Andrea cox

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The benefits of Friends and Sound!

My latest tools of healing are Colorful like my plant-based dishes! ~

I’m so very grateful for this beautiful set of bowls that my sister gifted me.

Many may consider sound healing as a form of new age wellness but sound healing is hardly a new form of therapy. The ancient Greeks used music to cure mental disorders and throughout history, sound has been used to help people work at a faster pace. Sound has a direct influence on brain waves and can boost the morale in any setting. I believe believe that sound can heal the body. As I’ve witnessed this in myself and with my clients. Just like listening your favorite song on the radio instantly uplifts your spirit, so does sound. These beautiful singing bowls of mine are
tuned to the seven chakras of the body.

Often when I’m on the phone with a client I will play the throat chakra bowl if they are having trouble speaking or expressing to their partner. I will play the heart chakra bowl if they are having trouble opening their heart or I will play all of the bowls if they are having trouble grounding themselves to tune into their body in order to release toxic weight and food addictions

Many intuitive healers like myself prefer to use instruments like tuning forks, singing bowls and our own voice. That’s because these
instruments carry a vibration that synchronizes brain waves to achieve profound states of relaxation, helping to restore the normal vibratory frequencies of the cells in our bodies

Over the years, sound healing has also been used to treat a number of conditions including anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, autism, and dementia.

Some of the benefits of sound therapy include but aren’t limited to…
* lower stress levels.
* fewer mood swings.
* lower blood pressure.
* lower cholesterol.
* improved sleep

I’m offering sound healing in my new manifesting members program along with readings about health and what we can do to earn a living while in this pandemic. It’s basically a portal of videos not found on either of my websites or YouTube channels. Join the members section and let me know your thoughts as I am always fully open to more and more video suggestions!

Every day we have a choice on how we choose to react to situations that appear in our life that may be unsettling.

This pandemic we are in is challenging to say the least. If you are struggling in any way… a practice I often use is to simply sit in the sun.

Sitting in the sun while feeling the sun’s rays on my face truly reminds me that we are in this world, not of this world.

There is a whole world outside of the Internet. Outside of these online personas we create. There is a huge land called nature full of green pastures and oceans… sandy Beaches and desert Lands. That world is called life! It is the land of the living the land where we were all made to be. The land in which we are free.

Last night I was reminded of this as my dear friend of nine years Tony drove from Laguna Beach and took me through a breath-work session. He sat with me as clarity came up and out through my voice. He sat as my throat chakra became blocked and then became clear again. He sat with me while I laughed out loud and released such nonsense that only he and I could comprehend.

He sat with me as I awakened to who is truly for me and who is against me. He sat with me as my belly rose and then fell back into my body. He sat with me as I woke to recognizing the antagonistic side of myself that brings more harm than good but that also should be preserved for times when I need protection. Something another spirit guide had recently spoke to me about. He sat with me as my laughter would burst watched as I got out of my head and entered back into my body. He sat with me as my breath became deeper and deeper and then, he gently said… “I think you’ve been in a place of needing to protect yourself for a very long time and I don’t think you want to have to defend and protect yourself any longer”. “Not online and not in life”. He would be right.

As I look back over the past few years at what has caused me not to interact with those who’ve I’ve wanted to be with it has been an ongoing series of SEO attacks and setbacks via building and constantly having my work stolen and torn down via cyber attacks. This caused me to isolate and work even more. Now that I see these attackers clearly, I see that I was letting them win. This is what attackers do. They want to slow you down, hold you back and drain your energy by causing more and more problems for you to fix. Learning to defend myself by installing the proper monitoring systems and reporting these people at a federal level is finally freeing me from not only the anxiety but the isolation. I realize now that no matter what happens, I’m ok. My life does not end on the computer screen. In fact, I should thank these fools for getting me to open my heart and live again. 

So if you know someone going through something similar. Whether it is anxiety over this lockdown or repeated online attacks like I’ve gone through, reach out and let them know you’ve got their back. Even if it is just by lending a listening ear. My friend held space for me but also let me know he was in my corner. We hugged seven or eight times that night and then he held space for me again.
I’m hoping his belly is full of the Raw Vegan food I fed him. I hope his heart is full of the gratitude I’m feeling.

I love you, please love yourself 

Cilantro Kisses ~ Andrea

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