Andrea cox

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Five tips to shop healthy at the grocery store!

Have you ever felt completely lost along your health journey when shopping in a grocery store? Ever feel like you just want to throw in the towel with so many choices? Guess what…its okay! I’ve been there too! I’m here to play super woman for you and take the guess work out of your shopping trip!

Here are my top five tips on how to shop healthy!

1) Do you have to hit the store? Look folks now days there are a plethora of farmers markets out there! You really do have all the options you need at your local outdoor market! Go online and find one near you!

2) Shop the perimeter of the store! Yep! This age old tip still stands true! Stay away from the canned, packaged processed items in the center isles and you will be good to go!

3) YES! Buying local and organic is a must! With our government allowing Genetically modified foods in our stores to go unlabeled its important now more than ever to buy organic! When we buy organic and from local growers we can rest assured the food is not sprayed and has literally just come from the farm if it says “local”!

4) GO VEGAN! Want to really trim your waistline and your wallet? Go vegan! Meats and dairy often come from factory farms and are filled with hormones that are not fit for human consumption! When I first went vegan I dropped a whopping thirty pounds! Thats right! Vegan is where its at!

5) Measure out your sweet treats such as organic dark chocolate! These foods are perfectly healthy and completely allowed daily on my program! The trick is to limit them! Try measuring out 2-3oz baggies of organic dark chocolate like I did below!

I know you will put the tips you’ve learned above to good use! If you still are not getting the results you want its not to late to join our seven day juicy cleanse below! Here is the link >>>
Getting ready to get my shopping on at my favorite market!choc

On my way to the farmers market:)

On my way to the farmers market:)

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