Andrea cox

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‪Who heals the healer … ‬‪

Who takes care of Gaia, mother of creativity, the earth & all ideas and seeds that grow… God and the universe do! 

Because the abundance that she gives, the wealth that she hands to the masses does not have a price tag and can never be bought. 

She… Gaia Mother Earth is always there to embrace and love us.. to hold and have us amongst every turn within every cycle of life. 

Steal from her bounty of color and creative riches and you will always falter, loosing in the end. Give to her with love, kindness and respect and you will rise faster and higher than you ever knew was possible. Oh but dirty her soil and leave her garden unwatered and your own fruit will fall to the ground and rot.

She is the earth mother 

the creator of all creators

She is the confusion of the mind that is so beautifully articulated from her lips and in the art that surrounds her and becomes her. Treat her well knowing that everything around you came from her see that she planted.

Hey Luv’s, lately I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching. I just feel that so much of what we are seeing on the news isn’t real. What people fail to see is we are in an election year. I can’t help but wonder how many of these events we are seeing on the media are staged. 

And YES… I know that racism is a very real thing! I would not want to be a black man getting pulled over in today’s society. But the truth is a lot of these events we see in the media are being staged with antagonistic players that strategically placed as part of a much larger agenda! 

And I am NOT going to give up on you! That you too will soon see through the BS!

Today, on Wednesday’s Wisdom I talked a little bit about what I’m seeing. Your thoughts are welcome. Click here for Wednesday’s Wisdom 

You’ll see in the video link above that I do share a few tips on how to continue to elevate your vibration during these trying times. 

  • Carry a small smooth selenite in your right pocket
  • Pick up a love tuner whistle that is tuned to 528 megahertz  
  • Stay hydrated
  • Keep your food limited to high vibrational raw living foods such as water filled fruits, vegetables, cold pressed juices and big girl salads! 
  • Get outside in nature daily! Nature heals! 
  • Ground yourself (bare feet) on the earth every morning. Try to do this in the sand or on un sprayed grass. 
  • Sleep next to a salt lamp
  • Speak your mind! Stuffed away hidden feelings turn into an acid filled body. This can lead to cancer and other degenerative diseases.
  • Stay woke by turning away from the news and mass media. Trade the news in for mother nature. Mother nature rejuvenates, the news will only create toxic thoughts that will manifest itself into illness. 

Copyright © Andrea Cox

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