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Celebrity Detox ~ The Raw Vegan Spiritual Way!

The New Dimension 

We have entered into a new dimension as a collective. Each of us is ascending at a more rapid pace. This paradigm shift is vital for our spiritual growth and souls evolution! 
Now more than ever it is a must to establish a healthy routine. Saying NO to the addictions that have held you back will serve you well at this time. Allowing you to gracefully walk through this portal door with ease.
By saying “NO” to … 
unhealthy food choices 
excessive cell phone usage 
negative thinking 
the very connections that lower your vibration energetically, you will be rising to heights you never dreamed were possible! 
As my wisdom filled mother has always said “tomorrow is a new day”!
Today I hit the gym, yoga and got a colonic! I completed my day with a beautiful salad made from the vegetables cultivated in my garden.
The conscious decisions you make today will serve you as you step into the time machine of the future. 
It’s all about making positive daily choices! What will you choose today?
Andrea Cox Fitness

Andrea Cox Fitness


Last week I had a client fly in from out of state for her yearly detox. Her end results were nothing short of miraculous! It was like a peeling of an onion! To watch her glow up was so incredibly beautiful. By the end of the week she had lost a whopping 13 pounds. 

Although my business is not focused on weight loss, it is an incredibly tantalizing side effect that all my clients seem to achieve. 

For those of you asking about retreat availability … at this time I am only focused on my one on one clients. 

My clientele lately has been appearing as a replica of a little black book of who’s who in Hollywood. For the moment, I would like to keep it that way. My current high profile clientele seem to have a keen understanding of my desire to want to keep my personal life private. As this is the way they live their lives. That being said, if you would like to experience what I teach others {how to detox on a cellular level} you’re more than welcome to purchase any of my programs on my website. You may not get the one on one treatment but you will certainly get the results. 

Stocking up prior to my client coming in!

Trader Joe's haul

Trader Joe’s haul

Prior to my clients arrival I hit the farmers market, ran to Trader Joe’s and also pulled all fresh ripe fruits and vegetables from the garden. 

Here is my secret Trader Joe’s vegan haul list!

Organic lemons, limes, apples, oranges, dates, figs and any other in season ripe fruit.

Apple + Banana Fruit Bar
Apple + Coconut Fruit Bar
Apple + Strawberry Fruit Bar
Organic Mango Fruit Bar
Roasted Coconut Chips

A mix of organic kale and wild arugula ( I grow most greens myself).

Organic white rice
Almond Flour Chocolate Chip Cookie Baking Mix
Enchilada Sauce
Raw coconut palm sugar
Falafel Mix

Organic Lentil Vegetable Soup
Organic Split Pea Soup
Organic Yellow Lentil & Brown Rice Pasta
Taco Shells
Tuscan Italian Dressing
Vegan Chicken-less Seasoning Salt

Coconut & Almond Vanilla Creamer
Miyoko’s VeganButter
Non-Dairy Oat Beverage
Organic Creamy Cashew Cultured Yogurt 

Fresh cold press juices (I keep these on hand for myself while dealing with clientele)  

About that salad picture above!!! Quick and easy cheesy salad dressing!

Ingredients :

  • (1 cup) raw soaked cashews (soaked overnight in water)
  • 3 tbsp nutritional yeast flakes,
  • 1 tbsp white miso (fantastic for digestion)
  • 1 tsp garlic powder, or fresh minced garlic
  • 1 tsp onion powder, or fresh minced onion
  • 1/2 tsp mustard powder
  • 1/8 tsp ground nutmeg
  • kelp sprinkles to taste
  • (1 cup) dairy-free milk, (unsweetened)

Instructions : 

  1. Drain the cashews and discard the water they were soaked in.
  2. Add to a high-powered blender along with the rest of the ingredients and blend until smooth. Add more almond milk, if needed to create the desired consistency. I like it when it’s thick but runs off the spoon.
  3. Use straight away or add to a container and store in the fridge for up to 3 days.

Enjoy without shame or guilt! 

I love youPlease love yourself and drink your juice

Cilantro kisses ~ Andrea 

Raw Vegan Cheesy Sauce

Raw Vegan Cheesy Sauce


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