Andrea cox

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From my bedroom…


I woke today from the most beautiful nights sleep thinking “How can I serve you better”?

As you know I recently released my seven Day Juicy cleanse program for the Holidays! We have almost 50 people who have joined! YAY! I also let you in on a personal goal of mine to coach a certain amount of people by years end! I’ve taken on two more people since sending you the email last week! I have room for ONE MORE PERSON!

Click HERE to check out my NEW 7Day Juicy cleanse!

Click HERE to E-mail me about one on one coaching!


When you’re trying to meditate & your doggies won’t stand for it!

Click HERE to “Like” this post and to follow me on Facebook!

You’ve always had the power deep within you my dear. You just had to learn it. live

This week is a big week for me as I speak at my first TED event! I was so humbled when I was reached out to and assigned a person to coach me through this endeavor! They say practice makes perfect so off we go!


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