Andrea cox

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Why you need to cleanse BEFORE the Holidays!

I love celebrating the holidays, but no one wants to enter 2018 feeling like a larger, more stressed and older looking version of his or her self.

I am always shocked at how much my social calendar fills up in November and December. My cozy nights at home suddenly become full of parties 🎉 cocktails and appetizers! That’s why this season has me more committed than ever to release the weight for life!

But wait, there’s no point in cleansing before the holidays, right? I’m here to tell you that is a big fat WRONG! In fact, it’s A MUST that you cleanse PRIOR to the holidays!

Detoxing is the way to get you through the holidays without taking on excess toxins and destructive eating habits. It works in two ways:

It cleans your body of toxic residue that stimulates cravings. In layman’s terms your body won’t be signaling you to binge on poor food choices!
Your body will not have the same negative response if you do have an hors d’oeuvre or two! When you’re clean the repercussions of poor food choices are much more gentle on your body and your waistline!
I understand that you’ve tried other programs that have made false promises! I know you’re scared to commit to detoxing right now because you think you may be restricted. I’m here to reassure you that not only will you NOT be restricted! Not only will you be eating EVERY DAY other than the pre cleanse day I’m sharing below, you will also be FEELING and LOOKING YOUR ABSOLUTE BEST!

The below menu is the pre cleanse portion of my 7Day Juicy Cleanse found at the link below!

On this day you are free to have a HUGE salad with avocado at any time! Does that sound like deprivation?! It’s not! And this is the toughest day of the entire 7 Day Program!

Are you ready to put that dress on that’s been hanging in your closet for years? The one you thought you would never fit into again? Are you ok with loosing 2 dress sizes in just 7 days?

Join us here and be added to our private Facebook group immediately

I’ll see you soon!


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