Andrea cox

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Raw vegan detox corn salad recipe! GMO-FREE!

My handsome man-pan-ions first course! Raw corn avocado heirloom tomato salad followed by twice baked sweet potatoes saturated with healthy fats! We ended the meal with decadent dark chocolate chunk vegan cookies♡♡♡ A meal fit for a King! A king he is♡

Thank you for the massage today at La Costa baby♡ I love you! 
#love  #organicfood #Whatveganseat #wholefoods #weeatsimply

1 avocado {cubed}

3-4 heads raw {corn shaved off cob}

2 heriloom tomatoes {chopped}

2 cups baby kale

juice of one lemon

one carrot shredded

1/4 Cup broccoli sprouts

A pinch of sea salt

1/2 tsp  black pepper corns

Mix all ingredients in a bowl, toss and top over the baby kale! This can be served alone, on top of baked sweet potatoes or  a side of black beans! Devour without shame or guilt!



Raw corn salad! NON GMO!For more great raw vegan recipes, videos and beauty tips sign up for your FREE Healthy Haven gift pack at Also check out Andrea’s detox retreats at

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