Andrea cox

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Pure Positivity

Hey Loves:)

No matter what life throws your way…greet it with a healthy response.

I’ve learned a lot over the past six years of my life and one of the biggest lessons for me is to know that there is a reason for everything. God has a plan and we are all just players on his ball-field!

I took on a pretty confrontational stance in 2018 and I am just not in that place anymore. I do however now know the purpose of why I was so outspoken and harsh. It was to help other people who are going through similar situations. I see the growth in my clients. I feel their pain and I know they’re suffering and therefore they choose me to help them. Not a single one would have chose me to help them along their path if I hadn’t suffered in the same manner.

This past week has been pretty tough. I appreciate all the prayers that everyone sent for my family. I am choosing to embrace everything that happens in life with a positive outlook and a healthy mindset. I encourage all of you to do the same. Life is truly what we make of it please make healthy choices every day, learn to trust within your intuition and please don’t harbor resentments towards others. Know you are loved beyond what you may be seeing or feeling at this time. Sometimes God slows you down to hand you a baton so that you will take the wisdom you’ve learned thus far…and run with it!

Your biggest battle will always be your greatest strength!

YOU ARE LOVED💗 Life is a mystery…enjoy the journey.


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