Andrea cox

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Want a sip?

Fresh OJ anyone?

I’m spending a few days at a place the “man-pan-ion” has downtown and I must say, I’m LOVING the urban vibe! I’m so inspired by this sun filled kitchen that I may just forget about the fact I’ve had no sleep the past two days and shoot some more live videos for my private VIP 7Day Juicy Cleanse group!

I just shared The 7Day Juicy cleanse grocery list with them this morning! I honesty think having a private group where people can ask me whatever they want about health, herbs, raw foods and detoxification is the BEST way to help people transition onto a healthier path!

Join us for the 7Day Juicy Cleanse here!


Cryotherapy & self care!

cryoI lost the battle with having my home tented for termites yesterday. So I did what every highly intelligent woman does! I first called the “man-pan-ion” who single-handedly packed up all of my belongings and moved them to a home he has downtown. Then, I took a self-care day💕

I began the day with a beautiful workout followed by a cold pressed juice that is excellent for the skin! I sat in the steam room sipping on my cold pressed juice while dry brushing. Then it was off to the nail salon! They turned out lovely.

I followed this with a trip to Nicole Miller boutique to treat myself to a pair of earrings and a necklace similar to jewelry that was stolen in last months robbery. My last stop was “chil-tonic” for an amazing cryotherapy session! I’ll definitely be doing cryotherapy weekly!

I ended the evening with a lovely dinner and a view of the city! Life is good

A live video that everyone loved! 

I decided to shoot a Facebook live video the other night on ways to prevent binge eating on the Holidays and my top tips on preventing cancer! WOW! It’s gotten some serious movement! Check it out here! Until tomorrow my friends! Love you!

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