Andrea cox

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For the good single women & every great man on this Earth~I love you!

In the midst of all my “love bliss”,  I’m feeling you single ladies out there this holiday season! I want you to know that the poem below, my words of wisdom and the Osho quote are all for you!

Let us choose wisely men who know how to love and nourish. Men who view touch as a necessity not a nuisance. Let us choose those who are wise beyond their years and know how to love wildly in the bedroom! Let them be slow not fast. Kind not cruel. Let us pick the men who are just as good to those who are inferior to them as they are to their superiors! Let us choose the ones who aren’t crass! Lets pick the guys with class! Find the man who is gentle with his words. The guy who wouldn’t dream of raising his voice & already knows he is heard. Pick the man who wants to know you inside and out! The guy who finds out what you’re all about!

My Love Glow

By Andrea L Cox

Have you seen me in love? I glow! I look like some type of cosmic rainbow!

When I’m in love I smile from ear to ear. After all I’m in love~with nothing to fear!

When I’m in love you best stand back! Grown men have heart attacks!

My glow so bright, my beam so strong! So beautiful my sweet love song!!!

Don’t get angry, jealous or sad. Because my love makes you mad.

Your love will find its way. Breaking you open on a sunny day!

If you see me walking & my smile is down. I’ve replaced it with a temporary frown.

I’ll be alright I’ll be Okay~ love will find me another day

beachy hair


“Man goes from one woman to another, goes on changing. People think he is a great lover; he is not a lover at all. He is avoiding, he is trying to avoid any deep involvement because with deep involvement problems have to be faced, and much pain has to be gone through. So one simply plays safe; one makes it a point never to go too deeply into somebody.

If you go too deep you may not be able to come back easily. And if you go deeply into somebody, somebody else will go deeply into you also; it is always proportionate. If I go very deep in you the only way is to allow you also to go that deep in me. It is a give and take, it is a sharing. Then one may get entangled too much, and it will be difficult to escape and the pain may be much. So people learn how to play safe: just let surfaces meet — hit-and-run love affairs. Before you are caught, run.

This is what is happening in the modern world. People have become so juvenile, so childish; they are losing all maturity.

Maturity comes only when you are ready to face the pain of your being; maturity comes only when you are ready to take the challenge. And there is no greater challenge than love.” ~ Osho

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