Andrea cox

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Gratitude and health


Last night I had a call with a new client. About 30 minutes in his dogs began to bark and I heard the anxiety in his voice increase. He said his son was home and he may need to reschedule the call. I don’t know where it came from but I asked out of the blue “does your son have an addiction problem”? “Yes, to meth amphetamine” he said.

We were able to get through the entire hour long call without disruption. It was shocking to learn how limited people are in the United States in being able to get (afford) treatment for their children and loved ones. The cost of treatment. The fact that insurance companies are not covering certain aspects of treatment and how blatantly ignorant the government wants everyone to be when it comes to getting the right type of treatment. Treatment that focuses on body mind family support etc.

When I see someone going through so much suffering-watching their child suffer from addiction it hurts my heart deeply. Then, There are those who have decent lives who CHOOSE to focus on not settling quarrels with loved ones and who falsely thrive off minuscule family disputes during the holidays.

Please open your eyes to the beauty you have around you. Please awaken to how lucky you truly are. Please stop feeding the drama of that one in law who strives to make everyone else miserable.

Life is SO very short! People have real problems in the world. At this very moment I am sitting outside appreciating the sun beating against my face. That is life…this is appreciation. This is love!48380762_10213832601509906_3390972247509303296_o

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