off quickly. What I’ve NEVER shared with you (not even with my coaching clients up until this point) are my hidden secrets that have ASTOUNDING affects that get both the weight loss results you need and also the anti aging affects you desire!

Now (for a limited time) you can discover the special never revealed RESULTS I only share in my new two week “Intuitive wellness” program! I guarantee you will not find these time-tested secrets ANYWHERE else! You won’t even find them on any of my 600 videos!

This is your ticket to quick fast weight loss, beautiful skin and complete emotional balance over your food and your health.

Heres the great part about this program, if you don’t look and feel better at the end of the two weeks, I guarantee you a refund!

Now, if you LOVE your body, are happy with your weight and feel you are already on the anti aging ban wagon, just delete this E-mail and move along.

My intuition tells me this is not the case!

Starting today until Sunday at 6pm You can save money on this program! A whopping HALF OFF! Yes half!

As an added BONUS you will be automatically added to my private Facebook group where you will be able to have ANY health and beauty question answered for the next year!

Whether you have your class reunion coming up or you simply want to make your partner drop his jaw just like the first time he ever laid eyes on you, these secrets will change your body and skin health forever!

Again, you will not find these in ANY of my videos nor have I EVER shared them with any of my clients or even at my retreats up to this point!


Look, I know my coaching clients well! Especially the clients that are now coaching others! If you wait until Sunday, you will miss your chance. I want to see you feeling and looking your best! I want to see your self esteem go through the roof! I want to hear about your husbands jaw dropping!

Here today Gone on Sunday!

I need to mention to you one last time, you have until Sunday at 6pm to save half off on this program! All you need to do is send me an E-mail of your current weight, goal weight and any other health and aging problems you have.

We are going to fix your problems together!

I only want the very best for you! I want you to receive all the love you deserve! I want you to have the quality of life you deserve! Nothing makes me smile bigger than seeing you get the results you deserve!

Here is my private E-mail address or, simply respond to this E-mail!

Lets talk



I’m sorry to have to do this:(

I learned some pretty shocking news the other day. Due to my chart placement I’m going through my Saturn return. I was born during a weird series of an eclipse crossed with a weird astro conjunction thing so instead of hitting me twice, this crazy “life revamp” may hit me three times in my lifetime. Here is a short definition to what a Saturn return is below.

About every 27 to 29 years, Saturn returns to the sign it was in when you were born, a cycle called The Saturn Return. Understanding this cosmic rite of passage can help you advance into your next stage of adulthood. Now if you are born during some type of astrological upheaval (like I was) this even can hit you a third time approximately 8-11 years after the first. YAY! LUCKY ME! Or maybe not.

People refer to a Saturn return as a complete pile of life changes hitting all at once. For example, a divorce, a move, a new business and a marriage topped with a pregnancy. Thats a Saturn return.

 The last time my Saturn returned I was 29. I left a ten year relationship right before (and I mean right before) we were to marry. I got a brand new shiny car, found my furry husband “Louis”, moved into a STUNNING home and began three years of extensive travel. I ended my Saturn return cycle by moving across the Country knowing no one. Well, Louis was with me.

Others refer to Saturn returning as “God’s Harvest”. 

Well guess what, my Saturn return is here again. I have to admit, It’s kind of exciting! It’s like every emotion, situation and or person/place that has been holding me back has become a BREEZE to detach from. It’s crazy! I’m a Pisces on the cusp of Aries with a Scorpio moon and rising. This makes me EXTREMELY loyal to people, dedicated to my health and family and loving a stable home environment.

I feel as though I’ve taken a “no bullshit pill”. It’s like anything or anyone who doesn’t approach me in an open, authentic 100% legit, emotionally mature communicative manner gets tossed to the side like a contestant on “The Voice” who sings off key!

I see it

I smell it before it arrives…when it’s on it’s way and I red flag it like a Moscow soldier! 

Here’s the good side! 

Suddenly I want to travel travel travel, explore explore explore, move move move! I LOVE IT!

Ok this brings me to the sad part. I will no longer be answering your detox, health and beauty questions on Saturday’s. This makes me feel sad because when I began doing this 2 years ago so many of you have brought to my attention that this has helped you greatly! I just have a need for my weekends to be free and offline a bit more.

I also had a mega epiphany the other day while in a store. I was standing in line and heard a young teen talking to his dad about “needing” the latest cell phone. I run two YouTube channels and two businesses on an i-phone 6 plus that is cracked and has no sound without a headset. I shoot videos and tons of photos with no professional equipment! “Yea ~ I’m cheap” I thought to myself, then that Saturn placement kicked in and I was like “WOW Andrea, you give out SO MUCH FREE INFO”! Start charging a reasonable price for your knowledge for those who can’t attend a retreat or do coaching. I have hundreds of videos on my YouTube channel and do live videos three days per week on Facebook. I donate programs for free to people who have cancer all the time (and always will). It’s just too much however to give up my Saturday afternoon and there truly is a need to begin charging a bit more than i do.

