Andrea cox

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The answer to your problem!

Hi there! I hesitated to put this out there as I already wear many hats in the health industry. Raw food expert, celebrity chef, “the Queen of detox”…I honestly don’t need to add to the list:) That being said the results are in! About two months ago I began experimenting with essential oils! I can honestly say that I’m experiencing a deeper sense of “FEELING”! Not only am I detoxing on an emotional level but my skin and hair are soaking up the benefits of the oils I’ve chosen to use too! The biggest change has been the feeling of a much deeper detoxification. I’ve even dropped a few more pounds!

 I’m so in love with the oils that I began creating all my skin care products out of them!

During the entire month I am offering anyone who would like to have a Skype or phone consultation with me a FREE essential oil kit with over 11 oils and a diffuser! I’ll even share with you during our consultation how to use the oils while I dress your food, detox and weight issues!

Here is the link to purchase the consultation

click here


The value of the kit along with a consultation is way over $450! You are getting everything for $247! I just got so excited that I found something that works so well on so many different meant and physical ailments in the body that I had to share with you!


Check out my video I shot below!

Why I’m integrating essential oils into my clients protocols! 

Your missing link!


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