Andrea cox

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I woke up!

I woke up today with desire in my belly

I woke up knowing how important it is to let go of anything that brings confusion or chaos into my BEAUTIFUL life

I woke up knowing how safe I feel in someone’s arms

I woke up to seeing that a true hero faces his fears

I woke up ready to trust

I woke up to the reminder that love is responsible

I woke up to realizing that love protects

I woke knowing that I’m ready

I woke up to knowing that any man who meets you at the most emotionally devastating time in your life and still finds the beauty in your heart is a man worth honoring with positivity and time

I woke up with a desire to travel

I woke up to the sweet reminder that time heals

I woke up to endless possibilities

I woke up, looked in the mirror and liked the woman looking back at me

I woke up knowing the “girl” I was a few months ago doesn’t hold a candle to the woman I am today!

Growing ~ learning & evolving in every area of life!


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