So here is your last chance to get into the PRIVATE Facebook group and to jump on the 7 day Juicy cleanse for the next year! Here’s how it works. When you purchase the program found here, you are automatically entered into the group. I place private videos in the group weekly (we start this Wednesday). And the best part is, all of your detox health and beauty questions will always be answered by me in the group at any time for a year! 

So heres to my Cosmic right of passage working even harder for you and better for me!

As a final ~ I love you send off, I’ll be answering those questions a final time publicly today (yea-I know it’s a Monday, you’re at work and the new algorithm on FB sucks)! But if you do have a question you would like to ask, lets chat at 4:00 today LIVE! 

Here’s the link for the live cast on FB 

Hey you know the drill ~ I love you! Please love yourself and drink your green juice!


How to heal psoriasis!

Vegan 15 years

Gluten-free 10 years

Intermittent fasting 20 years

Raw 9 years

No soda pop 20  years

No alcohol other than/bio-dynamic wine 1 time 20 years

Sauna daily 10 years

Sun gazing 15 years

No TV 10 years

No use of microwave 20 years

No anabiotic’s 20 years

No pharmaceutical drugs 20 years

Aspirin – never

Vaccines – never

No eating of dead decomposing animals 15 years

No animal bi products 15 yearsNo dairy 20 years

No packaged processed foods 20 years

Although I’m completely grateful to be psoriasis free for one year, I must say, I was SHOCKED when diagnosed. Our skin is the largest organ of our body. It takes COPIOUS amounts of stress to show up in the form of psoriasis. And yes, after all of that clean living, a year of stress woke it up in me.

I can’t begin to explain how traumatic of an experience it was to be covered with psoriasis for a year. I remember thinking to myself “no way am I stressed out to the point of causing a head to toe skin rash that keeps me up at night”! Once I woke up to the fact that I was carrying FAR too much emotional stress, I made it my priority to balance myself and my emotional reactions to situations that were going on around me.

What I used to rid my body of psoriasis

Daily meditation 20 minutesI dove back into my yoga practice

Drinking thyme tea 🍵 to reduce food allergies {we become allergic to food when we eat during periods of stress! Even healthy foods}!

I began Intuitively eating! Only eating when I was truly hungry.

I sat in the sun for 20 minutes every other day with no toxic sunscreen {yes sunscreen is FULL of bullshit}!

I learned to recognize what was a major source of stress in my life. I stopped blaming myself.

I hope this helps any of you who have had to deal with this. PLEASE don’t listen to doctors who try to hand you steroid creams, pills and sob stories that this is hereditary. Doctors who say you will be stuck with this for life!

Today, I look at the scars on my arms and legs from nights I spent awake, alone itching as battle wounds of victory.

Have faith, it will get better and eventually be gone!

I love you ~ love yourself


Connect with me LIVE!

Ever here the expression “There are only so many hours in the day”? Well, it seems to be true! There are only so many hours in the day to

Keep ourselves healthy

Get our work done

Socialize with family and friends

Find times of worship and solitude

I value your support, positive energy, your business and YOU as an individual! I want to connect with you as much as possible! This is why I have ironed out a schedule of shooting Facebook live videos so we (you & I) can interact!

Here is the link! The schedule is below! Be sure to hit the “follow button” on my page along with the “see first” button in the drop down menu! YOU MATTER! Let’s connect! Please note that all times are Pacific Standard. 


Tasty Tuesday’s 6 pm

{Creating Healthy plant based, Gluten-Free detox dinners}!

Wednesday’s Wisdom at 3:30 pm

{Energy angel card weekly reading}

Transparent Thursday’s at 3:30 pm

{Spirituality & How to trust the process}

Solutions Saturday’s at 3pm every Saturday

{Ask your detox, health & beauty questions}!

My #1 Beauty Secret!

My Morning Tonic! It’s my #1 Beauty Secret!

Hi there:)

I don’t claim to be a beauty Queen. In fact, I struggled with a low self esteem for the first twenty-five years of my life. What I do know is that I FEEL better than I did ten years ago! I truly believe that much of this is due to my Beauty Elixir I drink every morning!


I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do! It’s truly delicious!

16 oz of Synergy Kombucha

1 2 inch slice of fresh aloe

1/4 tsp green leaf stevia

2-3 capsules of My smiling gut pro & pre biotic {found here}

2 heaping TB of The Raw Detox Formula {found here}

1 TB of Sexy & Raw Hair Skin & Nails Formula {found here}

Blend and enjoy the earthy & sweet taste of a drink ULTRA HIGH in vitamins, minerals & probiotics!

I’ve drank this every morning for three years now. I feel that I look & feel better than I did at twenty-five!


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