Andrea cox

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Five reasons to eat figs!

Ahhhh FIGS! Figs have long been touted upon as being the fruit that represents ABUNDANCE, FERTILITY & SWEETNESS! No wonder they are my favorite food out of EVERY food on the planet!

Look at this DIVINE plate of fresh figs! They are in season in the winter months here in California and I absolutely LOVE them! In fact, I’ve been known to consume them daily! The early Olympic athletes used figs as a training food! Fresh Figs were also presented as a prize to the winners, becoming the first Olympic “medal.” Just three large plump fresh figs contain only roughly 130 calories (if you follow me you know calories don’t matter anyway)! They also contain 5.5 grams of dietary fiber! That’s more fiber than one cup of oatmeal!

This was a pre~yoga late brunch meal for me today!!! For me, there is nothing quite like a plate of organic figs from my local farmer! This is one of my favorite fruits of the season! I love to sprinkle them with ginger cinnamon and a little bit of Celtic Sea salt for a late afternoon pre-dinner delight! Enjoy this delicious raw vegan scrumptious treat on an EMPTY stomach for optimal digestion!



1) Figs are FULL of vitamins & minerals including vitamins A, K and vitamin C!

2) They can be used a s a fat replacement in baked goods~without the fat!

3) They taste SO GOOD! If you’ve not tried figs I encourage you to do so! They are considered to be a “sweet” fruit! Much like a date~ they are like eating candy!

4) They are high in fiber and provide AMAZING digestive properties!

5) Figs are great for your ovaries ladies! Yep thats right! If you look closely at a fig when split open you will see they look a bit like the ovaries as well!

In Rome figs are considered to be restorative! They are believed to increase the strength & known to maintain the health of the elderly! Figs also are believed to make the elderly look younger with fewer wrinkles!

So lets be more like the Romans and eat a plethora of fresh figs while they are in season! If you’re like me, you’ll be find a way to sneak the dried whens during the summer too! Enjoy!

Andrea L Cox is the owner of & She is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy lifestyle and detoxification! Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications. She runs yoga juice cleanse retreats both in San Diego and Mexico! Her You Tube channel is approaching close to 2Million views. Her website for retreats is Her other programs may be found at

If you’ve not checked out my Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW me below!!! I would love to see you there!  





Have a beautiful Sunday & don’t forget to drink your juice!


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