Andrea cox

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A Healers Mission

Ever dealt with one of these?

As a healer, you can have other people in life (clients, past relationship partners and random acquaintances) who latch onto you. ‬

‪It’s like a toddler who smacks a baby in the face and feels they need to be picked up and coddled by you. It’s a person who gets joy out of poor behavior and then points their poor behavior as judgments towards you because you refuse to give them the nipple.

‪This type of behavioral disability in another is a pattern I have noticed appearing in my life for a bit too long. A pattern from distant relationship partners that I have not even thought about in years. A pattern from Acquaintances who were interested in me whom I had helped heal of their personal issues but had no interest in on a personal level.

A pattern with both men and women who felt an online connection with me because of what I did for a living and felt I somehow should be obligated to respond to every comment, private message and e-mail.

At times I felt as though I was the mother Theresa of Gaia. The healer of the ages. Some type of raw food relationship guru responsible for the entire worlds weight gain and break ups.

Over the past year I learned of a person who spent YEARS attempting to ruin my online standing with Google. This person actually linked thousands of my recipe videos to horrific pornographic sites. The thing is I’ve known this person hasn’t liked me for a very long time but I just allowed the situation to play out instead of ever taking a legal stance. This person has interfered with every relationship partner I’ve had over the past eight years. He’s sent random emails and messages to almost every friend, connection or partner I’ve had. He’s even tried to get me removed from a home I’ve lived in for 7 years.

But recently things took a turn. A new group of supporting loving people and one man in particular encouraged me to do more than take a legal stance. They encouraged me to fight back by growing bigger and better than ever before. They are teaching me to rise above.

It’s funny, how these synchronicity’s work. I’ve put on 15 pounds over the past four months intentionally with




My bff chiropractor Dave’s adjustments (he took this pic)

Daily juicing



Eating abundant raw living foods

All things I’ve done for over 20 years but this time this weight gain came with a mission attached. A mission to build my body and strength so that I could put an end to an unspoken war with a person that felt like every time I was beginning to fly I need to be pulled back down.

Today I’m asking for prayers. As I Illuminate and eliminate this stressful situation from my life completely by bringing a much needed end to this almost decade long chain of online bullying, hacking and abuse.

Maybe I’m an oddball but my heart fills with joy as I see others accomplishments. It actually fills me up. I can’t imagine why another human would want to pull anyone down.

I love you

Please Love yourself

Honor yourself

Stand up for yourself against marketing tech bullies

Remember, you’ve got this

Until tomorrow, Andrea

Andrea Cox, post pilates and chiropractic session.

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