Andrea cox

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Spiritual cleansing~ A seasonal detox of home and body I like to do!

Spiritual cleansing of the home and body~A seasonal detox I do:) 

White sage, a Svadhishthana candle to release “below the navel tension”, a smaller tea light candle for my meditation at Chopra and a gift to myself of my absolute FAVORITE non toxic eye cream for some puffiness. 

The sage will act as an energy clearer for my home. I will be praying as I smudge every door, window, hallway and room. The candle is to release sexual tention I’m feeling (having a strong sexual drive has always been an issue that has allowed my focus to not stay on point at times). The smaller candle I will burn every day during meditation. The eye cream….well, I deserve it:) 

Why do this? To release, let go, clear any negative energies, words or actions that have been in your space…to allow yourself the freedom of loving yourself so you may truly be honored and loved by another. 
Today I’m repeating the following mantra “I let go of the fantasy of what never was and open myself up to everything honest and true~I open myself to life, true love and happiness:)” 

Generally I like to soak in an epsom salt bath prior to the smudging of the home. I follow the smudging going into deep prayer. When I say prayer I don’t mean chanting a mantra! I mean reading Gods word directly from the bible.

I like to deal live foods only on a day when this experience is employed. One should always be mindful of needless munching and snacking. This is especially important on a day when you’re clearing space in your home and within your body!

Enjoy and email me your experience with photos! I love that!

♡~♡♡♡~♡♡♡~♡♡♡~♡  ‪#‎love‬  ‪#‎Ifeelsafe‬ ‪#‎raw‬ ‪#‎pretty‬ ‪#‎natural‬ ‪#‎heart‬‪#‎Whatvegansdo‬


In home detox!

In home detox!

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