Andrea cox

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Let’s cut the bullshit!


Last week I shared in a live video that I had {for the first time ever} fired or “let go” of a client I was working with. This person was acting as an energy drainer and time sucker! I simply could not allow her to take from my life or my other clients lives.

The sad part of this equation was I had sank more time and energy into this person (double the time actually) than I ever had at any other client!

When it came time to bill her for the second half of her payment, I was met with drama and excuses. Here we had a person who I graciously discounted my program for and allowed her to split the payment into two portions yet, she didn’t value me enough to follow through.

On top of this, the drama was just too much! Instead of our sessions being calm, they were always full of drama that was occurring in this young ladies life. I began to become a part of her life (as I always do when I work one on one with my clients). When I noticed the drama in her life creeping into my sacred mind space during the day, I knew it was no longer a good fit!

Her drama (thank God) was unable to affect me. My boundaries with others are just too strong.

I learned a VERY VALUABLE LESSON in this! NEVER DISCOUNT YOUR SERVICES! This leads to someone not valuing you as a service provider!

Had I said “NO”, from the beginning when I was “worked” for a lesser amount as my fee, she would have known to have her second payment ready! Instead, she disrespected, me and herself by “accidentally over drawing her account”.

Instead of waiting around for her to come up with the second payment she had magically blown knowing about our agreement, I simply said “this isn’t a good fit”, goodbye!

Ya know what, it felt SO GOOD! Later that day I was blessed with a new client! This is how the Universe and God works!

Energetically I drew this girl to me to teach me the lesson of NEVER discounting my services again!


I hope you learn from my mistake. You are worth it, you are valuable and you deserve to be compensated fir the good honest work you do!


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