Andrea cox

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The art of listening to your body!



Last night I had a “slight slip up”:( It wouldn’t be cool of me to not share it with all of you. My desire from this post is that you see that no one is perfect! Not even me. 
I had gone to sleep very late the night prior and had not stuck to my eating schedule over the weekend. Long story short…I didn’t tune into my body yesterday as a result.

I ate way too late and I wasn’t hungry when I did take in! Please allow this to be a lesson for you to never take in when the body is kicking ass and feeling great! Always stick to somewhat of a schedule with your eating so that you know your “hunger times”. The meal didn’t serve me what so ever! In fact it kept me up the entire night and feeling like poo today:( It’s green juice for this detox Queen until at least 2pm today!

Something else that was suggested to me by my loving man~pan~ion was to book a yoga class if 5pm rolls around and I’m simply NOT feeling dinner! What a fabulous idea! I would love to hear your solutions to your struggle when you “tune out” instead of tuning in! Let me know in the comments below.

Remember, I love you and only want the very best for you♡♡♡ Andrea

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