Andrea cox

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I Dare You……

I dare you, to let love in! To exit your past and where you have been!

I dare you to love out loud! To shout from the rooftops in front of a crowd!

I dare you to live Authentically! Get rid of the programming. Stop acting selfishly.

I dare you to hold me tight. No games or bullshit as though its a God given right!

I dare you, to love like you mean it. Don’t scratch the surface or try to wing it.

I dare you to come ~ as you are! Raw authentic showing me your worst scars!

I dare you to mean ~ what you say. To not play games, be there night and day!

I dare you, to want me after my looks fade away! To still love me, when I’m old and gray!

I dare you to take your next big step! Stop living a lie and watch what you get!

I dare you to walk with me! Not just “you” but us as “we”!

I dare you to let go of the thoughts. The lies you tell yourself, and the cheap verbal shots.

I dare you to love only me. To pick me up when I’m sad and to never leave.

I dare you to pick up the pace! To end this war we play face to face.

I love you. This will always be. Let go of the lies, wake up and see.

Poetry by Andrea Cox ~
Body by plants😊
Glow by sunshine🌞
Photo by Chris M Gallo


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