Andrea cox

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Sharing something VERY private…


I remember the days of dieting down for fitness magazines:(

Avoiding foods such as

white rice


sweet potatoes


I remember how moody (bitchy) I was! I remember how although I had what everyone else perceived to be the perfect body, I felt sick all the time and my cellulite just wouldn’t budge:(

Yes, I remember those miserable days of my skin looking like a teenage boys back!

This photo was taken of me Friday night while eating a red velvet vegan cupcake at a place in downtown San Diego! It was a fabulous treat after eating THREE sushi rolls (also vegan) made with white rice! I was in heaven! So much so that I repeated the meal last night!

Do I look bloated to you?

Does my skin look broken out?

Of course not!

I HAVE THE FREEDOM TO EAT ALL THE FOODS I LOVE in the right combinations and maintain a cellulite free STUNNING body and face! sfelt2

I’m not boasting here folks, I’m being honest!

WE ALL HAVE A CHOICE! And, this is EXACTLY what I teach you at my Alkalize with Andrea detox retreats and through my Skype coaching (more on those tomorrow)!

Don’t be foolish, learn how to have the FREEDOM to END food obsessions, food thoughts, dieting and starving for good! Did I mention there is NO PORTION CONTROL in my method! NONE!

Until tomorrow my friend, remember, I only want the very best for you!

Be well & namaste


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